Oxjam Glasgow profile picture

Oxjam Glasgow

Join the 2007 Oxjam team!

About Me

Thanks to everyone who made Oxjam 2007 such a hit! With your help, we raised over £12,600 in Glasgow, more than any other city in the country to the best of my knowledge. This year, Oxjam is coming a bit earlier, in April!!! Yes only 2 months away! All the proceeds go to Oxfam international, to help support its fantastic work across the world. So sign up now to get involved in what is sure to be one of the most exciting events of the year. We are asking musicians, promoters - in fact, everyone - to get together in April to make music, raise money and help end poverty. To get involved have a look at www.oxfam.org.uk/oxjam NOW!!!From classical to club night, folk, funk and punk - it all adds up to one huge, UK-wide, Oxjam festival - raising hundreds of thousands of pounds to fight poverty. Whether you sing, scratch or strum, you’ll be joining some of the biggest names in music in the Oxjam line-up.You don’t need a big venue - the beauty of Oxjam is that hundreds of small events make one huge party. And you make it happen.What will you do? Check out our blog for some cracking ideas, or the or the Oxjam website oxfam.org.uk/oxjam for more information. Alternatively, we can be contacted directly at [email protected]

My Interests

Thanks to Andy for the video, the second act is actually the wonderful mr gavin mcginty not frankie samba and his song is call just another year. everyone else are themselves!

I'd like to meet:

The best place to share ideas and resources is the Oxjam Glasgow group - so please join! You can access event organisers and other people who can help you put on your event.

Oxjam Glasgow
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So we already know that we have some amazing musical talent making up our Oxjam line-up, but we want the rest of the world to know it too! So we have teamed up with MTV to offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get your music shown on MTV. But with so many events to choose from, their cameras can’t possibly capture them all, so it’s over to you…Film your Oxjam gig and upload it onto MTV’s new interactive music site ‘ MTV Flux’ and you could have the chance to appear on their brand new talent initiative - ‘Get seen, Get Heard’, and if this wasn’t enough the most popular entries, as picked by MTV Flux viewers, will have their band profiled and filmed for broadcast by MTV in the new year!Ultimately MTV are hoping to find three or four amazing new acts who’ll seal their bid for fame by appearing on the bill of a big gig next April alongside some of the many major acts who are supporting Oxjam.I’m sure we don’t need to tell you what an amazing opportunity this is- a chance to play on the same bill as some of the biggest bands in the country and make a stand against poverty at the same time!The first thing you need to do is get your Oxjam event on the road - register here:OXJAM!And you'll need to register with those lovely people at MTV Flux too. Oxjam is not only helping to change lives with the money you raise but could also change yours through GET SEEN, GET HEARD WITH MTV AND OXJAM!


15th October! Oxfam


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My Blog

Oxjam a la Downtown

HelloThere is an excellent Oxjam gig happening this Sunday - A blurring of cultures and genres, this evening has it all from workshops on playing African instruments to folk performances. A Sunday in ...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Fri, 30 May 2008 06:36:00 PST

Thank you!!!!

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been involved with Oxjam events recently. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated!Remember Oxjam gigs can be held any time of the year s...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Thu, 15 May 2008 09:01:00 PST

May The Fourth Be With You!!!

Sunday 4th May - May the Fourth Be With You @ Bar Bia, 142 West Regent Street, Glasgow 2pm - midnight £3All day bank holiday weekend event with -Chris Flew, The Rudiments, The Lonesome Hearts, My Cous...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Sun, 04 May 2008 07:58:00 PST

Oxjam Tonight! And May The Fourth Be With You on Sunday!!!!

You will be spoiled for choice tonight with two fantastic Oxjam gigs to choose from! These are followed by a fantastic sounding day out on Sunday 4th May, May The Fourth Be With You!!! Check them out...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Fri, 02 May 2008 03:54:00 PST

Lots of Oxjam gigs for your pleasure!!!

HelloThere are a number of fantastic Oxjam gigs happening in the next week or so. There will be something to suit all tastes so be sure to go along to one or two and show your support for the UK's bi...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:01:00 PST

Oxjam @ Stereo TONIGHT!!!!

Oxfam Music Shop on Byres Road is hosting an Oxjam event featuring Say Dirty hereos ENDOR (Arresting, ethereal and blissfully evocative - The Skinny), PUNCH AND THE APOSTLES (I'd try and describe them...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:58:00 PST

Tagging for Oxjam - it’s not too late to get involved!!!

Are you a musician/band playing a gig in April?Are you a promotor putting on events in April?Do you work in a venue or pub hosting music events in April?Are you eager to get involved with Oxjam but do...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:21:00 PST

Oxjam kicks off today!!!!

Yay! We are now in the month of Oxjam!We have heaps of great gigs lined up which you can see details of on the Oxjam Glasgow myspace page or on the Oxjam website - www.oxfam.org.uk/oxjam These will b...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:24:00 PST

Oxjam in less than a week!!!!!

It is less than a week until Oxjam begins!Are you excited yet?Keep checking the page for gigs happening in Glasgow this April for Oxjam!! And then go to said gigs!Great nights for a great cause! Sho...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:02:00 PST

Oxjam Training

HelloThere is an Oxjam Training day next Saturday (15th) in Glasgow. If you are thinking of putting on an event for Oxjam in April it would be great if you came along. This is a great chance to find...
Posted by Oxjam Glasgow on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 07:04:00 PST