Art, sailing, travelling, bikes, mountain climbing to discover beautiful landscape and plant species... organic food, gardens and natural environments. Creating my own and discovering the worlds beauty. I love to recycle and learn to do it better, using material to make my art work and to inspirer I love to work with recycled glass in the kiln. I paint and do sculpture and work in my garden. I am looking for a bush land where I can spend the rest of my life, swimming, climbing trees, and watching birds, canoeing, climbing mountains, and creating environmental dwellings. There is so many things like seeing the smallest moon of Saturn as I am fascinated by the six sided domed forms on it etc...
I would like to meet people that are able to understand my passion for knowledge and my creative spirit.I know there are many of you out there that are inspired and like-minded as I am and want to spend the rest of your lives leaving the earth as a better place to live. I hope to get some interesting and creative ideas that are workable, not just dreams. Dreams are personal, meaningful and precious but dreams are for the future and of the past but now is forever! I look forward to meeting you. My thoughts are with you.Have a great life!
I love to listen to my childrens music.
I love playing music, congas nd inventing my own.
Blues, rock, heaps of classical and other cultures.
I like some rap, as I have written a rap but need the musicians to sing and play it here in Aussieland.
I have posted it on my blog.
My World Visitor Map!
'Oscker and Lucinda'
'Green-fried Tomatoes'
'My Life as a dog'
'Rich and Famous'
'Out of Africa'
David Attenbourough "Amazing World" series
Jaques Costou...underwater adventures.All cultural films..and films ablout the earth and the univers...
many , many more....................
Interesting movies on S.B.S...mjulticultural... . and A.B.C. Australia mostly and what my children and grandchildren are interested in.World nature events on what is really happening to our earth.Nature and docos...about our world and local Tasmanian and Australian environment.True events that are stimulating, informative and educational.
'The Womans Room' 'Denny King'and the south west of Tasmania... 'The Woman in the Mist' 'The One Straw Revolution" by Fukioko Matsubi 'The Death of a River Guide"...'The Kite Runner'...Kathy Freemond
Gandi......... John Lennon... Arlo Gutherie Fukioko Matsubi The Greens...... Liz! ..