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If you have it, you dont need it. If you need it, you dont have it. If you have it, you need more of it.If you had more of it, you dont need less of it. You need it to get it. And you certainly need it to get more of it. But if you dont already have it to begin with, you cant get any of it to get started which means, you really no idea how to get it the first place do you? You can share it, sure. You could even stockpile it if you like. But you cant fake it. Wanting it, needing it, wishing for it.The point is, if you've never had any of it, ever...people just seem to know... ..
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What Kind of Vampiress Are You? (females)
You are the Queen of the Vampires. Your aire of confidence misleads your victims into trusting you though they shouldn't. You aren't out to get everyone. Your victims are chosen by their strength, intelligence....anything that would contribute to your powers and greatness.
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You scored as Vampire Leader. You are a Vampire Leader, you care about your clan of childer, and others who look up to you.
Vampire Leader
Rogue Vampire
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Click Here to get this from!Thank you Denice for letting me throw this up. The true story behind the movie the 6th sense. Imagine it trying to live with it. Pay attention peeps, they CAN hurt you! If you or anyone you know is experiencing these types of things, please don't be afraid to tell someone. There is always help out there..