A warm Welcome to my page, Travelers and Wanderers. My real name is Audrey. I think I finally found my calling when I became a paranormal investigator. As a child, I’d sit and listen to the elders tell stories of the unexplainable that they’d encountered throughout their lives: sounds of music gently drifting from a nearby graveyard; footsteps pounding down a set of stairs; leaves slapping the body of a white entity, floating a few feet off the ground as it passes through a cornfield; a relative’s ability to make a table walk around the room. These are some of the things that have always intrigued me along with my own personal experiences. I have recently joined KCPR, Kansas City Paranormal Research, co-founded by Josh Roudebush, and am looking forward to doing many investigations with this fine bunch of investigators.
I am also a member of NightWatchers. Todd Sheets, host of NightWatch Paranormal Radio, created a group for people interested in the paranormal and joining in on investigations around the country. I somehow managed to capture a full body apparition while investigating The Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, Missouri. (Thanks to Todd for spotting it during a review of my video.) So far NightWatchers have been to Waverly Hills, Eastern State Pen, The Ashmore Estates, The Myrtles Plantation, The Stanley Hotel, Villisca, The Lemp Mansion, and St. Augustine Lighthouse. Rolling Hills Asylum, Lizzie Borden House, The Mason House Inn, and The USS Hornet, the return to Waverly and Eastern State are coming up. Also, the Halloween trip this year will be a return to the St. Augustine Lighthouse. From seasoned pros to newbies, everyone is welcome. These trips are extremely affordable, and investigations are totally do-able as group size is limited. NightWatchers is all about Unity in the Paranormal Field, so a positive attitude is a must. All you need to do to become a member is sign up for free at www.NightWatchers.info and I'll see ya there!
Why do dedicated paranormal investigators spend all their time and money to try and prove to whomever cares that the possibility of an afterlife exists? Because, for me, the bottom line is this: if I can help someone who’s having problems of the supernatural order, and can produce evidence to substantiate or disprove their claims, then maybe I’ve helped by just alleviating their fears and suspicions enough to give them some peace of mind. And in
the process, if I can be of some assistance to someone who is trapped on this plane in returning home, then as a paranormal investigator, I’ve done my job. That’s what it’s all about, folks. Helping people, living and non-living. Of course, the element of danger is always a possibility. Joining NightWatchers has certainly been an awesome experience, but when there’s evil afoot, we’ll have a back-up team of professionals on call who can
deal with these types of occurrences.
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