Music, movies, painting ,yoga, swimming(I'd perfer the ocean to a lake anyday, but I'll take what I can get :P ), fishing, paintball'in ( tooo much fun ), and poker.This a quote I believe just about everyone should live by...
" Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well perserved body, but rather to skid in sideways. Chardonnay in one hand, chocolate in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, " Whooooo what a ride!! " ."
~Unknown~...but I like him :) or her :P..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Myspace Survey...Tell All!
Name:: Geneva
Nicknames:: Ginny, Ginimia, Ola Gene
Birthplace:: Orlando, Florida
Current Location:: no mans land
Hair Color:: red
Eye Color:: blue when I'm happy, green when I'm not
Height:: 5'3" & 1/4
Weight:: 130lbs
Tatoos?:: nope
Piercings?:: ears
Overused Phrase:: online??...yeppers, in real time??..mfx 2026/s's
Bedtime:: anytime between 9pm to 5am
Best Physical Feature:: nose and buttocks some say eyes
Most Embarassing Moment:: I have a few
Most Missed Memory:: concerts as a teenager
First Thought When You Wake Up:: do I have too??
Weakness:: choco java
Best Friends:: someone I can tell almost anything?? Brent..but I still can't share everything with him...he would think I'm nuts :P
Goal For The Year:: move to Florida & make a million $'s
Greatest Fears:: no resolution/piranhas
--This Or That--
Pepsi or Coke...: coke
McDonalds or Burger King...: Mickey D's
Hot Tea or Ice Tea...: Iced when it's hot, hot when it's not
Chocolate or Vanilla...: chocolate
Water or Milk...: water
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: coffee!!
Hugs or Kisses...: both
Cats or Dogs...: both
Summer or Winter...: the season inbetween those two
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies...: scary movies :)
Love or Money...: love
Green Grapes or Purple Grapes...: have to have variety
Perferred Eye Color:: blue/green
Perferred Hair Color:: brunette/blonde
Short Hair or Long Hair...: either
Perferred Height:: 5'7" to 6'2"
Perferred Weight:: does'nt matter
Looks or Personality...: personality
Hot or Cute...: cute
Skinny...Muscular...or Fat...: skinny/muscular
Number:: 13
Food:: sushi
Type of Music:: alternative/rock
Candy:: I don't do candy
Color:: black & deep blue
Animal:: camel/wolf
Drink:: choco java
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:: eyes
Movie:: there are to many I love to pick just one
Past Time:: painting
--Have You Ever--
Drank?: of course
Smoked?: yes
Been Beaten Up?: yes...but she got hers
Bullied Someone?: no way
Skinny Dipped?: yeppers
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: yes
Toliet Papered Someones House?: a few :)
Played Poker W/ Money?: yes
Gone Swimming In A White T-Shirt?: no
Been Tickled So Bad That You Cried?: yes
Been Tickled So Bad That You Couldnt Talk?: yes
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: yes
Went Camping?: many times
Used The Restroom On A Tree?: next to a tree
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: I'm an only child
Had A Crush On Your Friend's Brother/Sister?: no
Walked In The Rain W/out An Umbrella?: yes
Danced In The Rain?: yes
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: a few times
Been On Stage?: yes
Worn Clothes Your Mom Didnt Approve Of?: no, I don't think so
Been To A Nude Beach?: yes
Cursed In Church?: yes
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone?: no
Burnt Yourself?: yes
Been Dumped?: yes
Dumped Someone?: yes
Been In Love?: twice
Been Hit On Someone To Old?: yeppers
Wanted To Be A Model?: no
Wanted To Be In The Olmpics?: is that the special kind of olympics??
Bought Lottery Tickets?: yes
Made Out In A Car?: yeah :P
Cried During A Movie?: yes
Wanted Something You Couldnt Have?: many times
Made Love On The Beach?: yes...and it's not like the movies...sand gets in the most uncomfortable places
Shoplifted?: paranoid :P
Seen Someone Shoplift?: yes
Hung Up On Someone?: yes
Yelled At Your Pet?: yes
Gotten Seasick?: nope
Tried To Strip When Drunk?: no
Bought A Thong Cuz The Casier Was Hot?: huh??
Stalked Someone?: elaborate on the term "stalked"
Had A Stalker?: yeah
Played A Prank On Someone And Scared Them?: yes...too much fun
Been Embarrassed By Someone In Your Family?: many times
Felt Bad About Eating Meat?: yes
Protested?: in a public arena??
Been To An Island?: yes...loved it too
Ate Cuz You Had Nothing Better To Do?: nope
Screamed In A Library?: a silent scream
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: no
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasnt Single?: no
Wished A Part Of You Was Different?: yes
Talked To A Complete Stranger?: of course
Been Sunburned So Bad You Blistered?: twice
Kicked A Guy In The Nuts?: once
Threw Up In School?: in pre-school
Recieved A Love Letter That Wasnt Signed?: yes
Wore Something You Hated?: yes...Mom bought me pink pants when I was 10...eww
Wore Something To Match Someone?: in choir and orchestra recitals
Been To A Luau?: yes
Cursed Infront Of Your Parents?: my Mom, Dad, yes
Been On TV?: not that I know of
Been Outta The Country?: yes
Been Honked At While Walking Down The Sidewalk?: a few times
Won A Pool Game?: yes
Went To A Party Where You Were The Only Sober One?: yes...and it was very amusing to watch
Went To School/ Work Drunk?: nope
Dieted?: yes
Had An Eating Disorder?: no
Cheated On Your Other?: no
Been Cheated On?: yes
Been Paid To Date Someone?: no
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: not that I know of
Tanned Topless?: yes
Been Strip Searched?: no
Been On A Plane?: many times
Been On A Cruise?: no :(
Been Pantsed In Public?: pantsed?..what's that??
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone?: yes
Broke Someone's Heart?: yes
Sung In The Shower?: yes
Bought Something Way To Expensive?: nope
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: many, many times
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: yes
Been Walked In On While Showering?: yes
Ran Out Of A Movie Theater Cuz You Got Scared?: no...but I was with someone who kinda freaked in a theater
Been Kicked Out Of A Mall/ Store?: nope
Been Kicked Out Of A GoCart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart?: no
Been In Detention?: yes
Feel Off A Roof?: that kind of sounds pornographic :P
Pretended You Were Scared So You Could Cuddle W/ Someone?: no
Been In A Wreck?: yes...a few
Wrecked So You Wouldnt Hit An Animal?: almost wrecked once
Made Yourself Puck So You Wouldnt Have To Go To School?: puck? do you mean puke??
Threatened Someone W/ A Water Gun?: my Mom
Been Shot?: with rocksalt & paintballs
Had A Water Gun War?: yes...too much fun
Been Arrested?: no
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: I have three regrets...but I learned from them
Country You Wanna Visit:: Netherlands(Amsterdam)for the art ;)~/Australia
Way You Wanna Die:: in a big bang/my sleep
Like Thunderstorms?: love them
Get Along W/ Your Parents?: my Mom
R U A Health Freak?: I try to be
U Think Ur Attractive?: I have my moments ;)
Do You Believe In Yourself?: yes I do
Wanna Get Married?: two years ago I would have said no
Wanna Go To College?: yes
Shower Daily?: yes, sometimes twice
Want Kids?: I have one, but sometimes I think I want more
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity?: been there done that
Do U Hate Anyone?: hate? no...dislike, yes
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: I have'nt tried
Do You Think You Can Sing?: sometimes
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater?: yes
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: no way
Can You Whistle?: yes
Can You Walk In High Heels?: yes, and it's not as easy as it looks :P
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: no
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods?: sometimes
Can You Multitask?: yes
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue?: no
Can You Fit In Your Locker?: I don't have a locker
Do You Spit?: no
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?: yes
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish?: for three more wishes
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?: patchouli and fragrances from Elizabeth Arden
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: Irish Spring with aloe
What's Your Favorite Scent?: jasmine
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: If I could have someone to share forever with
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some friends...old and new.
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MySpace Layouts
Beastie Boys, Beck, Blues Traveler, Bob Marley, Cause and Effect, Coldplay, the Cure, Dave Gahan, Dave Matthews Band, David Bowie, Days of the New, Depeche Mode, Disturbed, Elvis, Erasure, the Faint, the Flaming Lips, Foo Fighters, Gorillaz, Gwar, Iconcrash, Incubus, James Blunt, Johnny Cash ( Man in Black ), Korn, the Last Dance, LIVE, Martin Gore, Massive Attack, Meat Beat Manifesto, Morrissey, New Order, NIN, Nina Simone, Nirvana, Outkast, A Perfect Circle, Rage Against the Machine, Rammenstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Reverend Horton Heat, Rob Zombie, Smashing Pumpkins, the Smiths, Social Distortion, Stone Temple Pilots, Tonic, Tool, U2, the Verve, the Violet Burning, Ween, Ziggy name a few
the Devils Rejects, Fright Night, House of a 1000 Corpses, Labyrinth, Life of Bryan, Lost Boys, Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail, Night of the Comet and Pulp Fiction...I have many more but this gives you an idea :)
Angel, Antique Roadshow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!, Ghosthunters, Lost, Saturday Night Live, Six Feet Under, Smallville, Sopranos & Supernatural
In Memoriam to a most loved pet, she is missed...
adopt your own virtual pet!Anne McCaffery, Anne Rice, C.S. Lewis, Dean Koontz, and Stephen King.
my Mama &