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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Mona has the gifts of the Holy Spirit and of escorting others to the veil and communicating across it. She feels, however, that her BEST gift is the knowlege that Jesus Christ is her rock, her Lord and Savior, and, she wishes to make sure that she helps all she comes into contact with to be able to know the same. If you were to leave this life you KNOW in your heart of hearts where you would go? Wanna make sure? Just get in touch with Mona Mason..she will gladly help to lead you to the a personal and confidential way! Bring Mona your prayer requests today! May God Richly Bless You And Keep You!Miss Mona, along with doing live radio shows and readings also gives live Tarot Readings, Empathic and/or precognitive, and Angelic readings about your Love life, Health, Finances, Family! Cherokee and Irish by heritage...Mona was born with the ability to "see", but, on the day she died, April 19, 1995...she came back with special gifts from the Holy Spirit, claraudience and clarsenatience, the power of the Empath and the precog, and the ability to speak to angels
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My Interests

I love spending time with my husband, Gene and our Kids. I love the home we've made together through the grace and mercy of God. I love music, plays, books,cooking, all of the normal things a somewhat Libertarian yet conservative Christian woman in the here and now enjoys... .. a href=" 9uc2l0ZS5jb20v"

I'd like to meet:

I will meet way or another....given a choice though? Hugh Laurie (He reminds me of my I could just kinda stare at him and I'd be ok)....No one can take a stroll through the whole "Who Do You Want To Meet?" question without thinking of Michael J. Fox! that just me? I would also love to meet Paula, Bobby, and Jamie Deen and their family, I would also love to be able to meet and become really great friends with alot of the Food Network stars. I would love to meet Bono, Oprah, basically anyone that really is striving to make a positive difference on this planet, Our time IS short here you know? Why not live to the fullest?If I could LOOK like anyone it would be either Goldie Hawn, Demi Moore or Anna Nicole Smith...If I could steal someone's gifts and skills it would be Alicia Keys....must be nice to have gifts like these women have ya know?(All answers here are based on the assumption that you know that the number 1 choice of all time is Jesus...) ..


Alicia Keys, U2, Brad Paisley, Any worship & Praise music....I have done live radio shows for Nightwatch (With my buddy Todd )K103, WOOZ, KLAP, WMIX, WCIL, WBOW, WZZQ with D.T. Brown, J.J. King and Rick Cruise and most recently NIGHTWATCH with Todd Steele, and I can make YOUR ratings go through the roof!


Dickie Roberts Former Childhood Star, The Lost Boys, Any Kurt Russell or Goldie Hawn movie, The Lethal Weapon Series, The Pirates Of The Carrabean Series, any Michael J. Fox movie, any Tyler Perry Production, Any Robin Williams movies..."X-Men" Series, Rob Schnieder's stuff is good. Any Superman Movie because let's face it...he's just SOOOOOO much cooler than Batman I mean gimme a break. Also can't finish this out without adding Adam Sandler's body of work or the Rocky Series or the Star Wars Sagas...all 6 of them!


Paula's Party, Semi Homemade, Diners Drive In's and Dives, Xena, Saving Grace, Heroes, *blushes madly* Days Of Our Lives....(Yes...I watch my soap) Deal Or No Deal (I'm sorry, you just gotta love a shaved Howie Mandell) ..


The Jerusalam Bible, 6 Big Big Big Angels, anything written by Christine Feehan and Dara Joy


Jesus Of Nazareth, Michael J. Fox, Joni Erickson-Tada, My Son Kevin, my handsome husband Gene and our son, Yan, my neices Christy and Amanda who weren't afraid to jump head first into living their lives. My sister-in-Law Diana...Anyone out there making a POSITIVE, LOVING difference on the earth or with the people and animals on it...Everyone that out fulfilling the Great commission and remembering to pray for not only themselves but for other people as well and giving back some of the nurturing that they are given

My Blog

The Passion of the Christ--My Immortal,

Please Watch This video. It's an emotionally and visually stunning portrail of How Jesus's mother, Mary must have felt as she watched her oldest son's murder on the cross. Watch this, repent and ac...
Posted by Mona on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 11:26:00 PST

Some Quick Predictions

Hi Y’all!  I know it’s been a LOOOOOOONG time since I’ve posted anything, I’ve been a bit under the weather, but I’m better now and I have a few quick predictions th...
Posted by Mona on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:53:00 PST

Please Help Save My Son!

If you would, please take just a moment to click on this link:Please Help Save My Son!The life of a really great guy, my youngest son Yan, depends on it!...
Posted by Mona on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:36:00 PST

Be A Blessing....

Hi y'all.  It's becoming more and more apparent that we are living in the last days that are prophesied in the Bible.  I know that there are alot of you that believe that the Bible is nothin...
Posted by Mona on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 03:52:00 PST

Church Leader In China Beaten for His Knowlege Of Christ!

..>..>..>  Prominent House Church Leader Repeatedly Beaten by Police October 16, 2007 ..>..> ...
Posted by Mona on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 06:03:00 PST

A New Pledge Of Allegiance

I like this, this was given to my family from a good friend and I just thought I would pass it along...Since The Pledge Of Alliegence and The Lord's Prayer are not allowed in schools anymore, a kid in...
Posted by Mona on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 03:44:00 PST

A Sad In Day Our Nation! (A Repost)

Please Note that I, personaly, am not against EVERY one of the views posted here.  I DO, however, believe that the United States Of America (being the covenant nation that we are) should be prayi...
Posted by Mona on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 09:44:00 PST

The Loss Of Much Loved Friends

This last Monday afternoon, my old friend Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and their son, Daniel, were found dead in their home in Fayettesville GA.....This was certainly an unexpected and tragic event.&...
Posted by Mona on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:32:00 PST

My "Green" Blues!

My husband, son and I are making an effort to "Go Green".  Don't get me wrong...we're not turning our lives upside down and making any drastic changes or anything...just trying to do a few basic ...
Posted by Mona on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:24:00 PST

Jacksonville North Carolina!

My oldest son and I are going to see his best friend (kind of my adopted son) get married  Jacksville North Carolina from the 9th of this month till the 13th.  I'm looking for some really gr...
Posted by Mona on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:17:00 PST