Luke Buda profile picture

Luke Buda

Luke Buda - The Iron Eagle

About Me

"Like a bolt of neon orange lightning, Luke Buda emerges from the back of beyond riding a cosmic wave of synth romance. He pulled back the Iron Curtain in 1987, only to discover mince pies in the South Seas - now he dreams of a brighter tomorrow.Writes songs, sings, plays guitar and keys and dances a mean jig for Indie prog rock pop outfit The Phoenix Foundation. Based in Wellington, Aotearoa, TPF have thus far warmly offered the following: the China Cove EP (Lovely Horse 2001), and two LPs; Horsepower (Capital Recordings 2002) and Pegasus (FMR 2005).Desire and loneliness provided the inspiration for Buda's first solo project, a 'mini' album, humourously (yet earnestly) entitled 'The C-Sides', which was initially released by the artist himself in 2002 and subsequently re-released by Slow Boat Records. His first full-length solo album 'Special Surprise' was released by Arch Hill Recordings in 2006, and betrays the musician's current state (of domestic bliss-ish-ness) and political leanings (decidedly to the left)."Created with mySpace Profile Editor

My Interests


Member Since: 4/23/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Luke Buda (vox, guitar, keys), Craig Terris (drums, vox), Steve Gallagher (keys), Tim Prebble (bass).
Influences: The Beatles, Vangelis, Air, Led Zeppelin,The Smiths, Beck, The Clean, Black Sabbath, Pavement, Neil Young, Grandaddy, Goblin, Ennio Morricone, Angelo Badalamenti, Radiohead, Supergrass, Flaming Lips...
Record Label: Arch Hill Recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

HT to the muthafuckin' ML

How the hell do you fancy city folk get all crazy and change the backgrounds and fonts and shit?
Posted by Luke Buda on Wed, 10 May 2006 05:06:00 PST