"A Phonomancer is one who beileves music should be considered a "magical" force. It is someone who understands and manipulates this. "He [the Phonomancer] may spend much of their time making choice mix tapes to warp someone’s feelings in a way of their choosing."
"The inexpressible depth of music, so easy to understand and yet so inexplicable, is due to the fact that it reproduces all the emotions of our innermost being, but entirely without reality and remote from its pain... Music expresses only the quintessence of life and of its events, never these themselves." - Schopenhauer.
An Unstructured Explanation...
Right. Music Keeps Me Alive. That must be pretty obvious by now. When I say i'm addicted to music, I mean it, I'm seriously, chronically obsessed. When I was younger and had to watch the TV or a film with my parents, I'd pretend to pay a visit to the toilet so I could run into my bedroom and play a song i was craving... I spent many hours on that toilet, It's a wonder my parents never took me to a doctor...
I am a guitarist at heart, musician, songwriter. I like unusual chord patterns that progress to lower chords than one might expect. G and D are frightfully boring and over used chords which i try to avoid using at all costs, especially in succession. My band is my life. Ai Senshi is my soul, my guide, my saviour. Without music I fear I may have turned into an Easternders obsessed 20 stone mother.
I enjoy the journey more than the destination, I feel most at home on the move. The smell of deisel at a service station, the high-pitched squeal of engines and the penetrating rumble on a runway, the wind in your hair on top deck. This is Living. Truly.
I have a small circle of close and wonderful friends, the people that mean the world to me know exactly who they are. So thanks to all of you who keep me going!How people can appreciate music through mobile phone speakers is beyond me. Why people think that other people around them want to listen to their tinny SHITE phone music on the bus is beyond me. Why these people come and sit directly behind you on an empty bus is so far beyond me that I could scream....
Homer Simpson's wisest words: "Tattoos: they preserve the things you love!" STARLAND VOCAL BAND?!
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Art, Language, Love and Music are the most fascinating things humans have discovered and created. Ironically, I can't read music very well and when I write songs I have to write things down like "That chord with the drop D finger up 2 frets like the 7th sus type thing.." I have a book full of stuff like that, at least people can't nick my songs when i die...
I do not tolerate any form of sexism, racism, homophobia and a generally and ignorant attitude to the people around you and the world we live in. It's 2008, we've had enough time to realise that racism etc.. is just ridiculous.
Mr Chris. He's me man, and he's wondeful for putting up with my musical madness ...and general oddities. I Love Yer!
Music is a way of life, and i don't know many at all who can understand this, I have completely devoted my life to music, as music decided to devote itself to me... Ah couldnee ask for anything better...
...the headphones NEVER come off...
You'll Probably Find Me Listening To One Of The Following:
These are the the soundtracks to my life. Of course there are many more, but these have that certain something that are just beyond explanation...
The Band!
Ai Senshi♦Listen to us Here ♦