We are partners with The Scrap Exchange (a really cool creative re-use organization here in Durham). 548 Foster Street. Durham, NC.
"The Scrap Exchange - where you can unleash both your inner artist and environmental activist." - The News & Observer
Mission Statement:
Take creative music out of the traditional music venue and into public spaces where it may be enjoyed at no cost by a wider cross-section of the community.
Play to promote community events such as benefits or social justice actions that the group believes are worthy causes
Compose and perform only works that allow musicians at every level of experience (beginner to professional) to participate in the band
Collaborate with the artists/creative individuals/arts organizations to create multi-arts projects that allow for participation from artists of all disciplines.
"...and a performance by the Scene of the Crime Rovers, a sort of punk marching band" -Matthew E. Milliken, The Herald-Sun. April 6th, 2008. (Article)
Featured in the News and Observer 2008 edition of "Eight Great Local Acts". David Menconi. Jan 25, 2008
(Videos)"The colorful alternative group... performed a few of its sort-of-jazzy, non-harmonizing originals along the way."
-Ray Gronberg, The Herald-Sun. June 23, 2007
"an evolving Durham collective of out-minded people, musicians or not, as a marching band unlike anything you could have imagined"
- Grayson Currin, The Independent Weekly. December 6th, 2006. (Article)
Join Us!
Join the Band! All instruments and abilities are welcome!
Join the Color Guard! Flag spinning!
Practices happen Sunday nights in Durham.
myspace message or email "info at socrovers dot org" to be added to the practice mailing list.
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