BLOOD, SWEATS AND CHEERS: 10 YEARS OF RAHRAH RADICAL CHEERINGWe are compiling a zine like anthology that will include a range of styles and voices – personal, political, academic, and artistic. This book should be like radical cheerleading itself, where the initial idea (an anthology) is corrupted to create a tool for activism. Let’s start writing about our experiences as radical cheerleaders setting protest (and turned over cop cars) on fire!This is a guideline. Choose your own adventure…mix, match, or make up your own!
Pom Pom’s Not Bomb Bombs--------------------------------------
• Do we make an impact politically?
• Action brag book, or I can’t believe you got away with that!
• What was your favorite protest, and why?
• How does creative street theatre allow you to express your politics?
• How do the physical movements and choreography of radical cheerleading affect the way you participate in and feel about political action?You Too Can Be a Cheerleader! NO TRYOUTS!!!• Where/when did you first see radical cheerleading?
• What made you want to be a part of a radical cheerleading squad?
• How old were you when you first started cheering, and do you still cheer?
• How is radical cheerleading empowering?Sex, Gender, and Politics
• Pleated skirts and pom poms: Does radical cheerleading ever reproduce the politics or aesthetics it attempts to mock and reject?
• What were the gender politics of your squad?
• Is radical cheerleading for all genders/everybody?
• We’re Here. We’re Queer. Get Used To It!White Girls Gone Wild
• How are race and class accounted for in radical cheerleading?
• Why does radical cheerleading appeal to _____________ people?
• What did your squad look like and why?
Here Come the Cameras and the TV crew
• How do radical cheerleading (and performance activism) generate media attention?
• Does publicity help or hurt your message?
• Which stunts and antics worked, and which didn’t?DIY
• Pleated skirts and pom poms. Radical cheerleading and fashion.
• Queerleaders, jeerleaders, cuntleaders, raging grannies. How radical cheerleading is part of a larger movement of creative protest.
• Is radical cheerleading 3rd wave?
• Do you have a personal collection of radical cheerleading memorabilia? What does it look like?
• Did you ever write your own cheer or cheer ‘zine?Deadline is ongoing! Send your photos, artwork, personal stories, academic essays, manifestos, cheers, collages, sound files, and more to:
[email protected]
- or -
Francis Goldin Literary Agency
57 E. 11th Street, Suite 5B
New York, NY 10003
Attn: Radical CheerleadingVisit us at accepted contributors will receive a copy of the book and financial compensation. The editors – Brackin Firecracker, Cara Jennings, and Jeanne Vaccaro – are represented by the politically progressive Francis Goldin Literary Agency in New York City ( IT ON.
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