anti-imperialism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, being inappropriate, being loud, community, crotch-grabbing, disability activism, drag queens, fat activism, genderfuck, genderqueer, giant ass drum corps, give bush the finger, hot dykes, lick bush, performance art, pom-poms not bomb-bombs, pride, pro-choice, protest, queer activism, queer rights, queering the queer, radical cheerleading, radical feminism, ready-ok, red and black, riot don't diet, rioting, short skirts, stompy boots, transgender rights, women's rights.
Radical Cheerleaders and those who love them!
Le Tigre, L7, Seven Year Bitch, The Gits, anything that's got a beat and you can really dance to...
Bring It On, But I'm A Cheerleader, Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls in Love
Kill Yours
People's History of the United States, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State
Emma Goldman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Audre Lord, The Lickety Splits, Joan Jett, Angela Davis