LadyFest Cork is a community based, not-for-profit event. It is intended to celebrate and encourage the talents of women of all ages, colour, creed, background and sexuality, while highlighting the inequalities that sadly still exist in today’s world. The festival will feature bands, artists, filmmakers, workshops and more. The core organisers of LadyFest are women, but everyone is encouraged to attend and volunteer. Our aim is to create a positive, all-inclusive forum for discussion, performance and celebration!
Some History:The origins of Ladyfest developed from the DIY movement combined with inclusive feminist philosophy. Ladyfest drew inspiration from Riot Grrrl, an early 1990s grassroots movement also originating in Olympia, that put a feminist face on male-dominated punk rock culture. The first ever Ladyfest was conducted in Olympia, Washington in August, 2000 with over 2000 people attending. Ladyfests have now taken place in hundreds of cities and towns around the world.
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