Princess Donna profile picture

Princess Donna

boobie star

About Me

i like debauchery. a lot.face slapping, making out, drinking, fort building, fun.
i run a bdsm porn site check it out if you are over 18.

My Interests

feet, spit, face slapping, dirty girls, dirty sex, porn, hands, boom box parties in dolores park, spit n glitter, metropolitan bbq's, drinking beer from pitchers, orgies, butt sex, fisting, stories, playing high low and awkward, brunch, queers, queer politics

I'd like to meet:

i know who i don't want to meet


80's, new wave, morrissey, jackie greene, mr. cash, pj harvey, etc.


Pretty Woman, Freeway, Legally Blonde....


90210 (the Brenda years) and Arrested Development. How could they cancel it? Bastards


Margery Kemp, The Wind-up Bird Chronicles, Jerk, Sex Wars

My Blog

i feel it is my duty

to tell everyone about conditioner.recently I learned that using conditioner instead of shaving cream to shave your crotch will prevent you from getting razor burn.This is a miracle. SO, stop using sh...
Posted by Princess *Pedals* on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 08:57:00 PST

drinking with lorelei lee

is one of my favorite past times.
Posted by Princess *Pedals* on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:55:00 PST

what do you guys think?

This girl thinks I'm degrading all of myspace and I should take my pics down. What do you think?Sarah: I see that you're a real classy chick. You're definitely degrading all of MYSPACE with your tras...
Posted by Princess *Pedals* on Mon, 15 May 2006 09:53:00 PST

VOTE for Wiredpussy, Dana DeArmond, and Lorelei Lee

It is time for the annual Bishop Awards (awards for kinky models and producers).Wiredpussy is up for an award as Best S&M movie producer. Please go to and vote for it!!Lorelei Le...
Posted by Princess *Pedals* on Wed, 03 May 2006 11:59:00 PST

Me and Dana Fisting

Wanna see me and Dana Fist on a toilet?You can see it on The only site with an exclusive behind the scenes look into the world of kink!!
Posted by Princess *Pedals* on Mon, 01 May 2006 02:45:00 PST

Take a Tour

We have a new promo up on www.wiredpussy.comIF YOU ARE OVER 18Go to the site, click preview, view the trailer, let me know what you think. I hope you love it!
Posted by Princess *Pedals* on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 03:14:00 PST