mr.PAM profile picture


Wanna play Hide Timmy?

About Me

I shoot boys humping for work. Its the best work ever. Sex is fun... guys are hot... and I'm all about having a really good time. Even the worst day on the set: waiting hours for wood, covered in lube and ass juice, no food but beef jerky and old gatoraid, going on the 16th hour... is still better than sitting in a cubicle doing pie charts on Intel profits. yay! go porn!
I like rats and love my friends. I like ripping tags off hotel room towels. I like holding pigeons in other countries. I like having sex in public bathrooms. I like red walls and smiles from strangers. I like pushing people's sexual boundaries. I like freaks. I like celery too!

My Interests

shooting porn and rubbing my rats.

I'd like to meet:

creative pervs. Fun people who aren't afraid to be bisexual!


Anything that thumps... Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Pussycat Dolls, Snoop Dogg, Britney, Jodeci, Gwen Stefani, Slick Rick, Counting Crows, John Cougar... ok... and I luv Melissa Etheridge (she totally rocks!). And country is pretty cool too. (no experimental jazz...blah!)


BuckleRoos, eXposed, Dreams of Rafael, Big Rig, Splashdown, Soaked, Descent, Wet Palms, Sit n Spin, Crash Pad, Super Freak, LeatherBound, Fucked, Lust Resorts, Brawlers, Jason Adonis Live!, Caesar's HEAT, Beyond Perfect, Hard Studies, Behind Kink, ....Other than porn... Boogie Nights, People vs. Larry Flynt, Mean Girls, Road Trip, Tom Cruise (ok...yum!), Mommie Dearest, Tipping the Velvet, Party Monster, Vacation!


I luv to make tv. Watching TV is fun too. I love the graphics and editing on MTV, VH1 and E! channels. Viva la Bam, A simple Life (season 1 when they were funny together and Nicole was round), Girls Next Door, Married with Children, Sex in the City!


tech manuals on video production are my fav!


If you haven't snuggled with a hairless rat... you haven't lived!!!

My Blog

my first blog.

Hi, I'm mr. Pam and I'm a blog virgin. haha... thank gawd I'm still a 'virgin' at something! People always tell me that I live a very random "special" life and I should have a blog, or write a book....
Posted by mr.PAM on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 07:56:00 PST