Photos, the taking of them, the looking at them, even the being in them at times. Dancing, dancing, dancing, all sorts, swing me around the floor and you've got my full attention. Starting a burlesque troupe with some amazing people, really excited about it, come up and see us sometime! Kiss Que C'est! Traveling is my most favorite thing I don't get to do enough. Cooking, eating, that order. Flirting, with everyone. Books, books, books. Family day, with my friends and with my family. Speaking of family any one seen this monster yet?...Gentleman, I'm talking old fashion, ask you out, take you to dinner and dancing or a show, not affraid to show a girl he likes her, open the door, help you with your jacket and chair, drop you off at your door with a kiss, call the next day, kind of gentleman. Study up boys. Watch some old movies, ask your grandpa's. Know that I can do all that for myself, but wouldn't mind someone stepping up now and then.Inspiring, artistic and strong women...
Those who are as concerned as I am that beekeepers throughout the United States have been losing between 50 and 90 percent of their honeybees over the past six months. This could be disasterous! I'm serious here, I'm having anxiety over this.
BACK FAT!!! The newest most cutting edge shit you'll ever experience, and man is it an experience. If I can dance to it, I probably will like it. If I can't, it better be good. From Sinatra to Snoop and most things in between.
Trapped in the Closet, just see it.