remembering which way is up and when i forget making sure i fall right.
hanging on. loving people.
shooting the shit.
hoping that we can realize what we're for and not just what we're against.
being your photographic memory. benadryl. shoes on telephone wires. duct tape on high heels. the smell of fixer. the sound of a million pigeon wings.
trying to remind myself of what's right with the world.
turning pain into neon.
for photos:
Nathan Quarry and yer dad.
oh geezus there's so much good music:
DEAD MOON ♦♦ This Bike is a Pipe Bomb ♦ Hightower ♦ Lily Idalia ♦400 Blows ♦the Gits ♦ SHOTWELL ♦ 50 million♦ Elliot Smith ♦ 2Pac ♦This is My Fist ♦FUTURE ADULTS ♦misfits♦Wealthy Whore Entertainment ♦ defiance ohio ♦ the Judy Experience ♦Crass ♦ Allergic to Bullshit ♦ Black Rainbow ♦ (or any other Ivy and Erick project!) ♦ Connie Fucking Francis ♦DIDIMAO ♦ MS. SANCHA ♦Buck Owens♦Fuckwolf♦ Walken ♦ Black Flag & Sabbath ♦Motley Crue ♦ early 90s rap.
my love affair with the crue's home sweet home started when i was in middle school and was more recently rekindled thanks to the pops juke box.
just saw the movie the science of sleep. at first i didnt like it. then i fell in love.
i don't know when the last time i even plugged mine in was. and when i do, all i can watch is snow anyways. which is ok. i like snow better than tv.
Kat Case. Double Ears. JR. Eric Lyle. all awesome writers