Walter Crasshole profile picture

Walter Crasshole

Dude, the graffiti in the girl's bathroom sucks.

About Me

When I saw them there like that I started to get an erection and then Legs started barking and I went soft again. I killed my grandfather because he is a cheater who likes to tell war stories and I killed my grandmother because she is a passive-aggressive bitch who doesn't respect my privacy.

X changed my life. The Gits changed my life. CRASS changed my life. Period.

Nick Cave... dark and creepy. You're a bi-polar
genius, with equal passion for the most
degrading aspects of humanity, as well as the
beauty & wonder of God and Heaven.

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a Punk Boy Kiss! You met your cutie at that
concert last week... Instead of bringin home
some CDs and a shirt... you brought home him!
What kind of Hot Boy Kiss are you??
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

Boys, beers, boozes, bikes, and alliteration. Creating the perfect synchronized dance to a song that shouldn't be danced to. Sewing shit together and sewing mouths shut. Going to shows if i don't have to be stuck in Oakland all night to see them. DRINKING. watching a good foreign flick and finding something colorful. The Queer Theory. Being bratty and emo all in one. Beer and ice cream.

I'd like to meet:

...the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"

Viva Zapata! Muse, soul-singing, tear-jerking punk rock goddess - another shot of whiskey for you. R.I.P.


Sonic Youth, X, Public Image Ltd., the Go-Go's, Crass, Lydia Lunch, Crimpshrine, the Sex Pistols, the Birthday Party, Adam Ant, Nick Cave, Bikini Kill, the Ramones, Le Tigre, the Damned, the Epoxies, Black Cat Music, Dead Milkmen, the Slits, the Phantom Limbs, the Network, the Frisk, the Pretenders, Cleveland Bound Death Sentence, the Blank Fight, the Fleshies, Butthole Surfers, Psychedelic Furs, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Tom Waits, the Velvet Underground, Operation Ivy, Junior Senior, the Clash, Born Against, Blatz, Sleater-Kinney, Circle Jerks, Blondie, the Mummies, the B-52s, Joy Division, Adult., Naked Aggression, Public Enemy, Big Black, the Specials, Julie Ruin, the Fakes, MC5, Rob Zombie, the Criminals, 45 Grave, Bratmobile, Meet the Virus, Dead Kennedy's, MDC, Patti Smith, L7, Manic Hispanic, Devo, Elvis Costello, the Cramps, Christian Death, The Faint, Black Flag, the FM Knives, the Exploding Hearts, the Talking Heads, the Stooges, the Cars, Madonna, Babyland, Bottles and Skulls, the Knitters, Franz Ferdinand, Dresdon Dolls, the Pogues, the Sisters of Mercy, Echo & the Bunnymen, Nuclear Family, Team Plastique, the Gits, Gravy Train!!!!, Tribe 8, Essential Logic, Peaches, the Plasmatics, Ladytron, Team Dresch, The Raincoats, Unwound, Phillip Boa & the Voodooclub, Long Hind Legs, Tuxedomoon, Nico, Elliot Smith, Motley Crue, AC/DC


Anything by Richard Kern, Raspberry Reich, anything by Jörg Buttgereit, Donnie Darko (the Director's Cut), The Celebration, The Bad Seed, The Idiots, Mifune, The King is Alive, Ghost World, Napolean Dynamite, Deep Throat, Salo: the 120 Days of Sodom, Pink Flamingos, Corrupt (w/ John Lydon), The Kingdom (Danish TV series), Bruce LaBruce films, Suburbia, True Stories, Ginger Snaps Trilogy, anything by Peaches Christ, Party Monster, Christ - the Movie, Showgirls, X- the Unheard Music, Semi-Detached, Mean Girls, A Dirty Shame, really too many to mention cuz i work in a video store and i am truly a videophile


I fucking hate television more than anything. If you want to see the show, buy or rent the DVD. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, though, if you must know. Da Ali G Show. Oh, yeah, and Six Feet Under!


Anything by Aaron Cometbus, JT Leroy, Charles Bukowski, James St. James, George Orwell, Lydia Lunch, Stephen Elliot, Charles Romalotti, Bill Watterson... i always heart reading though, books are braincandy - especially when i start to get anti-social


My Blog

Skipping a beat

     It was slightly disappointing today staring at the brown brick along the walls of  the 24th Street BART station as I waited for a train to school.  It wasn't that I'...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Tue, 20 May 2008 01:16:00 PST

I just looked at...

    The Music App on MySpace on my page.  What the fuck?  Half of those songs I've never heard and half of them I fucking hate!  Whose iTunes are they pulling that off of...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Tue, 13 May 2008 12:10:00 PST

Sabotage and apologies...

    First of all, I want to apologize to everyone who felt jilted by the blog I wrote last night.  I went out and got completely smashed (y'know, one of those "how the hell did I g...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:33:00 PST

Lone strangers

    Here I am drinking wine and cruising online sites at nearly midnight and at the same time wondering why the hell I care to chase that digital dark bathroom stall.  At the momen...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:05:00 PST

"Im gay, yr straight" - whatever!

    Out of all the devices that's supposed to encourage some sort of "pride" out of sexuality (and I use that concept very loosely), none has actually made me more self-conscious of my ...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:09:00 PST

9th Floor Radio in July! Be there, ya little shit!

    So I’m posting this as a blog rather than a bulletin since it’s soooooooooo far away, but I’ll be DJing on 9th Floor Radio in July.      Tis go...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 01:46:00 PST

Selfish cunt - thats me.

    One thing in life that I've noticed is that I need space.  Like any good American I need room and a personal bubble and not a whole lot of interference with my daily affairs.&n...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:44:00 PST

Sick amusements

At first I thought this sickness thing was going to suck, but I merely had to turn to the news to find the greatest amusement I've had all day.  There's a little bit of guilt that runs through me...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:16:00 PST

Tattoo baby

    The itch has returned.  Out of nowhere I couldn't do anything but stare at my own skin and fantasize about what must be, all the while John Wayne's ugly face prattles on about ...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:44:00 PST

Have you noticed?

    Random surfing observation here, but some people can't keep the same people in their "top 8, 12, 16, 145" or whatever for more than a week! I'm not talking small moves, but serious ...
Posted by Walter Crasshole on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 02:15:00 PST