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"A relationship is a lot like a shark, you know," medd Woody Allen wrth Diane Keaton yn Annie Hall, "it has to constantly move forward or else it dies. And that's what we have on our hands, a dead shark." Addasu ychydig sydd ei angen, a digon posib fod Allen yn son am ddiwylliant y Gymru Gymraeg, diwylliant sydd, yn ddiweddar, wedi bod yn byw ar Dai Jones Bryn Fon overkill.
Mae'r cylchgrawn hwn yn ymgais i adlewyrchu pethau blaengar yn ein diwylliant cyfoes; barddoni a chanu, trefnu gigs, ffilmiau byrion, lluniau, llên, a'r gwaith o bwyso ar y rhai mewn grym i roi cydnabyddiaeth i'r diwylliant amgen hwn.
Yn syml, ein bwriad ni yw adlewyrchu pobl a phethau sy'n rhoi ychydig o ymdrech a bywyd in iaith an cenedl, yn troi i ffwrdd or prif ffrydiau ac yn creu pethau eu hunain am eu bod yn caru'r hyn maent yn ei wneud, ac nid am mai dyna yw eu swydd neu eu dyletswydd hyd yn oed.
"A relationship is a lot like a shark, you know," said Woody Allen to Diane Keaton in Annie Hall, "it has to constantly move forward or else it dies. And that's what we have on our hands, a dead shark." A relationship, yes - but if you think about it (a little too long) those words might just as easily apply to Wales' Welsh-Language culture, a culture that's scraped by, recently, on Dai Jones Bryn Fon overkill. (Thik old people and MOR.)So, 'Siarc Marw' means 'dead shark'. It's a fanzine to reflect what excites us about contemporary Welsh culture; poetry, music, gigs, short films, photography, or simply the process of making those in power sit up and pay attention to this exciting alternative culture. Basically, there are people out there making the effort; people who've turned away from the mainstream in order to do their own thing, simply because they want to and love to. Siarc Marw would like to meet those people.
O bryd i gilydd, mae Siarc Marw yn cynnal gigs dwyieithog yng Nghaerdydd, ond am y tro 'dy ni'n canolbwyntio ar Stafell Fyw :)
Siarc Marw *occasionally* put on bilinual gigs in Cardiff, but for the moment, we're concentrating on Stafell Fyw :)
Wedi bod/ Been and gone...
13.12.07 - Plant Duw/ Swci Boscawen/ Bob/ Yr Ods - CIB
4.10.07 - Y Diwygiad/ Plyci - CIB
6.7.07 - Fflur Dafydd a'r Barf/ Threatmantics/ Eitha Tal Ffranco - CIB
2.3.07 - Plant Duw/Iglw/Y Gwyddel - CIB
21.1.07 - 9bach/ The Gentle Good - CIB
3.11.06 - Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog/ David Mysterious - CIB
o.n. 'Dy ni hefyd yn trefnu digwyddiadau ffilm trwy Pictiwrs
p.s. We also put on film events through Pictiwrs