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Keep Salvia Legal

Keep Salvia Legal!

About Me

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This is a central information portal about the plant Salvia Divinorum. The aim of this page is to provide accurate information about the history, usage, safety, and legality of Salvia, and most of all, the goal of keeping it legal and shouting NO to the government for them telling us what we can and cannot do with our own minds!
Salvia Divinorum is a sprawling perennial herb which grows wild only in the Sierra Mazatec region of Mexico. It's leaves contain the extremely potent Salvinorin-A which if smoked or taken orally in high enough doses has extraordinary consciousness expanding/reality transcending properties. To quote Daniel Siebert, "It is NOT a recreational drug. It produces a profoundly introspective state of awareness that is useful for meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection. Its effects are unique and cannot be compared with the effects of other drugs. The effects of Salvia do not appeal to many people (young or old). The people who are most drawn to it are both mature and philosophically minded. Beware of inaccurate information. There are many unethical vendors who try to lure naive customers by portraying the effects of Salvia as more appealing than they are. The news media often sensationalizes stories about Salvia, exaggerating its effects, risks, and popularity. Much of what has appeared in the popular press is inaccurate and misleading. Salvia is not 'legal pot.' It is not 'legal acid.' It is not a substitute for any other drug. Before trying Salvia, it is important that you know about its effects, appropriate uses, and the potential risks associated with irresponsible use."

There are many ways of using Salvia from smoking or chewing the leaves to smoking potent extract to taking sublingual tincture. It's affects range from a mellow relaxed feeling to a full blown almost birth/death like feeling of physically merging into oneness to experiencing travels and magical journeys through space and time and seemingly different worlds and dimensions and encounters with other entities. Yet surprisingly it's effects generally last only 5 to 10 minutes, soon after which one feels completely back to "normal" yet left with a feeling that many describe as an "afterglow" or a very coherent, clear and pleasurable state of mind, almost like a full blown spiritual cleanse. Salvia has not shown any evidence of addition, and it is one of the only etheogens with a REVERSE tolerance. You cannot die from an overdose on Salvia, however it can cause physical impairment so one needs to use it with responsibility. It should be understood that Salvia is NOT a legal "high" or a party drug, and is an extraordinarily powerful shamanic tool that should be used with a lot of preparation, caution, respect and responsibility. You would be wise to learn as much as you possibly can about this plant and it's use before attempting to experience it.

My Interests

Salvia Divinorum, Psychadelics, conciousness exploration, Magic Mushrooms, meditation, reading, fighting for our freedom. Most of the artwork on this page is by Luke Brown and Alex Grey. Some of the other art posted on this page I unfortunately do not know who the artists are. As far as teh art used to make the following cube, it is by my friend KitChaos, an amazing psychedelic/visionary artist. His myspace profile is anyone know the artist of the above painting?Does anyone know the artist of the above painting?

I'd like to meet:

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Anyone who believes in the freedom and right to have legal access to plants that stimulate the unfoldment, expansion and evolution of human consciousness. Anyone who is open minded, compassionate, intelligent and cares enough about our freedom to fight to protect it. Specifically I am hoping to attract people that want to participate in the effort to keep it legal by joining a growing group of people that will band together to do what is necessary to stop the unfair illegalization of yet another natural psychoactive plant. We may need to take action such as forming organizations, signing petitions, calling congressmen in our states to protest as legislation is slowly being introduced state by state to ban it.

Also people who will share their positive experiences with Salvia and help enlighten and educate others on the proper and responsible use of it. It is the people taking it as a party drug that will bring the type of criticism that will get it banned. Other powerful psychedelics have already been made illegal and Salvia is the last powerful entheogen that is still legal in most states and we are going to have to take action if we want it to stay that way, and it will not be an easy fight. The powers that be DO NOT WANT the population to have legal access to any substances that have the effect of opening up people's minds and expanding our consciousness and awareness. Right now this most powerful psychedelic plant is legal in 47 states (was all 50) and we have a chance to take a stand and fight for our right to use plants such as Salvia that have been used Shamanically throughout human history. The government has no right to ban this plant from our use! Yet the powers that be have the wheels turning to ban it and are already starting to demonize Salvia in the media. There was already a 2 hour shamelessly unobjective special on CNN about Salvia with the clear intention of turning the public against it.

You don't see specials about the 100,000 PLUS people per year that die from CORRECTLY taking prescription drugs do you? Or hear discussions of the 109,000 alcohol related deaths last year ? NO, because alcohol and prescription drugs dumb people down, which is exactly what the powers behind the scenes want. The powers that be do not want us to have access to psychedelics because they OPEN OUR MINDS. The sad greedy old men in power want us to remain like sheep so they can force their ever increasing control over our lives, freedom, and choices. Well F*** THEM!! MySpace is powerful, our voices are powerful, but only if we use them. I welcome everyone on this page to e-mail us or comment us your positive experiences on Salvia, and especially anyone who is any kind of mental health professional or doctor, author, parent, etc. We need to fight back with evidence that this sacred plant that has been used Shamanically in Mexico for hundreds of years should not be made illegal!

If you dont think you can have any impact on keeping it legal, never forget the power of a lot of people doing a little bit. Check out the following quotes:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, its the only thing that ever does.

-Margaret Mead

There is no greater mistake in life than doing nothing because you thought you could only do a little.

-Edmond Burke

A lot of people doing nothing is - nothing. A lot of people doing a little is - a lot.

-Harvey Diamond

And finally, to those who do not understand the growing fascination with Salvia Divinorum or other consciousness exploration through the use of psychedelic plants:

Those who were dancing were thought to be quite in san e by those who could not hear the music.

-Lisa Monet

This page is just starting, so please check back for much more resources, information and insight on Salvia Divinorum!


Any good music with a positive vibration.


The Matrix. Compared to most people on the planet not being aware of the Illuminati and their agenda, most people really are living in a "Matrix" of a world far different from what is actually going on behind the vail of BS that is fed to us by the electronic media.


Criss Angel's Mind Freak


Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, Daniel Siebert, Shamans, David Icke, Credo Mutwa, Roberet Anton Wilson, Osho, Harvey Diamond, Mark Twain, and anyone who fights back against the dark forces on the planet that are trying to keep humanity down.

My Blog

We CANNOT let this happen!!!! Time to get off our asses and do something about this one!

Don't just read this and sign the petition. Read it, sign the petition, then CALL YOUR CONGRESS and senator representatives. After you sign the petition it will give you a place to put your zip code a...
Posted by Keep Salvia Legal on Tue, 02 May 2006 07:17:00 PST

Amazing collection of different people's experiences with Salvia

Go to this website and you will find a fantastic compilation of descriptions of people's salvia trips, and they are also categorized into different types of trips that people experiened. Some of them...
Posted by Keep Salvia Legal on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 08:29:00 PST

Case report by a PhD about Salvia having Antidepressant Effects

Antidepressant Effects of the Herb Salvia Divinorum: A Case ReportKarl R. Hanes, PhDJournal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2001;21:634-635 Editors:Case Report Ms. G is a 26-year-old woman with a hist...
Posted by Keep Salvia Legal on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 08:18:00 PST