slave †away
llll ↓ ooooo ↑ llll
your → life
[insert egotistical information here.]
Mi nombre es Allan.
My lifestyle is murder-free.
I usually don't enjoy life. I know things need to change, but sometimes it seems like I'm stuck in a room with no walls, and I don't know what to do with all this room.
I enjoy enlightenment, loud music, fractals, visions & visuals, Transdimensional Thinking TM , applied quantum physics and studying consciousness on the front lines, which requires jumping head first into the unknown (unknown to you, but not to others who understand what I'm implying).
I gravitate toward absolute truth - love, spirituality, light, peace, understanding, acceptance.
My computer is better than yours... I'm selling it and you should buy it .
"life is art. you are the creator. art is life." - Allan Zufall,
What I do. I am the founder of , an online shamanic, ethnobotanical, and medicinal herb shop where you can get Salvia divinorum, Kratom, Amanita muscaria mushrooms, Blue Lotus, etc.
At my site you will find plants that have been used throughout history to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health.
What is Salvia divinorum? (the following information is for informational/educational purposes only)...
I offer Salvia divinorum "not for human consumption", but ultimately it's your decision how you use it.
Please do not drive or operate any machinery, etc. when burning your Salvia. Always have someone with you so they can keep an eye on you.
"Salvia divinorum is a sprawling perennial herb which grows wild only in the Sierra Mazatec region of Mexico. It's leaves contain the extremely potent salvinorin-A. It has a history of use as a divinatory psychedelic for oral use and has been widely available since the mid 1990s primarily as a smoked herb. Its effects are considered unpleasant by many people." - Source:
Check out that link for more info on Salvia. You'll find everything you need to know about Salvia there.
Also, please read these two guides.
1) How to achieve effects from smoked Salvia divinorum.
2) The Salvia divinorum User's Guide
Medicinal Uses For Salvia Divinorum
1. Salvia Divinorum: Clinical and Research Potential
Here is a good article regarding the medicinal uses of Salvia Divinorum and it's use in treating depression.
Or use this link to access the html version of this article.
2. Antidepressant Effects of the Herb Salvia Divinorum: A Case Report
Case report by a PhD about Salvia having Antidepressant Effects
3. Daniel Siebert lettertocsa
4. Salvia Divinorum Medical Research
5. Survey on Salvia Divinorum Users
6. See: "Traditional Mazatec Medicinal Uses" in "Salvia divinorum Epling et Játiva-M. (Labiatae): An Ethnopharmacological Investigation"
"Sacred Weeds - Salvia Divinorum" is a good documentary on Salvia divinorum.
You can watch it online here:
And listen to this audio presentation about Salvia from Terence Mckenna here:
How To Order From
1. Choose what you want from the site.
2. Print out an order form here.
Note: You must be 18 or older to place an order.
3. Mail the order form and payment to the address on the order form.
Do you want to get some FREE Salvia divinorum?
I'm not here for you to follow, I am only here to show you the way.
Add my music myspace and backup page:
The Allan Zufall Experiment
Metal / Experimental / Psychedelic / Grindcore
looking forward to this Sunday...
eliminate fear, accept the freeflow of abundance and prosperity now.
enjoy quantum physics. access alternate realities that exist beyond the sense perceptions.
I write a lot and post a lot of bulletins sometimes. If that offends you, maybe you should be offended by your own offensiveness instead.
While you're busy figuring that one out...
"You don't know what you don't know. And when you think you know everything, you will, because you will be limiting yourself to knowing only what you know. And if you know what you don't know, you still wouldn't know everything." - Allan Zufall,
my articles & writings:
"Dimethyltryptamine (DMT): The Non-Toxic Schedule I Drug Found In Your Brain?"
"The Whole Issue of Legal & Illegal Plants Is Ridiculous"
"What Do Cigarette Lighters In Cars Have To Do With You? A Closer Look At The System, The Drug Industry, And The Corporate Machine That Owns You, And How You Can Break Free From The System And Live An Autonomous Life."
"Your Job Sucks. You Quit. The End."
Here's what's wrong with the world:
I have written over 300+ pages of lyrics over my lifetime. Here are some of them I had time to link to. You can find a lot of the others in my blog.
"Dreaming of Ecstasy"
"The Future"
"Attention Society: You're Not Free"
"Deprogramming and Rebuilding a Future of Nonviolence"
"You Think You Think"
"The Body: The Entrapment of Existence"
"All For Nothing"
"Another Life Ends Too Soon"
"Leaving Hope Behind"
"experience ego death"
"TV is my drug"
"Everything Exists From Nothing"
"The Future Is Freedom"
"Two By Two² Truth"
"seussI tsurT"
my quotes:
"Solar power is the key to infinite free energy." - Allan Zufall,
"The current system and societal structure has stripped us of our fundamental right of existing independently as an autonomous human being. We must question authority, end the war on plants and humanity; legalize and legitimatize all nature; educate about the medicinal benefits as well as the toxicology of plants; and recognize that nature holds the cure for all diseases, not man made toxic pharmaceutical drugs." - Allan Zufall,
my quotes - business:
"The success you have in life is equivalent to the effort and determination you put into what you're doing." - Allan Zufall,
"Opportunities don't create themselves, you have to create them." - Allan Zufall,
"Money is a game. Are you winning or working?" - Allan Zufall,
"Life is a game. The winners know how to play." - Allan Zufall,
"It takes determination and willingness to take action to succeed. And success is whatever you believe it is." - Allan Zufall,
"Whatever level of success you think you can achieve, you will... when you make the decision to take action." - Allan Zufall,
my quotes - health:
"Eating healthy starts with the next thing you put in your mouth." - Allan Zufall,
my quotes - truth:
contemplate the following thought vs. the corporate lifestyle / system:
most of my time is spent moving toward truth. the work I do in this area pays zero dollars. - Allan Zufall,
"Understand you know nothing. Then you can begin to understand everything." - Allan Zufall,
"The rabbit hole goes deeper than we could ever imagine." - Allan Zufall,
truth vs. absolute truth
"The difference between truth and absolute truth is: absolute truth exists definitively and independently of belief, whereas truth is believed to exist, and exists independently of absolute truth, unless the truth believed is absolute truth." - Allan Zufall,
"Truth lies buried beneath lies." - Allan Zufall,
"With the acceptance of absolute truth comes the disassociation of fear." - Allan Zufall,
StrictlyHerbal. Represent.
cancer related resources from my health bookmarks.
Top 3 Health/Cancer Documentaries + More Cancer Resources
cancer - Vitamin B17 + FDA Censorship Human Rights Violation
CANCER CURED - Herbal "Cures" for consideration
health - depression: "THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO BE CURED."
Cell Phones - What They Didn't Tell You
Colloidal Silver - "What is Colloidal Silver and why should you care?"
Psilocybin mushrooms, other etheogens and naturally occuring substances can be used to treat headaches.
Splenda/Sucralose/Aspartame Are TOXIC POISONS, Not Sweeteners
-> Cannabis
Rick Simpson - Cure Cancer With Cannabis / Hemp Oil
Did you know the US Federal Government has a Medical Marijuana program?
-> Hemp
The Market for Hemp Products +More Hemp Information
-> Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
"Dimethyltryptamine (DMT): The Non-Toxic Schedule I Drug Found In Your Brain?"
DMT, Dreams and Near Death Experiences (open the door)
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) MEGA POST - REPOST
DMT - ayahuasca - information, chemistry, how to make
-> mushrooms - psilocybin
The Online Psilocybin Mushrooms Field Guide: Magic Mushroom Strains
Massive List of Documentaries
AIDS - documentaries, links, info
Music, Satan's Best Tool
-> consciousness
Bronnikov /alternate vision + torsion fields + consciousness
-> drugs
Hard Drugs Are Legal & Millions Are Addicted
-> psychedelics
the purpose of psychedelics +integrating the psychedelic experience
-> psychokinesis / telekinesis
True psychokinesis. By Mr. Masuaki Kiyota
True psychokinesis (tested in a laboratory environment).
-> crop circles
Contemplating Crop Circles
-> documentaries you should watch
American Drug War
-> animals
Do you know The Truth about PIGS?
-> NWO
"The Secret Covenant"
-> off-the-grid living
Living Off-The-Grid: Find Water, Land, Generate Solar Power
-> quotes
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German philosopher
"The only people who ever advance science forward are the people who come from the edge, from the outside, usually amateurs, usually not institutional. The way scientific advance happens is though completely irrational bursts of brilliance. Then they create a scenario of careful research and cross-checked data and slow accumulation." - Terence McKenna
I just wanted to succeed. I just wanted to make a lot of money, because they said that's what life's all about. I guess I was lied to because I found out the truth. Life is a multiverse of infinite possibilities within infinite possibilities of multiverses to infinity. I guess they never want you to know about things like this, that's why they made psychedelics illegal, so you can't think for yourself, beyond your conditioned religious dogma and forced education. I think I almost found the way out, and it's only because I got lost along the way. I am a failure. I lose at life. I've lost almost everything, except my sanity. And I hate everything you love. It's great to be me. I think I almost found the way out. I think I almost found the way out. I think I almost found the way. I think I almost found the. I think I almost found. I think I almost. I think I. I think. I.
I gave up on your life,
so should you.
you don't "HAVE to work",
you only think you do. -AZ
here's the latest news: think for yourself
"The process begins by declaring legitimate what we have denied for so long. Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous." - Terence McKenna
documentary - Salvia divinorum - Sacred Weeds
Scientific study on Salvia divinorum (aka Diviner's Sage).
which cultural operating system are you currently running? is it flawed? are you ready to upgrade?
Terence McKenna talks about shamans
How The Media Controls Your Mind
the art of corporate mind control.
Global Warming Exposed In 10 Minutes
Success... How Bad Do You Want It?
The Psychology of Success: What You Believe, You Can Achieve
Mind Over Matter - Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Reality
information creates fractals
Consciousness Drives the Universe