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we win...or we parish. ~Napoleon Hill

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My area of research is in regards to feline diet and digestive physiology as well as history of domestication and how it applies to dietary adaptation in Felis catus.
In total, between my own pet cats and the ones Ive taken in/ re-homed as rescues, I have fed a total of over 95 cats and kittens a natural, raw diet. I have a cumulative of 7 years worth of experience, from feeding a partly prey and partly processed food diet to a completely prey (home bred quail, young home bred chickens, captive bred feeder rodents/ rabbits) and raw meaty bones diet (chicken neck bones and wings), which I currently feed. I have assisted numerous people in formulating a raw diet which is suited for their animals and their lifestyle.
Biology degree with an emphasis in Ag and animal husbandry related courses. I have worked in veterinary medicine and am currently completing my RVT certification. I was accepted into a veterinary medicine program, but due to unforeseen life changes, I am currently unable to begin vet school. Please consider that I am not a veterinarian, nor do I play on on TV. ;-) I will offer advice to the limit of my own knowledge and when in doubt of my own qualifications to address specific issues, I will refer to you a medical professional who is more suited.
For a good book about carnivore diet, I recommend "Raw Meaty Bones Promote Health," by Dr. Tom Lonsdale DVM
Here are Dr. Londales suggestions for feeding cats and dogs: http://www.rawmeatybones.com/diet/exp-diet-guide.pdf
Here is a partial list of veterinarians who are supportive of natural feeding:
Lisa A. Pierson, DVM [email protected]
Dr. Tom Lonsdale DVM [email protected]
Christine Barrett, DVM (530) 346-9460
Larry Bernstein, VMD, PcHom (305) 652-5372
Diana Bochenski, DVM (805) 688-2334
Stephen Blake, DVM (858) 566-3588
Larry Bruk, DVM (415) 381-0723
Stephanie Chalmers, DVM (707) 538-4643
Siri Dayton, DVM 415-694-0986
Jeff Feinman, DVM 203) 222-7979
Barbara Fishelson, DVM (707) 964-8020
Cecille O'Brien Greenleaf, VMD (650) 533-0074
Kirsten Williams, DVM BS 510-530-1373
Ella Bittel, DVM (805) 688-2707
Molly Rice DVM, CVA 650-355-2810
Jim Codington, DVM (415)897-8380
Cynthia Easton, DVM (650) 325-5671
Carol Jean Tillman, DVM (925) 938-8010
Anne Reed, DVM (510) 557-0640
Stanley Goldfarb, DVM, BA (415) 892-4077
Jack Long, DVM 707-887-2261
Signe Beebe, DVM CVA (916) 454-1825
Rachael Feigenbaum, VMD (650)359-6471
Katy Sommers, DVM (707) 462-8833
Jennifer Yamamoto, DVM (925) 934-8042
Shelby Riddle, DVM BA Dale Olm, DVM 707-745-1135
Pamela Bouchard, DVM Todd Czarnecki, DVM (415) 454-4994
Lisa Pesch, DVM Anne Reed, DVM (707) 823-1491
Sarah Green, DVM CVA (707) 822-8387
Walt McCall, DVM (408) 378-5190
Sara Skiwski, DVM 408-265-4503
Sue Buxton, DVM Nicole Canon, DVM (707) 823-3250
Margo Hogan, DVM (510) 656-1852
Jennifer Scarlett, DVM (415) 552-1969
Erin Campbell, DVM (408) 248-3844
http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/RawMeatyBones /
For more information on the recall and the effected foods which have been reported so far see the link below to Pet Connection. If your animal has been sick (vomiting, runny stool, weight loss, etc. in the last 6 months) and your food isnt on the list, dont assume that it is unneffected. There are new foods added constantly as the days go by. Keep any cans or bags of food, and DO NOT RETURN ANY, as you will need this as proof!
http://www.petconnection.com /
Have you or someone you know been effected by this recent pet food crisis?
Class Action Litigation Group
René L. Barge, Esq.
Katherine J. Odenbreit, Esq.
11111 Santa Monica Blvd., # 1000 • Los Angeles , California 90025
Telephone (310) 481-9851 • Facsimile (310)479-7051
Menu Foods and the pet food industry at large, who is guilty of allowing this to happen, need to be held accountable, as much as the law will possibly allow. The folks at the Pet Connection website linked above are also a great resource to have if you need advice. They can refer you to someone near you who can help.
More Information About Natural Feeding:
http://www.rawfed.com/myths /
http://www.rawmeatybones.com /
Support Groups for Practical Advice From Other Raw Feeders
http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawfeeding /
http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawcat /
Common Health Problems Associated With Kibble Feeding
Mike Dupoy Hawk Food
Mice, rats, chicks, quail- free ground delivery with some orders
Pet Icebox
Mice and rats, no minimum order and flat rate shipping of $28.
http://www.peticebox.com /
Screaming Pinky
Pinky mice and pinky rats
http://www.screamingpinky.com /
Frozen Rodent
Mice and rats
http://www.frozenrodent.com /
The Gourmet Rodent
Mice, rats, rabbits, chicks
http://www.gourmetrodent.com /
Cajun Mice
Mice and rats
http://www.cajunmice.com /
The Mouse Factory
Mice and rats
http://www.themousefactory.com /
Hare Today
Chicken(whole chicks and adults, whole pieces, organs, feet, ground,eggs), duck(ground), goat(bones, organs, ground), beef(bones, ground, organs,tripe, gullet), mutton (ground, organs, bones), pork(bones, organs, feet),rabbit(whole rabbits of assorted sizes, ground), turkey (ground), pheasant(ground), salmon (ground), various dehydrated meats
http://www.hare-today.com /
Big Apple Herpetological
Mice, rats, chicks, quail, rabbits- frozen and live
http://www.bigappleherp.com /
Lazy S Rodents
Mice, rats, gerbils, african soft furred rats- NO SHIPPING- located in FL
http://www.lazysrodents.com /
Rodent Pro
Mice, rats, guinae pigs, chicks, quail, rabbits- *HOT DEALS*
Mice on Ice
Mice and rats
http://www.miceonice.com /
Kingsnake.com Feeder Classifieds
Mice, rats, pigs, guinea pigs, chicks, quail, rabbits, insects (crickets, roaches, worms, etc, etc)
VenomousReptiles.org Feeder Classifieds
Mice, rats, pigs, guinae pigs, chicks, quail, rabbits, insects, etc
Apex Rodents
Mice and rats
http://www.ApexRodents.com /
Impact Reptiles
Mice and rats
http://www.impactreptiles.com /
LLL Reptiles
Mice, rats, lizards, crickets, roaches, worms, etc
http://lllreptile.com/store/catalog/feeders /
Frozen feeder pigs not much bigger than colossal rats. More of the pig is used for nutrients than rabbits or even rats. Pigs ranging from 2-6 lbs. VERY LARGE reliable source. Minimum order of 50 lbs. $1.50 per pound 50-150 lbs $1.25 per pound for 150-300 lbs $1.00 per pound for above 300 lbs Shipping is not included in the price. Shipping is pretty reasonable either via 2 day or Airlines.
Thanks Matthew
Easy start pre-made raw mixes and premeasured supplements for making your own raw blends.
Honest Kitchen Prowl http://www.thehonestkitchen.com/catfood.htm
Primal Pet Food http://www.primalpetfoods.com/feline.htm
Natures Variety Raw Instincts http://www.naturesvariety.com /
Aunt Jenni's Home Made http://www.auntjeni.com/index.html
Feline Future http://www.felinefuture.com /
Bravo Raw Diets http://www.bravorawdiet.com /
WlidLife Whole Prey Pet Foods http://www.wildlifepetfoods.com/what-is.asp
When feeding ground foods, meaty bones, such as chicken necks and wings, as well as fresh water should be given daily oral health!!!! It is best to simply avoid feeding ground foods at all.
Sprinkle one, 1000mg fish oil capsule and one, 100IU vitamin e oil capsule on food every day to supplement farmed(grain fed) meats which are deficient in these fatty acids and oils."
*cats! I love cats and aspire to be a feline veterinarian.
*I have my sights set on lofty goals and have no intentions on quitting.
*I enjoy travel and meeting people with both similar and differing interest and backgrounds.
*I have a keen awareness that not all is what it seems. Its ok to ask questions. Its not ok to take orders/ fulfill roles without knowing why.
*We create our own reality and are truly masters of our own destiny. There is universal consiousness, and we all contribute, whether we know it or not.
*UTD on vaccinations
*deflead and dewormed
*tested neg for heartworm
*socialized in a loving home environment
*working on basic obedience and crate training

My Interests

*animals and animal health (both bipedal and quadrapedal)

*goals of getting beyond emotional addiction/ achieving self mastery

*closeness with the "natural world" and environmental awareness


1. Junk food induced cruelty, ill health and suffering affects a majority of the world’s pets. Plentiful ‘scientific’ evidence, common experience and common sense confirm this fact.

2. Misuse of existing scientific paradigms and bogus administrative techniques produces a body of counterfeit science in the service of the junk pet-food industry. The current mass poisoning of pets starts with the first lie: That processed pet food is as good as or better than the natural alternative. So called researchers swallow the lie and then misuse existing scientific methods and compliant professional journals to perpetuate and bolster the lie.

3. Reliance on inadequate scientific paradigms facilitates the junk pet food fraud. The search for better options is discouraged. If the current methods of science can be hijacked with impunity then perhaps there’s something the matter with the so called science. Chapter 14 of Raw Meaty Bones postulates a new scientific paradigm that makes use of existing paradigms without falling victim to their inadequacies. Unfortunately the veterinary authorities have been successful in suppressing any consideration of new approaches.

4. Economic consequences can be measured in the $billions. The human health and natural environmental burdens are immense. The junk pet-food industry dark satanic mills churn out industrialized food full of dire consequences. In the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association letter below they claim their industry supports 8000 UK workers. The raw food industry is labour-intensive. Tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of jobs could be created by a move to more natural pet food. A full economic audit is well overdue.

5. Failure of democratic, administrative and legal systems - whether due to oversight, incompetence or corruption - facilitates the junk pet-food fraud.

Jack Spratt aided by the founder of Crufts Dog Show, Charles Cruft, started the junk pet-food industry in the 1860s and it’s been downhill since then. We’ve had endless political representatives, governments have come and gone and the legal profession has been ever present. Yet despite the moral and ethical problems associated with duping people into slowly poisoning their animals and the clear illegality of such cruel treatment, our politicians and lawyers have done little or nothing.

The future does not need to mimic the past. We can make changes. In the first instance may I suggest that you contact your elected representatives and tell them of the Five Facets of the Pet Food Fraud?


Useful links:





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Myself, and those whom I strive to emmulate. See heros section for further insight.


classical, pop, techno, etc.

From Hayden to Tool and lots of stuff inbtween.

Music Video: BEAUTIFUL (by Christina Aguilera)

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Tom Lonsdale Veterinary Surgeon
PO Box 6096
Phone: +61 2 4578-1389
Windsor Delivery Centre Fax: +61 2 4578-1384 NSW 2756
E-mail: [email protected] Australia
Web: www.rawmeatybones.com January 2006 ©
Diet guide for domestic dogs and cats
Dingoes and feral cats keep themselves healthy by eating whole carcasses of prey animals. Ideally we should feed our pets in the same manner. Until a dependable source of whole carcasses becomes available, pet owners need a satisfactory alternative. The following recommendations, based on raw meaty bones, have been adopted by thousands of pet owners with excellent results.
The diet is easy to follow and cheap, and pets enjoy it.
• Fresh water constantly available.
• Raw meaty bones (or carcasses if available) should form the bulk of the diet.
• Table scraps both cooked and raw (grate or liquidise vegetables, discard cooked bones).
Puppies and kittens
From about three weeks of age puppies and kittens start to take an interest in what their mother is eating. By six weeks of age they can eat chicken carcasses, rabbits and fish.
During the brief interval between three and six weeks of age it is advisable to provide minced chicken, chicken carcasses or similar for young animals (as well as access to larger pieces that encourage ripping and tearing). This is akin to the part-digested food regurgitated by wild carnivore mothers. Large litters will need more supplementary feeding than small litters. (The meat and bone should be minced together. Meat off the bone can be fed, but only for a short time, until the young animals can eat meat and bone together — usually about six weeks of age.)
Between four and six months of age puppies and kittens cut their permanent teeth and grow rapidly. At this time they need a plentiful supply of carcasses or raw meaty bones of suitable size.
Puppies and kittens tend not to overeat natural food. Food can be continuously available.
Natural foods suitable for pet carnivores Raw meaty bones
• Chicken and turkey carcasses, after the meat has been removed for human consumption, are suitable for dogs and cats.
• Poultry by-products include: heads, feet, necks and wings.
• Whole fish and fish heads.
• Goat, sheep, calf, deer and kangaroo carcasses can be sawn into large pieces of meat and bone.
• Other by-products include: pigs’ trotters, pigs’ heads, sheep heads, brisket, tail bones, rib bones. Whole carcasses
• Rats, mice, rabbits, fish, chickens, quail, hens. Offal
• Liver, lungs, trachea, hearts, omasums (stomach of ruminants), tripe.
Quality — Quantity — Frequency Healthy animals living and breeding in the wild depend on the correct quality of food in the right quantity at a correct frequency. They thereby gain an appropriate nutrient intake plus the correct amount of teeth cleaning — animals, unlike humans, ‘brush’ and ‘floss’ as they eat.
Low-fat game animals and fish and birds provide the best source of food for pet carnivores. If using meat from farm animals (cattle, sheep and pigs) avoid excessive fat, or bones that are too large to be eaten.
Dogs are more likely to break their teeth when eating large knuckle bones and bones sawn lengthwise than if eating meat and bone together.
Raw food for cats should always be fresh. Dogs can consume ‘ripe’ food and will sometimes bury bones for later consumption.
Establishing the quantity to feed pets is more an art than a science. Parents, when feeding a human family, manage this task without the aid of food consumption charts. You can achieve the same good results for your pet by paying attention to activity levels, appetite and body condition.
High activity and big appetite indicate a need for increased food, and vice versa.
Body condition depends on a number of factors. The overall body shape — is it athletic or rotund — and the lustre of the hair coat provide clues. Use your finger tips to assess the elasticity of the skin. Does it have an elastic feel and move readily over the muscles? Do the muscles feel well toned? And how much coverage of the ribs do you detect? This is the best place to check whether your pet is too thin or too fat. By comparing your own rib cage with that of your pet you can obtain a good idea of body condition — both your own and that of your pet.
An approximate food consumption guide, based on raw meaty bones, for the average pet cat or dog is 15 to 20 percent of body weight in one week or 2 to 3 percent per day. On that basis a 25 kilo dog requires up to five kilos of carcasses or raw meaty bones weekly. Cats weighing five kilos require about one kilo of chicken necks, fish, rabbit or similar each week. Table scraps should be fed as an extra component of the diet. Please note that these figures are only a guide and relate to adult pets in a domestic environment.
Pregnant or lactating females and growing puppies and kittens may need much more food than adult animals of similar body weight.
Wherever possible, feed the meat and bone ration in one large piece requiring much ripping, tearing and gnawing. This makes for contented pets with clean teeth.
Wild carnivores feed at irregular intervals. In a domestic setting regularity works best and accordingly I suggest that you feed adult dogs and cats once daily. If you live in a hot climate I recommend that you feed pets in the evening to avoid attracting flies.
I suggest that on one or two days each week your dog may be fasted — just like animals in the wild. On occasions you may run out of natural food. Don’t be tempted to buy artificial food, fast your dog and stock up with natural food the next day.
Puppies, cats, ferrets, sick or underweight dogs should not be fasted (unless on veterinary advice).
Table scraps
Wild carnivores eat small amounts of omnivore food, part-digested in liquid form, when they eat the intestines of their prey. Our table scraps, and some fruit and vegetable peelings, are omnivore food which has not been ingested. Providing scraps do not form too great a proportion of the diet they appear to do no harm and may do some good. I advise an upper limit of one-third scraps for dogs and rather less for cats. Liquidising scraps, both cooked and raw, in the kitchen mixer may help to increase their digestibility.
Things to avoid
•Excessive meat off the bone — not balanced.
•Excessive vegetables — not balanced.
•Small pieces of bone — can be swallowed whole and get stuck.
•Cooked bones — get stuck.
•Mineral and vitamin additives — create imbalance.
•Processed food — leads to dental and other diseases.
•Excessive starchy food — associated with bloat.
•Onions, garlic and chocolate — toxic to pets. •Grapes, raisins, sultanas, currants — toxic to pets.
•Fruit stones (pits) and corn cobs — get stuck.
•Milk — associated with diarrhoea. Animals drink it whether thirsty or not and consequently get fat. Milk sludge sticks to teeth and gums.
Take care
• Old dogs and cats addicted to a processed diet may experience initial difficulty when changed on to a natural diet.
• Pets with misshapen jaws and dental disease may experience difficulties with a natural diet.
• Create variety. Any nutrients fed to excess can be harmful.
• Liver is an excellent foodstuff but should not be fed more than once weekly.
• Other offal, e.g. ox stomachs, should not exceed 50 percent of the diet.
• Whole fish are an excellent source of food for carnivores, but avoid feeding one species of fish constantly. Some species, e.g. carp, contain an enzyme which destroys thiamine (vitamin B1).
• There are no prizes for the fattest dog on the block, nor for the fastest. Feed pets for a lifetime of health. Prevention is better than cure.
Miscellaneous tips
Domestic dogs and cats are carnivores. Feeding them the appropriate carnivore diet represents the single most important contribution to their welfare.
Establish early contact with a dependable supplier of foodstuffs for pet carnivores.
Buy food in bulk in order to avoid shortages.
Package the daily rations separately for ease of feeding.
Refrigerated storage space, preferably a freezer, is essential.
Raw meaty bones can be fed frozen just like ice cream. Some pets eat the frozen article; others wait for it to thaw. Small carcasses, for example rats, mice and small birds, can be fed frozen and complete with entrails. Larger carcasses should have the entrails removed before freezing.
Take care that pets do not fight over their food.
Protect children by ensuring that they do not disturb feeding pets.
Feeding bowls are unnecessary — the food will be dragged across the floor — so feed pets outside by preference, or on an easily cleaned floor.
Ferrets are small carnivores which can be fed in the same way as cats.
For an expanded description of dietary requirements, including the potential hazards, please consult the books Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health and Work Wonders: Feed your dog raw meaty bones.
Further information, links and RMB Newsletters: http://www.rawmeatybones.com
IMPORTANT: Note that individual animals and circumstances may vary. You may need to discuss your pet’s needs with your veterinarian. This diet guide may be freely copied and circulated.


ANGELINA JOLIE! The one woman whom I admire with all of my heart.
"... And the Truth Shall Set You Free"
David Icke
"No law should be more harmful to the individual or society than the behavior that it's attempting to regulate."
~Ed Rosenthal
"My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment."
~Oprah Winfrey
"May the wind always be at your back, and the sun upon your face, and the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."
~George Jung
"It's the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective? You are probably only one step away from greatness."
~Bob Proctor
"What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability."
~Anthony Robbins
"Always looking to the future."
~Allan Marsh
"Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference." ~Jane Goodall
"Remeber, success is a journey, not a destination. Have faith in your ability."
~Bruce Lee

My Blog

Ron Paul... could he be Americas last hope?

If youre 18 or older and a US citizen, you should know who Ron Paul is, as your LIBERTY may depend on it... This was posted on Dr. Mercola's website this morning!--------------------------------------...
Posted by michelle on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 05:17:00 PST

PETA... love em, hate em... ??

I have enough of my own animal rescue efforts to attend to as is. I am currently in the process of opening a public animal shelter for del norte county. Ill need close to $500,000 in the next 4 months...
Posted by michelle on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:26:00 PST