Life is not a straight line, it is a tangent from someplace to somewhere; I am now discovering you can change your somewhere!
My main interest right now is in my general happiness, and fixing myself, which includes Photography, Music, good wines and if I've been a good boy, all 3 at the same time! Photoshop, computers, arts, movies, comedy and just plain people watching. I also love playing poker, it has such a tight rule structure, a perfect universe, a perfect place to be alone in a crowd. For me right now there is nothing better than some good music, good wine, good food, and interesting people to talk to and get to know. I love the fragrance of nice purfumes my current favorite is Boucheron a lovely spice scent. Anyway its like a drug and makes my eyes glaze a bit.
Photography in clubs shooting without flash... I never have enough light to freeze motion, I get "soft" shots so I manipulate them even softer and turn them into art images. In selecting photo's to change to images I look for shots that give feeling and spirit to what I felt at the performance.I try not to just freeze time for a shot but give my viewer an insight into my relationship with the artist at that moment in time, the organic connection to the music as I felt and saw it.I hope you enjoy some of my photography and digital art images. Lastly people watching, lets face it you and people like can be fun and interesting to watch.
Passionate optimists and people of similar interests and passions. Creators not just consumers. Tellers of the universal truth. Recovered maniacs. Manic Depressives on their manic swing only. Quiet people, complete people. FUN PEOPLE WHO LAUGH OUT LOUD! People who love to go to live music outside of a stadium setting and lovers of comedy clubs. People who actually have fun shopping in the supermarket and like watching people thump the melons.
Lastly anybody that can teach me to buy a Pepperidge Farm bread; I can't figure out the whole grain thing, 7,9,12,15,oat, nut, etc. I almost had a breakdown making a choice! Long ago we use to have only 2 choices Wonder or NOT Wonder. DAMN, I sound like Andy Rooney! (update; I now like the 12 grain for its toasting texture.)
I'm not interested in collecting pages of "friends" like trading stamps. I have denied flocks of people selling stuff, selling their butt, or just friend crazy, one denial was for a "bathing suit model" who lists her occupation as a MUSE (no explanation was given). You just don't meet enough muses in life do you? Do I need a muse, what does one do with a muse, a rather whimsical thought?
You will only make my friends list if you are really my friend... want to be a real friend... you are demonstrably funky, or you are a good musician in a style that I dig. You must have something to contribute to me and the community, just looking at your wonderful but lucky DNA patterns doesnt cut it for me.
I have been lucky to gather many friends here and most of them are FUNKY musicians, kind of like a compendium of funk! Please explore my pages of friends and I sincerely hope you find new and groove based music to listen to and enjoy!
I have the greatest of respect and appreciation for all musicians, it's a miracle how they create music, and I am a great listener getting into the details of song, arrangement, and method. Firstly I LOVE live performance regardless of style. For styles I love old school Funk, Soul Jazz, Groove, Jazz, Big Band Jazz, Blues, R&B and quality R&R which is usually called alternative, folk, pop and vocals sung by singers with voices twice their size. I love vocals when a singer lets it all out and holds nothing back, this gets me emotional but I like it. Music I really don't listen too... Country, Rap, Metal and any exploit somebodies style material. As for CD's I have an awful lot, I won't embarrass myself and say how many!
Please visit my website to see some of my photography at Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
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Love the old B+W stuff especially Film Noir styles with moody lighting, and I like most of the new indi stuff. I just watched "The Station Agent" and I really liked it. With mainstream Hollywood movies other than a Scorsese or Mamet film (I love the way Mamet characters repeat dialog so distinctive) or some action adventure movie that needs big screen I will wait till its on DVD or Cable.I won't watch horror, violent or other exploitation type films.
God bless the DVR. I love 24, Hustle, Bones, and House. I like CSI's except Miami, All Law and Order, Poker except "Celebrity Poker" and some geeky educational stuff on the 100+ channels you never visit. Once in a great while I will watch some sports maybe as a testosterone recharge or something?
TANGENT POINT: I have no real interest in following sports statistics, celebrity lives, anything including gossip or sightings or celebrity political views, nor in stopping or slowing down to look to see what happened at a car accident. Don't misunderstand me, I will stop to assist in a new accident but to slow down to see what's going on when there are 4 fire engines on scene is of no interest to me. Am I normal?
Unfortunately I need to read a lot of technical magazines and manuals as I am self taught and have not read for enjoyment in a quite a while. When I do read for pleasure its SI-FI, drama and suspense stuff.
I am very fortunate to see and meet real heroes on occasion, some are my friends. People who look into themselves, know themselves, reveal themselves openly, and try to always improve their life even if they need to take a hard road to get there. In other words seekers of universal truth. Others are those who have made themselves complete enough that they offer their skills to others.
As photographic artists, William Gottlieb and Herman Leonard for their work in music and Annie Leibovitz the Ansel Adams of portraiture.