Jiu-jitsu, Socializing, Girls, Kickboxing, Mathematics, Business, Salsa, Meeting New People and Hanging with Old.
Those peeps that know and are the essence of vibe. We can stick together like peanut butter and jelly.Are you quick, smart, and intitutive? Ok, then if you overtake the person who's second in a race, what's your position?Have Energy, Postivity, Passion and come to me!If you're about bullsh*t, borrowing money from me, or any negativity....then get away from your computer and call 911...cause I can't do nothing for you.But, if this a real communication and conversation you're looking for, then leave your name and contact info in your reply and I'll get back to ya.
Bach, Beethoven, Gershwin, Thelonious Monk, Chuck Berry, Jimi Hendrix, Tupac Shakur, Kanye West, Pharrell Williams
Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Unusual Suspects, Back to the Future
Check Out My Girl Audrina on The Hills:
First Impressions, SuperFlirt, Lectures on Real Analysis, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu: Balck Belt Techniques, Maximize Your Training, The Pop Piano Book