www.ChristyResendes.com profile picture


There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined

About Me

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Portfolio hosting, model search & photographer directory I edited my myspace layout at MyspaceBrand.com I edited my myspace layout at MyspaceBrand.com I edited my myspace layout at MyspaceBrand.com
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My Interests

I love to draw and write poems. I also compete in strongman/woman shows. I like traveling and being with family and friends. Always looking for a new challenge and I'm always smiling! I also have a website www.christyresendes.comI have been working on a wide range of self-promotion and modeling, and if there is anyone interested in booking me I can be contacted via e-mail at [email protected]. I am also working on a new blog write up for both my website www.ChristyResendes.com and my MySpace profile.


I'd like to meet:


Hello my name is Christy Resendes I was born in New Bedford MA, and still reside in MA. I am a professional natural bodybuilder for the IFPA organization. I have had the honor of modeling for Muscle & Fitness hers, Fitness & Physique, and soon Planet Muscle Magazine.

Prior to bodybuilding I had briefly participated in runway modeling, ballet, softball, and Tae Kwon Do as a child. My parents had started me into weight training when I was 15 years old. My mother had competed in a bodybuilding show the year prior and I was amazed with the transformation of her physic. When I started lifting it was with the intention of competing in my first show within 3 months of starting. On October 16th 1993 I competed in the Whaling City Bodybuilding Championships at age 15 and I won first place, best poser, and overall. After that show I had not competed again until October of 2004, where I had won overall and qualified to gain professional status. Since then I’ve competed numerous times and have even expanded into strongwomen competitions.

Right now I am doing my pre-contest training until mid November and it includes for the most part more cardiovascular exercise, high volume and intensity weight training, and with shorter periods of rest between sets than the other seasons. The main objective for me in this period is to maintain my muscle mass while decreasing my body fat for bodybuilding competitions.

The exercises that I enjoy the most would have to be dead lifts and squats. My least favorite exercises are anything to do with traps and forearms. The body part that I like the most would be my biceps and my least favorite would be my abs.

MySpace URL:


I am very diverse when it comes to music, but my top choice would be R&B because I love to dance. Next would be heavy metal.
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Your results:
You are Supergirl Supergirl 87% The Flash 85% Batman 75% Wonder Woman 67% Superman 65% Spider-Man 65% Catwoman 60% Green Lantern 50% Iron Man 50% Hulk 45% Robin 42% Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

Your Personality Cluster is Extraverted Intuition
You are:

A true wordsmith - a master of words
Original, spontaneous, and a true inspiration
Highly energetic, up for any challenge
Entertaining and engaging, both to friends and strangers What's Your Personality Cluster?


My hero happends to be my college professor Dr. E. Robinson. If it wasn't for her belief in me I wouldn't be a professional bodybuilder or model. Thank You!!Picture By: Micheal at http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=24553688
Myspace Layouts

My Blog

The Best Teacher I have ever had!!!

July 17, 2007 Exercise Science Professor Takes Home the Gold, National Honors To say that Dr. Ellyn Robinson, associate professor of movement arts, health promotion and leisure studies, has had ...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:58:00 PST

The Wapsi Girl Project

Hello Everyone!!  I have contributed a write up to The Wapsi Girl Project, which can be found using the following link http://www.wapsisquare.com/wapsi_girl_christy_resendes.html& nbsp; This is a ...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 02:13:00 PST

Metabolic Training Program

Contents:Section 1: Specific Comments and Descriptions in Regards to TrainingSection 2: Training and Periodization Charts Including Focus/Purpose of WorkoutsSection 3: ReferencesSection 1: Specifi...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 03:27:00 PST


After 12 weeks of resistance training and dieting for the first time my client a 24 year old female was then ready to compete in her first bodybuilding show. Tabitha had lost over 35 pounds in this 1...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:38:00 PST

Still Going Strong!!

Skin Deep a top fashion retailer that has agreed to sponsor me. I love their clothing, accessories, shoes, and they have an awesome staff. You can expect nothing less then the best from this company ...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 05:48:00 PST

New Opportunities!

I have been doing some personal training on the side getting my client ready for her first bodybuilding show. She..s a 23 year old female who has no prior weight training experience. Her show is on O...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 05:35:00 PST

Explaining muscle soreness

I have been asked by a few people on how to deal with muscle soreness that they experience one to two day after they had trained.  This acrticel will help the read to understand the what, when, w...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 08:52:00 PST

2006 NPC Team U

     NPC Team Universe weekend had a great turn out.  There were many well known bodybuilders there such as Dexter Jackson, Dave Palumbo, and Colette Nelson.  My husband ...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 09:14:00 PST

Hello Out There!!

Just to keep everyone up to speed. I will be writing a new blog soon about the NPC Team Universe show and the photo shoot. I will also include  the results from the  IFPA U.S. Capitol Women'...
Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 04:42:00 PST

What's Going On??

Posted by www.ChristyResendes.com on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:54:00 PST