I am captain evil stomper
I get to wear big black helmet
I pilot the Hatredcopter
They call me Big Steve for obvious reasons. Most obvious of which is that my name is Stephen.
I'm also an established procrastinator, and general lazy bastard.
I'm a walking contradiction, and yet I make perfect sense. I'm also a genius with retard strength...
I write software for a living, so in essence I physically take nothing and make a functional idea out of it. I used to think people were stupid for thinking that what I do is magical, but now I just let them think I'm some sort of tricked out Merlin.
I've been a skinhead for about a decade, and I still get people asking me if I'm a nazi. Or Puerto Rican. There's a funny story involving Puerto Ricans and my tatoo, actually, but I won't tell you unless you ask nicely. I'm neither, BTW. I'm not white, but I'm not hispanic/latino/insert ethnic designation here.
I have a love/hate relationship with the stupid. I hate them and love making them realize that they are a waste of DNA.
I have WAY too few tattoos, but I'm too responsible to blow money on ink, especially since all my ideas would cost me my life savings, and require historical research.
I'm a "total package" sort of guy. Which is to say I'm a complete dick.
I also like stuff, and doing stuff. Check the appropriate areas for that information.