green tea, swap meets, garage sales, cooking, free stuff on craigslist, ebay, the drive-in, late night sing-a-longs,endless coffee refills/endless chips and salsa refills,winning your money at dice,calling everyone Larue and thinking everything belongs on a cross, saying dance party way too much,bringing back the haiku, my phantom bike, pig tails,dog beaches,1/2 off candy sales after holidays,people on bikes that need to switch gears,yelling out the window at those people,crafting,talk radio,day drinking(although i don't like to make a habit of this),easter baskets,bee costumes,animals in other animal costumes,rooftops,horse races, sunflower seeds,getting spun on energy drinks, virgin mary stuff, pink, cute dresses, good friends, bama dunne, larux and shoelace, the cutest dog ever. he makes me smile at least once a day.quinnie still has my heart. i'm just waiting for him to dust it off and put it next to his
lots of documentaries, amelie, anything pixar
i still like jeopardy, but it's no fun playing with just shoelace.
rich mackin!
my grandparents, i owe them my life.