UPDATE: No Sleep, No Eating, No Time, makes Jen a dull girl. Thank you for choosing ICE..
Thank you, Frank.
Lots of music. Punk, Oi!, REAL hardcore, Rockabilly/Psychobilly, Ska, Reggae, Rocksteady, Irish tunes (thank you, Skels), soul, doo wop, blues, country, and everything else my parents made me listen to growing up.
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation,My Chauffeur, Cannonball Run, 1941, G.I. Jane, Dirty Dozen, The Great Escape, X-Men, Muppets take Manhattan, Rounders, Grosse Pointe Blank, Better Off Dead, GoodFellas, Snatch, Love Acutally, Romper Stomper, Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, Pump Up The Volume...
Deadliest Catch (brilliant TV).. CSI, NCIS, those fun Law and Orders, SEX AND THE CITY, Family Guy, Simpsons, JERICHO, hmmm... Ohh.. And Yankees games...
Harlequin, Twilight Zone(the original series of em), the Little Engine that Could, The monster at the end of this book, and anything with those cute little pop-ups, and books with large print and few pages..
My Family (aint that cute, but if you know me, you know that I am being very serious about it, they really are heroes to me) and my friends, strong enough to put up with me and the most genuine people I have ever met. Thanks.