freezepop profile picture



About Me

we make fun electropop.
we have two full-length cds and have just released our 3rd entitled "future future future perfect"! We'll be doing a bit of touring as well, so check out our live dates... there's TONS more fun stuff on our official site: ... videos, photos, mp3s, bios, gear info, recipes, random awesome stuff... really, check it out.
check out our new videos!!
Freezepop "Brainpower"
Add to My Profile | More Videos | Get it on iTunes!
Freezepop "Less Talk More Rokk"
Add to My Profile | More Videos | Get it on iTunes!
help us spread the word! just swipe these banners and repost them:
put them up on your myspace, LJ, facebook, message boards, wherever really...
CONTACT INFO! PLEASE DO NOT MYSPACE US WITH ANY IMPORTANT MESSAGES! PLEASE USE THE APPROPRIATE EMAIL ADDRESSES BELOW! we still maintain this site ourselves and do read all your messages and comments, but if you want a response, please send us real email instead of messaging us on here.
to email all of us: [email protected]
to reach individual band members:
the duke of pannekoeken
liz enthusiasm
the other sean t. drinkwater
for official-style managerial and/or song licensing inquiries, contact our manager jason fiber at [email protected] .
for booking inquiries, email athan and tony at sepiatone booking (this is for serious inquiries, but if you have more of a general "hey you guys should play in my town sometime!" kinda thing, you should make a request at our eventful page .)
be sure to find out when we have shows or exciting news! sign up for the freezepop email list! (don't worry, we don't share your email address with anyone.)

First Name (optional):

My Interests


Member Since: 1/3/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: liz enthusiasm
- vocals
the duke of pannekoeken
- qy70, vocoder
the other sean t drinkwater
- synths, vocoder

Influences: qy70, atari 2600, bright colors, unagi maki, synthetic clothing, bullet trains, puppies, and blinky lights

Sounds Like: good times.

kinda like kraftwerk
meets ladytron
who dates abba
who spoons with takako minekawa
whose parents are the human league.
other likely suspects:
depeche mode
duran duran
giorgio moroder
stereo total
raymond scott
jem and the holograms
daft punk
Record Label: Cordless Recordings / Rykodisc / Archenemy
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

guitar hero news!

an announcement from the duke, as well as a clarification of some messageboard rumors..."Freezepop is very excited to announce our involvement with the new Guitar Hero : On Tour videogame for the Nint...
Posted by freezepop on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:47:00 PST

yay, we won!

we won all three categories we were nominated for in the WFNX/Boston Phoenix Best Music Poll! (Best Act, Best Album, Best Live Act).humongous thanks to all of you who voted for us!
Posted by freezepop on Wed, 07 May 2008 02:40:00 PST

the bloody keytar pic

you gotta read our latest tour diary for the story...
Posted by freezepop on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 01:55:00 PST

about our live lineup...

as many of you know, before this big west coast run a few weeks ago, it had been a realllly long time since we'd done any serious touring. we'd done some long weekends here and there, but band-wise ou...
Posted by freezepop on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 03:58:00 PST

preorder info!

future future future perfect is available for pre-order from newbury comics, and the first 300 orders will receive an autographed CD booklet! (for you non-new englanders, newbury is this awesome loca...
Posted by freezepop on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:19:00 PST

new picks: 6/07

a recurring feature on our blog (which we'd like to make more frequent, so if you have dumb questions for us, email them to [email protected] !)seth sent this one:If there were a Freezepop video g...
Posted by freezepop on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 06:36:00 PST

news, news, news!

well hello everyone.we haven't posted any news in quite some time. this is not because of a lack of stuff going on. pretty much the opposite, really. and now, we present: a whole lot of news.1) most i...
Posted by freezepop on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:12:00 PST

New Freezepop Album > v.Twee

wow, ok, so it was like last summer that i posted an update on how our new album was progressing. um yeah, this is how we roll people... slowly.anyway, so much stuff has happened on the album front th...
Posted by freezepop on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 06:27:00 PST

The Rokk Suite online release!

for those about 2 rokk...we're proud to announce the online release "The Rokk Suite" featuring tracks from the Guitar Hero video game series!"Less Talk More Rokk" featured in Guitar Hero 2, and "Get R...
Posted by freezepop on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 01:47:00 PST

some big news!

A lot of really exciting events have been happening with Freezepop over the last few months, and it's finally time to fill you all in! We're quite pleased to announce that we are partnering with Cordl...
Posted by freezepop on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 08:55:00 PST