Debut Single!
Ultra Violet, the debut single (3 tracks) from 50ft Woman is out now. Available from itunes, HMV, , and most major download stores. Now, as befits my name, I want to make a BIG SPLASH, and also show the industry that there are different bands out there from the usual bandwagon claptrap. And so ... a new campaign ...PLUS: profits from the single will be used for the Save the Astoria campaign
Make sure you don't miss out on the latest news .. sign up for the 50ft Woman mailing list here.
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More ways to help!!
* MyUploaded Competition * 50ft Woman is now on the Uploaded website, which is part of the GCap independent radio circuit. Check out the profile, play songs and rate! Due to the interest, 50ft Woman will appear on the Music Control show .. see the blog for more details!! See the profile here!
* MobileAct Unsigned ended* Just a quick thank you to everyone who voted (and persevered with the absolutely rubbish site). Sadly 50ft Woman did not get through to the next round of auditions so no TV yet! It was great to have such support for this, and such a shame that the site dampened some people's spirits. There will always be other opportunities.
* 50ft Woman sponsors the HONDA F1 team * 50ft Woman has sponsored the Honda F1 team this year. You can't get much bigger than that! Their special Earth Dream car allows people to sponsor parts of the earthdream theme of the car whilst making a pledge to do their bit to help the environment. Well I promised to turn off the tap whilst brushing my teeth. With my size that must save a few hundred gallons!! Minki AKA 50ft Woman will appear on the nose cone of Jenson Button's car, right about where his feet are!
See a picture here, search for Minki! ...
* Popworld Promotes Monthly Competition * Popworld Promotes has sadly ended - suddenly, though downloads are available for the rest of this month.
But we got some nice comments the review from the Promoter ... See what he says here!
And all my little helpers get rewarded ... if you help out, drop me a line and you will be entered into a monthly draw to win goodies. To see a full list of sites to get involved on see the cast section on the main site .
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This profile was edited with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.4