Jack Henry sprang to this earth in the early 1960s. Sold to a traveling circus act, young Jack became known as pumpkinhead, due to the enormous size of his skull. Freakish and frightening, small children cried and screamed whenever their parents dare pay for entrance to his sideshow act.
He lived peacefully with the BEARDED LADY and THE MAN WITH TWO LEFT HANDS. For several years he traveled with the circus, from NYC to TIMBUKTOO and points in between. On or about his 16th birthday Jack fell madly in love with one of the SIAMESE SISTERS, Lulu, but their relationship fell apart when Lulu caught Jack cheating with her sister, Lala.
As attendance dropped for his PUMPKINHEAD attraction Jack found himself working as a barker on the midway and later at the Tilt-a-whirl. A tragic accident forced him to stop working altogether, at least in public. His mangled face proved too fearful even for a sideshow attraction. Reluctantly he began working as a crewmen, setting up and breaking down attractions. He also drove a truck, washed dishes, cleaned up elephant shit, and changed diapers on THE BABY THAT NEVER GREW.
Fortunately young Jack found love with the SNAKE WOMAN. With no arms or legs, Jack became he way to the world. He took care of SNAKE WOMAN, Agatha Numchance, by name until she died tragically in a freak snowmobile accident. Distraught, Jack left circus life, FOREVER!
For many years Jack drifted, finally ending up in Toad Suck, California, working as a day laborer and trash collector. He had a small house on the outskirts of town, across the railroads tracks, near a variety of seedy low rent brothels and taverns. Eventually Jack got a job as a bouncer at the TACKY KAT SALOON and WHOREHOUSE. He married, Nala, a Venezuelan prostitute that lost her ability to perform sexual favors below the waist in a freak chainsaw juggling accident.
After the surprise birth of twins, Jack decided to get a real job and became a postman. He worked this job for thirty-six years before retiring to a ranch in Northern Kentucky where he cultivates marijuana used in government research. His twins are fully grown. Yaya, works as a translator in the US Consulate in Botswanna. She is fluent in nine languages, including Tutusi, French, Canadian, Russian, and a few others. Nana, works is Governor of Alabama, has a husband, and nine children, all with names that start with Q.
Sadly, Jacks wife, Nala, died in a freak boating accident that involved no water and several Chinese Polo players. But he is happy in his home, writes erotic fiction about tennis players and french pastry chefs, volunteers at the Limbless Aid Society and dances on Fridays to Victorian Punk Rock.