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Burning Lashes

I seek the truth, it is destiny

About Me

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" Everybody Else's Girl
With thanks Sam
PS: I just want to say the greatest thank you to Jack above all else for all the support and hardwork
to all my friends what have shown faith in me.
It would be fair to say that a great deal of my work revolves around the growth of self, the sexual exploration of ones own process or progress in life. Coming from a abusive childhood I have been compelled in the past to explore the subject matter in my poetry. Now that I have meet that challenge to a degree I am excited to explore other area's of interest as and when the come to me.
I would have said in the past that I am a man hater, but I can say I am somewhat reformed. I have meet some wonderful people in the last year and their kindness has caused me to pause for thought on my blanket assessment.
That which turns me on? Beauty in the truest form, beauty that comes from within the soul. This transfigures even the most physically unattractive being into something to behold. Ugliness of the spirit too, can be shown in the face. This is something I hold close to my heart a right and fair belief.
Having grown up in the country I detest the closed in space of the city and find the smog filled spaces unbearable. I am an avid environmentalist and believe that the Greener we become the better the world will be. 4 x 4 have no business on the road!!! G8 is a joke and the American government is run by a small chimp in a suit. Enough of my for now.Lashes X

My Interests

Its difficult to accumulate ones interests into a small space without sounding rather dull or rather full of ones own self worth.
Personal insight interests me, having the ability to understand the subconscious thought behind that decisions that you make through out life. Small moments of clarity occur sporadically for me but when they do I clasp firm the garnished stones of understanding.
Cleary from the content of this page it may be apparent that I am a lover of words and images. Poetry has offered me a salvation from a life I longed to forget. Now, with the help of certain friends and my poetry I have come to understand there is no forgetting only healing.
The majority of this writing can be found in my first book Everybody Else’s Girl published by D/E/A/D/B/E/A/T Publishing. It’s a new, small independent but I know that in terms of greatness and potential it will go far. Jack Henry is a staggering human being.
Aside from writing it would be far to say that I have a camera constantly attached to my free hand (that being the one not holding a pen). I think that should I choose to post half of what I’ve taken the servers owned by Myspace would be permanently down. I choose often to reflect on two things in my photography, nature (my beautiful surroundings of childhood) and the reflection of the self in the lens. There are moments when something can be captured by a camera, when the subject is not thinking of anything that can truly reflect the inner thought, feeling etc.
Other than these two things I am truly focus on making my life that which can be called my own. I have true and deep love and intend to nature that great power to become all that it can be.
I hope that if you choose to continue reading what I have chosen to share on this “pages” you will find something thoughtful, some insight into challenging subjects…just a moment that causes you to pause and reflect.

I'd like to meet:

Meeting oneself, your true self that would be an experience. I used to say that I would like to meet myself before I lost a part of myself, years ago. It no longer seems important to say that as feel in some way I have found her. It has been a long and troubled process but I firmly stuck my choosen path of self discovery and finally there is light.

I would like to meet…self control……understanding…..enlightenment…..courage…. .identity…..love…..peace….approval…..faith……puni shment…..positive thought…..truth….

The real mother that exists outside the lie that lives in another town from me, the real father that stand up for his child when they require protection. The family that accepts the rough with the smooth until they become worn and soft and embellishment of one another’s faults and glories.

Finally I would be commited to meet those who thoughts were their own and in that their own commitment to speaking the truth. to know is a value yet to know and speak with silent longing is criminal. Those who stand for belief - against those who challange them, challange them strongly with opposition, these are the people I wish to meet. We should be aware of honesty, speaking with passion for it is knowing and doing with our hearts and minds that will bring change...if you are that person...I am here


Anything, anything at all. Except Pop at which point I would rather poke myself in the eye with a Bic Biro.



is a waste of good time spent doing important things


To read is to expand ones mind, so it should be said that one must read everything. Even that which is written badly, for that too can teach us something.


"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a door mat or a prostitute."
~Rebecca West, "Mr Chesterton in Hysterics: A Study in Prejudice," The Clarion, 14 Nov 1913, reprinted in The Young Rebecca, 1982

Hero is as here does. I cannot look up to people who have an undignified desire to be famous for fames sake. I look instead for inspiration in small things, gestures that go unnoticed and forgoten. There are few heroes in this life and far too many demons. However these women each stand for something to my mind and deservingly so

My Blog

Fried English Breakfast at the Corner Cafe

Fried English Breakfast at the Corner Cafe'the best wayto start a day afterwaking drunkfrom the night before.So you say.Your face is raggedin the morning light;streaming from an open window, yet the c...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:33:00 PST

Phoenix Sunrise

From the dark corners they enter.Rooms which arevoidsmasks of meaning.Shadows that lingerin my heart.Breaking away from the gloom;to bask warm in the morning.Better images of themselves, catching fire...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:37:00 PST

Like Bleeding. Like Love

Divine countenance, counts for so littlewhen flesh has meldedto the cross embedded in my chest;silent prayers mumbledbeneath sheet of crisp linen.Supper time and you saidBow your head and read me line...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 03:05:00 PST

Drinking Whiskey From A Dirty Glass

I know why I drink.Slumber like forgetfulnessentices me with open arms.Warm ambertumbling over ice, as cool or coldas this broken heart.A desiredriven from destructionand hatefulnessof a selfish whore...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:18:00 PST

The Haunting of Sarah

A patient man, He is not.Forgotten by lovehe stands lonesome, Angered As the daywhen his heavy, burdened heartbled, Blood red lovefor a sibling.Oh sister.For she twisted; turned awayfrom his gra...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 07:30:00 PST

A thread of knowing

Belittling lies tempered with disdain.Can you not refrainfrom grounding or sounding sodisappointedwith what I am?Twenty years plus sixplayed out in stages, swept with bloodand black velvet curtains.So...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 04:41:00 PST

Matrimonies Invert

A sentimental tumble fresh from the lips of your lies, these burning stumbles that cross plains of our discourse.The simplicities of us tear intercostals;strain the agonyin the tangles; stories that c...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:52:00 PST

In Patient Hands

Burn me.Bleed me black and bury me beneathsodden clay.I may lay still, breathless from the tireof sullen screaming, yet eyeslulling back and forthsee all.Rock.A burdened beauty pauses, inflects her to...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 05:15:00 PST

The List

I must resistthe urge to listlong strands of thoughts.Countless notesof anguishlaid bare against my character.Fault Lines.Cracks between all that isRight, orwrong.So strong the desireto measure ones w...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 01:50:00 PST

I Am Lunatic

I am lunatic.Dazedin confusion,a palpable fearonce benignUrgesorsurges forthin malignancy.I am grown,Full blown to statesof mania,curling lipsraised in defiance.Medication.Ramifications of poppingtiny...
Posted by Burning Lashes on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 01:50:00 PST