Exposure in music, Human mind..s carnival, Happiness...and LOCKMAN: OUR SECOND PROPER DEMO IS OUT NOW 7/07 IN MYSPACE! (http://www.myspace.com/lockmanband). Please share your thoughts of these little thingies!
You at Club Friction.Club Friction is alive and well in 2008.Club Friction will take place in Semifinal, Helsinki, 8th of April 2008. We’ll have some class acts for you! Besides the uncompromising dj-duo, the Neon Boys and Will Shade, Club Friction presents the real masters of Fender-strut, Lockman and a new, most interesting band Them Bird Things which features people from Branded Women and Kauko Röyhkä Combo, among others. Third on the bill is Karoshi Lovers, the new fabulous death pop-band from Helsinki which have just published their stunning debut.See you there! http://www.myspace.com/clubfrictionfinlandThe great, wild opening party of Club Friction has been held at 24th of April, 2007 in On the Rocks, Helsinki.
Respectable bands and singers. One song that i like very much and (record) to help you find the songs. Turningpoints in my life, probably:Patti Smith Group:Dancing Barefoot(Wave), Howling Wolf:Evil(Chess Box-1951 to 55),Suicide:Frankie Tearddrop(Suicide), Gun Club:Eternally is here(The Las Vegas Story), Neil Young: Like A Hurricane(American Stars And Bars), PJ Harvey:Good Fortune(Stories From The City,Stories From The Sea), Sex Pistols:Submission(Never Mind The Bollock..s), The Modern Lovers:She Cracked(Modern Lovers), Television: Friction( Marquee Moon), Velvet Underground:Venus In Furs(VU&Nico), The Replacements:I.O.U(Pleased To Meet Me), Captain Beefheart: The Floppy Boot Stomp Down(Shiny Beast), The Triffids:Suntrapper(In The Pines), Joy Division:Day Of The Lords(Unknown Pleasures), Echo&The Bunnymen:The Killing Moon(Ocean Rain), John Cale:Andalucia(Paris 1919), The Fall:Gary Grant..s Wedding(Totale..s Turns), Elliot Smith:Walz..2(XO), REM:Stand(Green), The Smithereens:Strangers When We Meet(Especially For You), The Feelies:The Boy With The Perpetual Nervousness(Grazy Rhythms), The Bangles:Walk Like an Egyptian(Different Light), Nick Drake:Riverman(Five Leaves Left), Nick Cave &The Bad Seeds:From Her To Eternity(From Her To Eternity), Pixies:Cecilia Ann(Bossanova), Jefrey Lee Pierce:Sex Killer(Wild Weed), 13th Floor Elevators:She Lives In A Time Of Her Own(Easter Everywhere), Tom Waits: 16 Shells From A Thirty-Ought Six (Swordfishtrombones), Nico:Chelsea Girl(Chelsea Girl), The National:Karen(Alligator), The Soundtrack Of Our Lives:Nevermore(Behind The Music), Brian Eno:Third Uncle(Taking Tiger Mountain)...never ending list
Some of my favorite movies are: La Strada (Federico Fellini), The Tenant (Roman Polanski), Badlands, The New World (Terrence Malick), Duel (Steven Spielberg), Paris Texas (Wim Wenders), The Year Of The Hare (Risto Jarva), Peeping Tom (Michael Powel), Eight Deadly Shots (Mikko Niskanen), Nosferatu (F W Murnau), Pan..s Labyrinth (Guillermo Deol Toro)... and many more.
I can..t see no...
Forget the books.
You have a right to be my hero. Go partly of music or art history; like Frida Kahlo, Patti Smith, Television, Jefrey Lee Pierce, Edward Munch, John Cale, Howlin Wolf and i love you.Or be my friend without those magical tricks!hmmm."Heroes". You can find the members of LOCKMAN from my friends. We are handsome like mummies! Some mummies can destroy guitars and drums.