Well profile picture


Your New Friend From MySpace

About Me

I do not like to talk about myself that much but I do a little, I would rather hear about you...

My Interests

Music, sports, investing, internet, and meeting new people..

I'd like to meet:

New Friends who are adults only (and friends from my past)I enjoy receiving messages from MySpace "friends". I read all messages and respond to all of them as fast as I can. In a 24 hour day, I sometimes spend as much as 2 hours a day on MySpace. Short messages from you get a faster response from me. Longer messages of course could take more time to respond. Please try to keep your messages short. If your message is long, do not be surprised if my response is short. If you have not heard from me after a while, write to me again.I only respond to positive messages. A couple of times someone sent a message that was considered negative and I hit the delete button as fast as I can.Also once in a while I send out a friend request to a woman based only on her one picture that is posted (without reading her profile). I am only asking her to be a MySpace "friend"- nothing more. If our "friend" Tom can have over 154 million "friends" I could have some MySpace "friends" too. I realize it is impossible to meet everyone. I will end up meeting very few MySpace women in person and the rest will remain MySpace "friends" only. I may end up dating one or two of the women. When I receive friend requests, I do not analyze their profile since I am not making a large purchase such as a house or a car or looking for my life partner. So really no decision making is necessary to choose a "MySpace friend". I accept all friend requests as long as they are adults and have a picture posted.


I like all kinds of music. I used to be in a musical group many years ago and gave it up. I am trying to go back to my music after all these years but only for fun.


Romance movies and comedies.


Tyra Banks Show, America's Next Top Model, American Idol, American Inventor, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With The Stars and most reality shows that have competition as it theme, and old mystery & comedy shows.


Many books


Many heroes

My Blog

Do I have MySpace friends from all 50 states?

I was just wondering if I have MySpace friends from ALL 50 states.Just drop me a comment on my website, hit the button that says ADD COMMENT  and say, Hi I am from the State of ________. Fil...
Posted by Well on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 05:16:00 PST