xPaganHate666x profile picture


It's only after we've lost everything, we're free to do anything...

About Me

Celý život jsem uprímne a z celého srdce miloval, miluji a vždycky budu milovat svoji maminku...
18. 12. 1957 - 10. 10. 2006
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He was there,
standing in the rain,
all alone, feelin' the great pain.
True love hurts the most they say.
And that's why had to pray
(every fuckin' day).
Wet body, dirty mind,
he was all, but not fine.
She wasn't there,
that was all he knew,
he is damned,
nothing's new.
The heaven died...
...and she just smiled.
Please make sure to check this MySpace profile:
or this web page
or go to
...is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Living vegan provides numerous benefits to: animals and the quality of their lives, to the ecological integrity of our environment, and to ourselves, by keeping our bodies away from the problems associated with consumption of animals, and animal products. First off, the meat and dairy industry causes the deaths of 27 billion chickens, cows, pigs, and other animals of the industry. The animals suffer unspeakable cruelties in order to maximize the profit made by the industry. They live their lives cut-short, caged, drugged, and mutilated. The farms are not like the ones most of us learned about in school, and have been told all of our lives; they are mechanized slaughter-houses where animal welfare is the last concern. They are hell on earth! Second, Animal agriculture takes a devastating toll on the earth. It is an inefficient way of producing food, which squanders the vast majority of all grain grown in the U.S. The dependence of all the grain grown to shove down the throats of the animals has left the farmlands over-used causing them to be less productive in following yields. This forcing the conversion of wilderness lands into grain fields and farm land. Veganism all but eliminates these threats and leaves the land for what it was meant to be used for. Lastly, consumption of animal fats and proteins has been linked to heart disease, colon and breast cancer, diabeties, and many other diseases. Vegan foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans, are low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Plus, vegans get the perfect amount of protein. Cows' milk has the perfect amounts of fat and protein for young calves, but far too much for humyns! Eating meat and dairy may be the surest way to an early grave.
GO VEGAN for the animals, for the environment, and for yourself!
To quote Peter Kropotkin, Anarchism is "the no-government system of socialism." [Anarchism, p. 46] In other words, "the abolition of exploitation and oppression of man by man, that is the abolition of private property [i.e. capitalism] and government." [Errico Malatesta, Towards Anarchism,", p. 75]
Anarchism, therefore, is a political theory that aims to create a society which is without political, economic or social hierarchies. Anarchists maintain that anarchy, the absence of rulers, is a viable form of social system and so work for the maximisation of individual liberty and social equality. They see the goals of liberty and equality as mutually self-supporting. Or, in Bakunin's famous dictum:
"We are convinced that freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice, and that Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality." [The Political Philosophy of Bakunin, p. 269]
The history of human society proves this point. Liberty without equality is only liberty for the powerful, and equality without liberty is impossible and a justification for slavery.
Anarchism is a political theory which advocates the creation of anarchy, a society based on the maxim of "no rulers." To achieve this, "[i]n common with all socialists, the anarchists hold that the private ownership of land, capital, and machinery has had its time; that it is condemned to disappear: and that all requisites for production must, and will, become the common property of society, and be managed in common by the producers of wealth. And. . . they maintain that the ideal of the political organisation of society is a condition of things where the functions of government are reduced to minimum. . . [and] that the ultimate aim of society is the reduction of the functions of government to nil -- that is, to a society without government, to an-archy" [Peter Kropotkin, Op. Cit., p. 46]
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„Anarchismus“ je revolucní idea založená na tom, že nikdo jiný než ty není víc kvalifikovaný ucinit rozhodnutí jaký bude tvuj život.
- znamená prijít na to, jak SPOLUPRACOVAT na uspokojení potreb jednotlivce, jak pracovat SPOLU a ne „pro“ nekoho nebo proti nekomu. Pokud je tohle nemožné, znamená to uprednostnovat boj pred podvolením se a dominancí.
- znamená nevážit si jakéhokoliv systému nebo ideologie víc, než lidí, kterým má sloužit, nevážit si cehokoliv teoretického víc než skutecných vecí v tomto svete. Znamená mít víru v lidské bytosti (a zvírata atd.), bojovat za sebe a za ostatní, a ne kvuli „zodpovednosti“, ne z nejaké príciny nebo jiných neurcitých pohnutek.
- Znamená nevnucovat svým touhám hierarchické poradí, ale prijímat je všechny a zároven prijímat sama sebe. Znamená nesehnout se pred jakýmikoli vnejšími zákony, neomezovat své emoce jen na ty praktické a ocekávané, neuzamykat své instinkty a vášne do klecí: protože žádná klec není dost veliká na to, aby pojmula lidskou duši ve všech jejích rozletech, hloubkách a výškách.
- Znamená odmítnutí predat zodpovednost za své štestí do rukou kohokoliv, at už je to rodic, milenec/ka, zamestnavatel nebo spolecnost samotná. A znamená vzít bremeno hledání smyslu a štestí života na vlastní ramena.
Co bychom meli hledat když ne štestí? Jak by abstraktní pojmy jako „odpovednost“, „rád“ nebo „vhodnost“ mohly být duležitejší, než skutecné potreby cloveka, který je vymyslel…?! Meli bychom radeji sloužit zamestnavatelum, rodicum, státu, bohu, kapitalismu, morálnímu zákonu, hnutí nebo spolecnosti než sami sobe…?! Kdo vám tohle vubec rekl?!
Straight Edge
Straight edge is something that got started in the punk scene. Punk is a type of music. The people that follow straight edge do not do... DRUGS, ALCOHOL, SMOKING, AND CASUAL SEX. SxE inspired by the band Minor threat has spread around the world. Some sxe are christians or hare krishnas as well as other religions. Ian Mackayes group the teen idles made a bried west-coast tourning in 1980. The group performed in Maduhay Gardens club since all of the members of the band were under 21. The members wrote an "X" on their hands with a marker as a warning to bartenders that such people should not be served alcohol. Mackays second hardcore punk band minor threat in the early-mid 1980s. Minor threats song "out of step" and "straight edge" started the sxe lifestyle. For some straight edgers involves refraining from casual sex. Many sXe persons believes in sex within caring relationships rather than one night stands. No one is sXe simply because they don't drink, smoke, or do drugs it requires an active decision and participation in the subulture. At a hardcore show it is common practice to make an X on the hands.
Some people interpret this as a symbol of Ian MacKaye's "Don't Smoke, Don't Drink, Don't Fuck". Others interpret the three Xs as "Body", "Mind", and "Soul". Many adopters of the sXe lifestyle get a tattoo of the X symbol on parts of the body or wearing it on clothing, pins,etc. Attaching the X to your name or a bands name is common pratice of sXe.
The Fairtrade Foundation exists to improve the position of poor and marginalised producers in the developing world. The Foundation encourages UK industry and consumers to support fairer trade and to purchase Fairtrade products. The Fairtrade label is the only independent guarantee that producers in the developing world get a better deal.
Millions of landless labourers and small scale farmers are denied what should be their right: sufficient income to feed their families, to send their children to school and that little extra to invest in sustainable development. For small farmers access to market information is difficult and, as a result, many small farmers become dependent on middlemen. In bad times many lose their only asset, their land and, thus, their livelihoods. Similarly, many plantation workers endure low pay, an unsafe working environment and poor living conditions. Too often they lack the freedom to join a trade union to defend their rights and the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect their lives on the plantation.
The Fairtrade Mark is the only independent guarantee that a product has been traded in compliance with internationally agreed fair trade standards.
Fair Trade Web Site
Fair Trade MySpace Profile
"No Compromise in Defense of Mother Earth"
Earth First! was named in 1979 in response to a lethargic, compromising, and increasingly corporate environmental community. Earth First! takes a decidedly different tack towards environmental issues. We believe in using all the tools in the tool box, ranging from grassroots organizing and involvement in the legal process to civil disobedience and monkeywrenching. Earth First! is different from other environmental groups. Here are some things to keep in mind about Earth First! and some suggestions for being an active and effective Earth First!er: First of all, Earth First! is not an organization, but a movement. There are no "members" of Earth First!, only Earth First!ers. It is a belief in biocentrism, that life of the Earth comes first, and a practice of putting our beliefs into action. While there is broad diversity within Earth First! from animal rights vegans to wilderness hunting guides, from monkeywrenchers to careful followers of Gandhi, from whiskey-drinking backwoods riffraff to thoughtful philosophers, from misanthropes to humanists there is agreement on one thing, the need for action!
Feminism is a collection of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies largely motivated by or concerned with the liberation of women. A large portion of feminists are especially concerned with what they perceive to be the social, political and economic inequality between the sexes which favours the male gender; some have argued that gendered and sexed identities, such as "man" and "woman", are socially constructed. Feminists disagree over the sources of inequality, how to attain equality, and the extent to which gender and gender-based identities should be questioned and critiqued. In simple terms, feminism is the belief in social, political and economic equality of the sexes, and a movement organized around the belief that gender should not be the pre-determinant factor shaping a person's social identity or socio-political or economic rights.
Modern feminist political activists commonly campaign on issues such as reproductive rights, including the right to safe, legal abortion, access to contraception and quality prenatal care, protection from violence within a domestic partnership, sexual harassment, street harassment, discrimination and rape, and rights to maternity leave, and equal pay. Many feminists today argue that feminism is a grass-roots movement that seeks to cross boundaries based on social class, race, culture and religion. They also argue that an effective feminist movement should be culturally specific and address issues relevant to the women of the society in question such as female genital cutting in Africa and the Middle East and the "glass ceiling" issue in developed economies. They also debate the extent to which certain societal issues such as rape, incest and mothering are universal. Themes explored in feminism include patriarchy, stereotyping, sexual objectification and oppression.
Bloody Mary Riot Grrrl Zin
A. L. F.
The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a name used internationally by animal liberation activists who engage in direct action on behalf of animals. This includes removing animals from facilities, and sabotaging facilities in protest against animal testing, fur farming, and other animal-based industries. According to ALF statements, any direct action that furthers the cause of animal liberation, and where all reasonable precautions are taken not to endanger life, may be claimed as an ALF action.
The ALF defines itself as non-violent, defining "violence" as acts of physical aggression directed at human and non-human animals. No direct action that has involved violence may be claimed on behalf of the ALF, although ALF spokespersons won't condemn the use of violence by people who have previously acted in the name of the ALF. This directive apparently conflicts with the use of threatening firebombs left at the residences of people ALF thinks are involved in animal testing. In claiming responsibility for the bombing by the ALF, press office spokesman Jerry Vlasak said "force is a poor second choice, but if that's the only thing that will work ... there's certainly moral justification for that.".When David Blenkinsop and two others assaulted HLS director Brian Cass outside his home with pick-axe handles, ALF founder Ronnie Lee said: "He has got off lightly. I have no sympathy for him," and Robin Webb said: "The Animal Liberation Front has always had a policy of not harming life, but while it would not condone what took place, it understands the anger and frustration that leads people to take this kind of action."
Crimethink & CrimethInc.
What is Crimethink?
Crimethink can be reached from the subway station only by means of a daring double somersault. It is only a multiple orgasm away from the checkout counter of the grocery store, and a mere lobbed brick distant from the witness bench of the courtroom, but it is much harder to access from the closed playpens of your homes schools, workplaces, and punk rock clubs—only a mystical revelation or masterless revolution will suffice. Crimethink riots rather than diets, so as to love itself body and soul.
Crimethink cannot be captured by the cameras of the photojournalists. Crimethink dies on its feet before it lives on its knees, but it's more likely to be found on the run in between. . . just like you, perhaps.
Crimethink is the burning bush in the desert of industrial society, which can still be found between the thighs of the most mercilessly free and beautiful. Crimethink is revenge for that fucking flag they put on the moon (1).
Crimethink doesn't speak, it acts, and only speaks when speaking is acting. Crimethink stakes out its dominion where the body is the jagged edge of the world, stopping proudly short of the abyss of abstraction. Crimethink says to you: I put a spell on you, because you're mine.
For the market manages the managers, hierarchy bosses the bosses, capitalism owns the owners, but a crimethinker is truly a human being, free and wild.
What is CrimetInc.?
One must be enough of a crimethinker to adopt a crimethoughtful stance towards one's own crimethink. Crimethink is not CrimethInc.—it is, rather, the spirit of playful destruction that saves CrimethInc. from itself. CrimethInc. throws up contradictions around itself like fences, to protect itself from ideology, from stiffening—yet still sends out a call to revolt that will be heard in every corner of the Occupied Territories by this year's end (2). Listen hard to silence, and you'll hear thunder deep inside. CrimethInc. is the hip gnosis of a new youth rebellion that goes beyond both youth and rebellion.
CrimethInc. is a Non-Prophet Organization: it is full of love, but if it comes down to pledging allegiance, it will be nadaist rather than dadaist, or -ist at all, for that matter. CrimethInc. is beautiful: it's ugly. . . in a world where every old pretty thing has been copyrighted by the greeting card companies, the calling card companies, and the credit card companies, it is a foray into the unknown, to seek new veins of joy before we all suffocate like yeast in our own excrement.
CrimethInc. is the cure for the cancers with which they propose to cure cancer. CrimethInc. sweeps through the streets with fire and banners, and steals through the classroom in xeroxes and whispers. CrimethInc. pilots the rudderless ships of the Movement movement, coded into the paths of those nomads who trade bondage for vagabondage; CrimethInc. smashes tourism and all other despicable formulas for running in place.
CrimethInc. is the Last Loosening: it is here by order of those out of order, so that nothing may ever be in order, or made to order, again. O ye rabble without a cause, CrimethInc. is the ticket out of here you've been waiting for—if you're willing to cash it in yourself, that is. CrimethInc. is very much more what you do than what we do. CrimethInc. is constantly in effect at lockdown faceoffs on city blocks, in banks that are being robbed, on airplanes passing over the Brazilian desert at sunrise. It maintains office hours in squats under riot squad siege occupied by boys and girls who have escaped the suburbs to fall in love. Take the last night train from La Plata to Buenos Aires, and if the doors are open so you can sit on the steps of the train listening to the young passengers beating out a samba rhythm on the seats and singing along behind you as the Argentinean night speeds past, you might realize there is a letter or a novel you need to write—and at that moment, you'll enter an outpost.
CrimethInc. is present wherever anything or anyone is on fire. CrimethInc.'s field of operations extends as far as there is crimethought, and beyond, into some places where it is impending or unnecessary: it speeds through Arctic waters in the wake of comets fallen and swallowed up by the cold, into mythical Russian cities ringed by vast rivers at the end of winter— the crack of thawing ice bellowing into the night, arriving at the magnetic poles (3) where compasses spin, and moving on to the bottom of the ocean where the waterlogged corpses of whales lie.
In Conclusion: Obviously, gentlemen, if you fear for the morality of your wives, the education of your children, the peace of mind of your investors, the submissiveness of your mistresses and housepets, the solidity of your armchairs and privatized prisons and factory farms, the manner in which your whorehouses are licensed and the security of the State. . . then you are right. But what can you do? You are rotten, and the fire has been lit.
But as for you would-be revolutionaries, radicals wedded to a license without limits, girls and boys who love without leave, we urge you:
More rigor in your recklessness! More ambition in your hedonism! (4)
When you're young, and it feels like you're invincible, it's because you are. From this moment forth, no one shall ever die.
Crimethink is the first stirrings of a new world, smuggled across every border in the heads and hearts of a dissident nation of millions, thrown through plate glass windows on notes tied to bricks. It is everything that evades control—the stolen sick-day at the seashore, the shared meal free when the manager is away, the city street liberated for an hour during a demonstration. . . the proud look in her eyes when she walks into the principal's office holding her girlfriend's hand.
CrimethInc. is the underground railroad from this world to the next. Hop on.
(1) ...and you know why they put it there? Because there's no oxygen, so we can't burn it.
(2) Don't believe us? Well, you've heard it, haven't you?
(3) It's important to point out here that the magnetic poles are not actually fixed—they wander across the surface of the earth. That is, in fact, exactly the kind of voyage sanctioned and undertaken by CrimethInc. operatives: invisible, detectable only by effects registered thousands of miles away, yet of global implication . . .
(4) ...and vice versa, vice being the key word.
CrimethInc. Reading Library
Why I love shoplifting from big corporations
Join the revolution - Fall in love
Part 1
Part 2

My Interests

CrimethInc. Ex-Worker's Collective



Music (Hardcore and Metal stuff mainly), Ancient Greece Mythology, Mysticism, PC's and Technology, Skateboarding, Veganism and Cooking, Phylosophy (Existencionalism), Straight Edge and Drug Free, Politics (Anarchism, Radicalism, Crimethink), New School Tattoos, PC gaming, Piercings, Animal Rights, Books And Reading, Internet and Communication, Romantic Movies, Hanging Out With Good Friends And Talking About Life And Feelings, Sharing Ideas And Beliefs, Discussing



(...not only about...)


I do support and you should too!!!


(o: 6 6 6 :o)

Half Life

s k 8 s t r 8

I'd like to meet:

Peter, Paul & Mary

O t e v r i O c i . c z

A N T I F A . C Z


Rebecca Lawar - naše jedenáctiletá adoptovaná holcicka z vesnicky Asuom z Ghany v Africe. O Rebeccu a její sourozence se stará pouze maminka, jelikož otec opustil rodinu. Obživu získávají hospodarením na kousku pole. Malická ukoncila 3. trídu a je výborná žákyne.

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Totální kult a povinnost pro všechny. Prayer For Cleansing. Song jménem Sonnet. Legendární vegan straight edge deathmetal/hc z 90tých let. Raleigh, USA. Tribunal Records. Slinty slint...


You have been marked on my profile map! Click to zoom-in.

_A_ for A N A R C H Y

Drazi spolu-uzivatele tohoto krasneho a temer dokonaleho fenomenu jmenem MySpace - PROSIM vas kdyz uz opravdu budete mit v umyslu kliknout na ten "add to friends" button tak mi zkuste napsat aspon par radek. At si o vas nemusim myslet ze jste jen dalsi z te dlouhe rady dementu kteri maji tu neutuchajici snahu a potrebu zvysovat si cislo svych "friends". Chapu jak nudne to zni ale vazne nepatrim mezi ty 15tilete deti kteri tuhle hru s radosti hraji. MySpace muze byt super vec a komunikacni nastroj ale zaroven taky uplna kravina. A vsichni vy kdo z toho delate to druhe jdete rovnou do pici. A naopak vsichni vy kdo mate v hlave vsech pet pohromade tak prosim nevahejte a napiste. Ale nejdriv si ten muj profil poradne prohlednete prosim. Nemam rad povrchnost... Dekuji.




x Prayer For Cleansing x

Between The Buried And Me

The Number 12 Looks Like You

As We Fight

Sense Never Came


Devil Ate My Son




Since The Day

Face The Fact


Naj One


...and many more of course...

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= =


Sign the Pledge Against Animal Testing

Jackson WRXT

Freddie Mercury

The Queen



I don't remember the names of the movies I like so I think I should just write down some general things: I like movies that scare me, make me cry or think about smth. Romantic/Emo films, Horrors, Thrillers, Sci-Fi movies and INDEPENDENT CINEMATOGRAPHY

Cptn. Kirk & Spock

Cptn. Picard & Commander Riker



Prison Break

Michael Scofield

Band of Brothers

"Red-headed Eskymo" & Cptn. Sobel


All books by George Orwell, Kurt Vonnegut and Jan Keller. Some of the J. Heller's books, J.P. Sartre and all the books about revolution. Evasion, Days of war Nights of love, Animal Liberation...

George Orwell

Kurt Vonnegut

Jan Keller

Joseph Heller

Jean Paul Sartre

Days of war, Nights of love










"The pig Prasatko doesn't wear trousers."


Gordon Freeman

Mesa/Boogie Family

F-50 Guitar Combo
(hell yeah I have this baby at home)

Three Channel Triple Rectifier Solo Head

4x12 Rectifier Standard Slant Guitar Cabinet

My Blog

Pomozte prosim

ahoj lidi, kamaradi a znami... nekdo to mozna vite a nekdo mozna ne, ale krome toho ze studuju socialni skolu, tak se socialni peci i venuju ve svem osobnim case. nicmene tady v tomto bulletinu nejde...
Posted by xVeganLove666x on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 03:00:00 PST


Invitation to the CrimethInc. "Inner Circle" WANTED: Creative, independent men and women, tired of being exhausted by the trivial details of modern survival, fed up with being bored by modern entertai...
Posted by xVeganLove666x on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:56:00 PST


 Hierarchy . . . and AnarchyResurrecting anarchism as a personal approach to life. Stop thinking of anarchism as just another "world order," just another social system. From where we all stand, i...
Posted by xVeganLove666x on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:54:00 PST


No Masters If you liked school, you'll love work. The cruel, absurd abuses of power, the self-satisfied authority that the teachers and principals lorded over you, the intimidation and ridicule of you...
Posted by xVeganLove666x on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:53:00 PST


No Gods . . . No MastersNo GodsOnce, flipping through a book on child psychology, I came across a chapter about adolescent rebellion. It suggested that in the first phase of a child's youthful rebelli...
Posted by xVeganLove666x on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:51:00 PST


Why I Love Shopliftingfrom big corporations Nothing compares to the feeling of elation, of burdens being lifted and constraints escaped, that I feel when I walk out of a store with their products...
Posted by xVeganLove666x on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:50:00 PST


Join the Resistance: Fall in Love Falling in love is the ultimate act of revolution, of resistance to today's tedious, socially restrictive, culturally constrictive, humanly meaningless world. Lo...
Posted by xVeganLove666x on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:49:00 PST


REASONS TO BE VEGAN.. READ AND LEARN!! Why do you try to force vegetarianism on others? Isn't it a personal choice?From a moral standpoint, actions that harm others are not matters of personal choice....
Posted by xVeganLove666x on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 12:42:00 PST