Alexandra DeLarge (J.E.B.A.T) profile picture

Alexandra DeLarge (J.E.B.A.T)

Hey man, where is my sk8?

About Me

I'm a graphic designer, masseur, passionate reader of Agatha Christie, singer, painter, mammy of a lot of toys, good friend, and above all I’m a little girl with a big heart and with mind full of butterflies. I'm interested in anarchofeminism and in the animal liberation movement. I hate betrayal and lies and I don't like to talk to strangers, so if we haven't met, don't try to send me a friend request... I WON‘T ADD YOU! If you care about friendship (the true friendship and not only a higher number of MySpace friends) feel free to write me! I have complicated nature, so if I won't reply, you can eighter take it personally or not! (takze JEBAT!)

mr.spock slavil 2.12. sve prvni narozeniny.
mrs.spock slavila 6.12. sve prvni narozeniny.

adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!

My Interests

music (band_yeah), sk8 ;), art, tattoo, movies, books, friends, famiglia, dreams, love, life and HOPE ;)

I'd like to meet:

Rebecca Lawar - na..e jedenáctiletá adoptovaná holcicka z vesnicky Asuom z Ghany v Africe. O Rebeccu a její sourozence se stará pouze maminka, jeliko.. otec opustil rodinu. Ob..ivu získávají hospodarením na kousku pole. Rebecca ukoncila 3. trídu a je výborná ..ákyne.


gather hardcore, metal, trash, rock


Amelie of Montmartre
Black cat, white cat
Pejme pisen do hola
Wicker Park
A League of Their Own
Forrest gump
Trumen Show
A Clockwork Orange
Little Women
Corpse Bride
Edward Scissorhands
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Finding Nemo
Enemy at the Gates
What Dreams May Come
Thelma & Louise
Million Dollar Hotel
Monty Pythons - Life Of Brian, Meaning Of Life, The Holy Grail
Original Star Wars Trilogy
Amores peros
The neverending Story
Tajemny hrad v Karpatech
Ctyri vrazdy staci drahousku
Pane vy jste vdova
Vrchni prchni
Limonadovy joe
Divadlo Sklep, ...


Red dwarf
Twink Peaks
Star Trek
The Simpsons
Hercule Poirot
Zelvy ninja
Pojdte pane, budeme si hrat
Opici kral
Pipi dlouha puncocha


AGATHA Mary Clarissa CHRISTIE Mallowan
Le Petit Prince (Maly princ) - Antoine de Saint-Exypéry
Tracy's Tiger (Tracyho tygr) - William Saroyan
Tata k pristim vanocum - Martina Drijverova
Knizka pro Lucinku - Milena Lukesova
A Liar's Autobiography (Autobiografie jednoho lhare) - Graham Chapman

The Godfather (Kmotr) - Mario Puzo

Lhomme qui plantait des arbres (Muz, ktery sazel stromy) - Giono Jean

Die Blechtrommel (Plechovy bubinek) - Günter Grass

1984 - George Orwell

One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich (Jeden den Ivana Denisovice) - Alexandr Solenicyn

A Confederacy of Dunees (Spolceni hlupcu) - John Kennedy Toole

A Clockwork Orange (Mechanicky pomeranc) - Anthony Burgess

Wunderbare Reisen zu Wasser und zu Lande, Feldzüge und lustige Abenteuer des Freiherrn von Münchhausen, wie er dieselben bei der Flasche im Zirkel seiner Freunde selbst zu erzählen pflegt - Gottfried August Bürger

My Name Is Aram (Rikaji mi Aram) - William Saroyan
The Human Comedy(Lidska komedie) - William Saroyan

Slzy mé due - Kim Hjon-hi

Sophies Choice(Sofiina volba) - William Styron

Pan Theodor Mundstock - Ladislav Fuks

Belyj Bim (Bily Bim) - Gavril Trojepolskij
Mafia Women (Zeny mafianu)- Clare Longrigg
Die Judin von Toledo (Zidovka z Toleda) - Lion Feuchtwanger
Rozpravky o psickovi a macicke - Josef Capek
On The Road (Na ceste)- Jack Kerouac
Katyne - Pavel Kohout

Kubula a Kuba Kubikula - Vladislav Vancura

Winnie the Pooh (Medvidek Pu) - A. A. Milne

Zahrada - Jiri Trnka

Kote z kocourkova - Valav Ctvrtek

O pernikove chaloupce - Jiri Trnka
ctyrlistek, tom a jerry comics

... usw.


..tento muz navzdy zustane v mem srdci..svet prisel o skveleho cloveka a ja o skveleho pritele..
(8.3.1988-23.2.2007)RIP honey
(kamo az se jednou opet potkame, pocitej s tim nejvetsim pendeponem..nebudu te setrit! :*)

agatha christie



anne geddes

jiri trnka


boris rösner

tara mcpherson