Core Ritual Booking/Tchichimania Records profile picture

Core Ritual Booking/Tchichimania Records

Vycazly pohodari s kozima bradkama a tribal kerama

About Me

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Shanime koncerty pro kapely, ktere zastupujeme a poradame koncerty kapelam, ktere nas zaujmou. Historie se pise od roku 2003 a stale hledame ten nejlepsi smer, jakym se ubirat. Mene je nekdy vice a podle toho vypada seznam nasich kapel i poradanych akci. Vstupy se snazime drzet v urovni pokryti nakladu. Rada nasich akci byla se vstupem zdarma
We search for concerts for the bands we promote, and also organize concerts of bands which intrigue us. We have been writing history since 2003, and still trying to find the best heading we can. “Less is sometimes more” is our motto when choosing the bands we represent and the events we organize. Entry fees are just to cover the expenses. Many of our events were with a free entry
Roztomily chlapici z drsnyho severu. Kytara, basa, bici, dva kriklouni a sborovy vokaly. Pokud ti sednou Born to Lose, the Briggs anebo Voice of the Generation, tak tahle petka te nezklame
Cute boys from the harsh North. Guitar, bass, drums, two loudmouths and choral vocals. If you’re into Born to Lose, the Briggs or Voice of the Generation, than this five-member group will not disappoint you
V nazvu maji slovo gang, ale spis nez gang pripominaji tihle hosi oddil skautu od bobri reky. A to doslova. Bobri jsou velkym konickem a sberatelskou vasni toho hezkyho kluka s divnou basou, ktery se satan vi proc rika kontrabas. Charismaticky zpevak, bubenicek taky sympatak a druhou kytaru hraje Jenda. Tu prvni drhne a nesetri oddilovy vedouci Poison Vasil a vsechno dohromady to zni, jako kdyby se Ramones pred triceti lety odstehovali do Nashvillu…Proste dobre
Despite the term Gang in the name of their band, these boys are more of little boy Scouts who save beavers than anything else. Literally. Beavers are a great love of the pretty guy with that weird base which, Satan knows why, he calls contrabass. The singer is also very charismatic, not speaking about the drummer, and Jenda who plays the second guitar as well. The lead guitar is scrubbed, and pushed to the edge by team leader Poison Vasil, and all of the mentioned above sound as if the Ramones would move to Nashville thirty years ago.…Just Great
Odpadlici v zivote, hrdinove vsednich dnu. Stiny zasly slavy a pochodne nove vlny. Powerpop kapely jim zavidi, ze hrajou punk. Pokud mas srdce pak mas i koule. Snad ne tak spinavy jako je jejich Garage
Life renegades, everyday heroes. Shadows of long gone fame and torches of new wave. Power-pop bands envy them for playing punk. If you got a heart than you’ve got balls. Perhaps not as dirty as their Garage
Zacinali na metalu a pak jim kamosi nahrali naky punkovy kazety. Od ty doby hrajou “dirty” rock..n..roll. Asi jako kdybys ve svy spinavy vane vykoupal Elvise a jeste pred nim Danziga…
While growing up on metal a few friends gave them some home-recorded punk cassettes. Since then they thrive on “dirty” rock..n..roll. As if you bathed in your dirty tub Elvis just after Danzig got out…
Co se stane, kdyz si Shane Mac Gowan udela vylet do Strakonic? A k tomu na dudackej festival? Rodi se pak po okoli usaty deti s cervenejma nosama? A znej vsechny kapely, kde nekdo funi do dudu stejne jako Dropkick Murphys nebo Real mc Kenzies? Neni lepsi verit v rock..n..roll?!
What happenes when Shane Mac Gowan takes a trip to Strakonice? And to top it all off to see a pipers festival? Are aftewards all children being born with big ears and red noses? And do all of them listen to bands where somebody blown the horns as much as Dropkick Murphys or Real mc Kenzies? Isn..t it better just to believe in rock..n..roll?!
Hranaty kytary a dvojity kopaky. Metal jako vyvoj, punk jako postoj, hardcore je navrat do budoucnosti. Satek je stejnokroj a rev rozpoznavaci kod. Destrukce...
Squire guitars and double snecks. Metal as evolution, punk as attitude, hardcore as return to the future. Scarf as a uniform and roar as an identification code. Pure Destruction...
Pokud mate zajem usporadat koncert ve vasem meste, zastupujeme pro uzemi CR jeste tyto kapely/If you are interested in organizing a concert in your home town, we sit in for these bands : BORN TO LOSE, DADOES?, DEAD NOTES, JOHNIE ROOK, MOUTHGUARD, MUGSHOT, SHEARER und SKEPTIC ELEPTIC
Splneny sen a dite dj Tchichimana. Vydavatelstvi, ktery mu bude zajistovat desky pro jeho produkci. Zatim jeden titul, ale planu tisice. Chceme se orientovat na vinyly. Cd maximalne jako kompilaci nebo jako prehravatelnejsi nosic, prodavany spolecne s vinylem, protoze ne vsichni si muzou vinyl prehrát anebo pustit kdekoliv. Mezi nase sluzby souvisejici s vydavatelstvim je nabidka na vylisovani vinylu ci vyrobu cd. Zajistenim desitek objednavek jsme dospeli k cene, ktera neni uplne obvykla. Jsme schopni ji predavat v ramci “komunity” dal. Zaslete nam svujk zamer a cenik a my vam posleme nas. Souvisejici sluzby jsou tisk obalu, prodej igelitovych obalu na vinyly a v neposledni rade i nahrani desky ve studiu. Porovnani vybaveni, ceny a polohy ruznych spratelenych nahravacich studii, tak aby vyhovovalo primo vasim potrebam
Dj Tchichiman..s dream come true and a first born child – a music publishing house which will warrant records for his production. So far it is only one title but the plan is to produce thousands of them. We would like to specialize in vinyl records. CDs will be produced only in the form of compilations or as a more playable carrier which will be sold together with the vinyl because not of us all have the devices to play a vinyl record on anywhere we wish to. Another of our services connected with the publishing house is an offer of pressing the vinyl, or manufacturing CDs. With the insurances of tenths of orders we have come to a price which is quite unusual. We are able to distribute it within our “community” and far beyond. Send us your intentions and price list, and we will send you ours. Related services are the print of a cover, sale of plastic covers for vinyl records, and last but not least recording of the album itself in a professional studio. The choice of the studio (from the list of our associated studios) will be according to your location, financal possibilities and other needs
Tourservice, Van, Backline…
Jsme schopni pro vas zaridit tour anebo se o to alespon pokusit…Nabizime k pronajmu nasi dodavku Gottlieba. Zajistujeme I pujceni aparatury.
Roznos letaku a plakatu...
Spolupracujeme s nekolika prazskymi kluby a promotery na zajisteni jejich propagace. Nase i jejich letaky a plakaty distribuujeme na skoro 200 mist jako jsou obchody s hudbou, bary, kavarny, skoly a hostely. Pro seznam poslete mail. Zajistujeme i tisk plakatu a letaku. Pokud byste si nevedeli rady s grafickym zpracovanim, nekoho najdeme i na toto.
Doplnkove sluzby...jeste mame opravdu vychytanej potisk tricek, vyrobu samolepek a vyrobu placek. Pro info poslete mail.
Tour service, Van, backline…
We are fully equipped to arrange you a tour or at least try to arrange one… we are offering you a rental of our tour bus Gottlieb. We can also ensure a loudspeaker system rental.
Poster and Leaflet Distribution...
We cooperate with several Prague based clubs and promoters, and ensure their advertisement and promotion. We distribute both our and their flyers and posters to over 200 locations such as music shops, bars, cafes, schools and hostels. If interested in the list of locations, please write to us. We also provide poster and leaflet print, or find you a perfect person if being in doubt of graphical composition.
Additional we have a really cool t-shirt prints, stickers and badge production. For further info, please write to us.
Mame venku prvni release, jedna se o split singl Phantoms on Fire/Flaming Cocks. Vysel pouze na vinylu (barevnem) a sehnat ho muzete na koncertech obou kapel, v kamennych obchodech Hazzard, Electra, Emergency, Rocksters, Maxicum Underground a Working class shop v Praze, Rockarolla ve Strakonicich. Kramy budou postupne pribyvat, koncerty budou pribyvat a vinyly budou ubyvat (hurááá). Objednavat muzete take na mailu : [email protected] . Cena od nas je 100 Kc bez postovneho.
Obal verze 2

My Interests


Member Since: 11/24/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Eternal Killer - CHIEF
[email protected]

Backstreet Rock´n´roller - 2nd MAN
[email protected]

Dr. Penerka - prague city lover
[email protected]

Influences: CORE RITUAL bands (2008-2003) : the First Wave, Sewer Rats, Fuckadies, Failed Teachers, Black Fag, Odysseus and the Argonauts, Hollow Points, Mugshot 76, Vacunt, The Hysterics, Whiskey Rebels, Radiccal Hipiezzz, Dadoes, Angry Brigade, Strung out, Punkhart, Raf, 4 Debils, Shearer, Hudson Falcons, P.N.S., I.S.P., Nine Eleven, Skeptic Eleptic, Argetti, Die Outsiders, Pissycat, Born to lose, Schwabach, Bad Tones, Eastern Star, Mouthguard, Streetmachine, Cheers!, Mordors gang, Flaming cocks, Johnie Rook, Gangnails, The Prostitutes, Dead man..s hand, Deheth C, Trigger, Fuck da karot, K obrazu svímu, Thalidomide, Phantoms on fire, Delusion, Korupce, Sex pistols and Hnf revival, Wejfuck, Positive mind, the Riot, Tetrafarmakos, 158, Ambrosia, Rebelscope, Shatter, Penile Atresia, Soukromey pozemek, Dreadrot, WAMS, Kevorkian, Destyl, Noise wave, Maurfahr, Saigon 316 and Suma.


Sounds Like: BIG thanx to our partners!!!
Record Label: Tchichimania kamikatze records
Type of Label: Indie