Gottlieb (friend for rent) profile picture

Gottlieb (friend for rent)

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

ceskou verzi "Gottlieb story" najdete hned v dalsi kolonce!!!Hello Boys, and Girls!My name is Gottlieb, and I would like to be your good friend. I was born in the beginning of 2006, and until December 2007 I was all alone. Sometimes my previous owners took me out for a trip but mostly I was of no use for them. Because of that at the end of summer they took me to one gentleman who had a very pretty courtyard where I had a rest along with many friends of the same brand as me. I was quite happy there until the moment when from the far east came my new owner - Mr. Tchichiman accompanied by his friends. They looked at me, patted me, moved my steering wheel, jumped on my seats, and couldn..t accept the fact that I was not only new looking from the outside. Finally when they discovered that I am shiny and new on the inside as well, and that I have only seen 30 thousand kilometres of this world, they decided to take me away from my hometown to their country. To the land where I don..t find coal-oil so tasty anymore, and where there are holes on roads which hurt my joints, and other vehicles are not as friendly. I do not understand why are they always honking, blinking, over-taking from the right…I can also go faster than 140, but I like to drive safe, and I do not want to hurt any of my friends who are sitting inside of me! That is why I usually drive even slower. But I always arrive on time to my destination! Check out my pictures to see how pretty I am! If you want to know more about me than here you go – I am a damn hot blue minibus. I am not as long as some of my longest friends, but I am not as short as those who have the rear door pressed to the back seats. I am big enough for 7 people without a driver, for their bags, guitars, cases, and amplifiers. If you would like to know where you can borrow either me or those cases and amplifiers, than do not hesitate and write to me! I do not have a TV inside because I do not think you are interested in watching it. You will not be in a jet plane with three hundred different strangers, you will be in me, with my driver and the landscape all around us. All other comfort inside of me is granted of course, and everything that has to be inside of me is there. Recently I spoke to the grumpy old man who is my driver. I asked him if he wants to keep me working hard, and make the most of me till I drop dead. But he told me he has enought work of his own. He promotes music clubs, summer music festivals, and sometimes he even plays music. He said he didn..t buy me because he needed to make money, but because he wants his friends who have bands to use me to go to their concerts, and if anybody else would be interested and he would have time, and the trip would sound like a nice idea, than he would go with them too. And all that for a punk price, with a punk approach, and a punk tape in my stereo…That cool, heh? So why are you still waiting to be friends with me?Yours trully Gottlieb Prague, January 2008 PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

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Ahoj holky, ahoj kluci!Jmenuji se Gottlieb a chci byt vas kamarad. Historie mych predku se zacala psat kolem roku 1909, ale ja sam jsem se narodil pocatkem jara 2006. Do prosince 2007 jsem byl moc a moc sam. Obcas me vyvezli na vylet moji predesli majitele, ale moc vyuziti pro me nenasli. Proto me pred pul rokem, koncem leta, odvezli k jednomu panovi, ktery mel takovy hezky dvorek, kde odpocivalo hodne mych kamaradu stejne znacky. Stal jsem tam a prasilo se na ma okna az do chvile, kdy odnekud z vychodu prijel muj novy majitel. Tchichiman se svymi prateli. Prohlizeli me, poklepavali na me dutiny, kroutili mi volantem, skakali po sedackach a porad si mysleli, ze jako novy jen vypadam. Kdyz se presvedcili, ze jako novy skutecne vonim i brucim vyfukem a ze muj svetovy rozhled je zatím jen 30 tisic kilometru, rozhodli se me odvezt do noveho domova. Je to hezka zeme, ale nafta mi tu tolik nechutna, vsude sou jamy na silnicich, coz me klouby moc boli a taky ostatni auta uz se se mnou tolik nekamaradi. Porad na me troubi, blikaji, najizdeji, predjizdeji me zprava...dokazu taky jet 140 kilometru za hodinu, ale mnohem radsi jezdim bezpecne protoze nechci, aby se nekomu z pratel, sedicich v mych utrobach cokoliv stalo! Presto do cile dorazim vzdy vcas! Kouknete se na me fotky, abyste videli, jaky jsem krasavec! Fakta o me jsou zde: jsem nadherny modry minibus. Nejsem tak dlouhy, jako moji nejdelsi kamaradi, ale nejsem ani kratky, abych mel zadni dvirka nalepena na zadni sedacky. Jsem zkratka tak akorat pro 8 lidi vcetne ridice. Akorat i pro jejich bagly, kytary, bedny a zesilovace( poradim vam i kde si ty bedny, zesilovace nebo snad cely bici muzete pujcit...)Nemam uvnitr sebe televizi, proto ze si nemyslim, ze se na ni chcete koukat. Uvnitr me to neni jako v letadle s 3 stovkama cizich lidi! Krome toho, ze jste tu se mnou, jste tu i s mym ridicem a krajinou v okoli a taky s veskerym komfortem - ktery opravdu vyuzijete.Nedavno jsem mluvil s tim nevrlym dedkem v uniforme, co mi dela sofera. Ptal jsem se ho, jestli me chce nechat v zaprahu furt a porad a vyzdimat ze me co nejvic penez, dokud se nerozpadnu. Ale on mi rikal, ze ma svoji prace dost. Dela snad jeste taky propagaci pro hudebni kluby, na letnich festivalech neco dela a taky sem tam pousti muziku. Takze prej me nekoupil, aby na me vydelal, ale proto, aby jeho kamosi a kapely tech kamosu se mnou jezdili na svoje koncerty. A kdyby mel zajem i nekdo dalsi a on bude mit cas a bude to zajimavej vylet, tak ze muzeme jet i s nim. A to vse za punkovou cenu, s punkovym a ferovym pristupem a s punkovou kazetou v mem prehravaci...A to je prece fajn ne? Budeme kamaradi?Vas Gottlieb z Prahy v lednu 2008 PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

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