SALLAH WITH BCMG profile picture


It's your attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude..................... -SALLAH/POLI

About Me

.... We'll talk about me another time. Truth is, God put me on this earth to do somethings, And am kinda behind schedule ! ************************************************************ *********** Please Take The ETHIC's Darfur Pledge With Me: "Until 44,000 peacekeepers have been deployed in Darfur to stop the cycle of violence, I pledge to take the following actions:1) EVERY DAY,* I will call the White House switchboard (202-456-1414) and leave the following message for President Bush: "This is [name] from [state]. Forty-four thousand peacekeeping troops could stop the genocide in Darfur. Please act immediately. Thank you." If calling long distance is a financial hardship or if I can't leave a message due to the volume of calls, I will send an email to [email protected] every day with the same message.2) I will recruit at least ONE other person to take this pledge.3) To ensure that my actions are counted, I will register my pledge with The ETHIC by emailing my name and address to [email protected] or by signing the Darfur Pledge online petition.**" * You can leave a voice message at the White House Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. eastern time.Thank you for all your support. - Sallah/BCMG--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

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My Interests

title="See what you can do to Help Obama Win!" Dear Sallah, Our foreign policy shapes America's image abroad, but America's role in the world is deeply personal for many of us here at home.We remember how it felt when the American president had the moral authority to speak for free people everywhere.Maybe you've traveled abroad and seen firsthand how in a few years George Bush has squandered the goodwill America earned over half a century. Maybe the decisions George Bush has made has sent your friend or family member into a war that should have never happened in the first place.Barack wants to know why a new direction for our foreign policy and restoring America's moral leadership in the world is personal for you. Share your story here: Barack gave a major address about why our role in the world is personal for him.He's been to the border of the Darfur region and seen first-hand what happens when America will not step up and lead. He's seen first-hand that weapons of mass destruction in the former Soviet Union have not been secured under this president. He's met with Israelis and Palestinians who told him that true peace won't be achieved without an American president committed to making it happen.And he's got concrete plans to right our course and rebuild America's global leadership. Today he laid out five initiatives that an Obama Administration will pursue:* Bring a responsible end to this war in Iraq and refocus on the critical challenges in the broader region * Modernize our overstretched armed forces, building the first truly 21st century military and show wisdom in how we deploy it * Marshal a global effort to secure, destroy, and stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction * Rebuild and construct the alliances and partnerships necessary to meet common challenges and confront common threats * Invest in our common humanity to ensure that those who live in fear and want today can live with dignity and opportunity tomorrowBarack Obama will be an American president who leads the world once again.But this campaign isn't only about Barack Obama. A comprehensive agenda for America's foreign policy requires the input and participation of the millions of Americans who have a stake in the outcome.We've provided a place where you can submit your ideas to add to the ones Barack laid out today. Your input will be a component of our policy development process and part of the ongoing expansion of our campaign's agenda. Share your ideas and priorities for America's foreign policy here: Barack pointed out today, the position of "leader of the free world" has been vacant for some time.For too long we've seen the consequences of a foreign policy based on a flawed ideology, and a belief that tough talk can replace real strength and vision.How many millions of Americans and our allies abroad winced when Senator John McCain gleefully sang a tune about starting another war by bombing Iran?As the Republican presidential candidates repeat the same tired White House talking points, one thing is becoming clear: Democrats have the obligation to turn the page and lead America into a new chapter in history.With your help, Barack Obama can do that.Thank you, DavidDavid Plouffe Campaign Manager Obama for America ************************************************************ ************************************************************ **************sallah,A piece of paper will soon be placed on George Bush's desk in the Oval Office.By picking up a pen and signing his name to it, he could end the war in Iraq.The House and Senate united and passed a bill that would provide for our troops now and begin a redeployment from Iraq to bring them home.We're just one signature away from ending the tragic mistake that has cut short thousands of American lives, cost tens of billions of dollars, and destroyed America's global moral leadership. But only if the president signs the bill.I opposed this war from the beginning, and I would sign the bill to end it in a heartbeat.If you would too, please take a moment to tell someone just how simple it would be to end this war: of the politics, all of the spin, all of the rhetoric means very little today.The overwhelming majority of Americans want this war to end. The president must follow them.America is one signature away sallah.- Barack Obama Check out my friend if you are concerned about our broken health care system and want to be part of the solution for REAL reform!Sign their petitions below and keep spreading the word! Copy this code to paste in your own bulletin right out of their "Bulletin of the Day" section on their page. It's an easy way to help out every day. " Everyone Click Here to Petition Congress to pass Single-Payer HR 676 – National Health InsuranceClick Here to support Universal Health Insurance for California (California people sign BOTH petitions!)Today's Topics 9-11-07Medicare overpayments to insurers mean seniors lose out, audit findsDoctors Offering No-Interest Loans to PatientsThe Health Care America Wants - 6 Letters to the NY Times Every Single Person, Take One Single Action, Every Single Day For Single JOIN OUR GROUP HERE

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here As we approach a New Year, we reflect on all that has taken place in our lives, our communities and across the seas: Sudan; Haiti; Iraq; Afghanistan; Kyrgyzstan; Somalia; Palestine; Israel; Bangladesh; Cambodia; Solomon Islands and even in our own backyard. It is essential to approach this New Year with a Sense of Purpose, not to try by doing Big and Great things, but by doing "One Small Gesture" or a "Gift Of Kindness" that Can and Will make a difference!Remember our youth, nurture and protect them. Spend more time with them and acknowledge their efforts. Embrace their successes and failures.Love yourself more and have lots of fun. Time waits for no one. Remember we are always better off than someone else and in turn, humbly give to those who have less. God Bless and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


God for giving me life and my Mama for receiving it, hopefully myself for making sure gods work is done, and " Mama frica " for giving me the knowledge to realize that , Without my fears...I wouldn't have the courage to be who I am.

My Blog

Check out this video: Darfur Now

Check out this video: Darfur Now Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by SALLAH WITH BCMG on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 10:46:00 PST

Genocide in Darfur...This has to stop.

Genocide in DarfurAdd to My Profile | Thankxx for taking the time to watch this video..We have to do something -Sallah Videos...
Posted by SALLAH WITH BCMG on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 10:40:00 PST