3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music profile picture

3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music

Who's Yellow? Bunny's Yellow!

About Me

Calling All Friend Requests!

If you're in my queue of Friend Requests and I haven't added you yet, Don't Panic, as I work through them all, and add about 2 or 3 new ones a day, so I'll get to y'all eventually!

4 Elements DDR/Fenix Remix EP
See also my NEW SITE...
Fenix Dubs

You have been marked on my profile map! Click to zoom-in.

A RECENT BOOKING... 24/11/2007


This video was shot in just one weekend (yes, all that animation) back in 2001, but has only just been digitally remastered and re-edited by me (colour correction to follow soon), as at the time it was shot and edited on borrowed gear!
The idea behind it was to take domestic objects and bring them to life by 'choreographing' them to one of my own tunes (called Brain Bug, after a random newspaper headline I saw at the time of writing it)!
Yes, I really did burn a hole in my kitchen floor during the making of this video, but no I didn't care, because I moved out a couple of weeks after making this, and all that Lino got ripped up by builders anyway!
I tell you, I'm perfectly stone cold sober, honest...


This video features footage of dancers from the Dithyrambic Jigg project, for which I have been known to supply some percussive sounds!


This is the time compressed and edited sum of two bus journeys between Cambridge and Bedford I did about a year ago, with a suitably manic soundtrack!
The building that features at the start and end of this video (Bradwells Court), doesn't exist any more, as it was demolished recently, to make way for another concrete and glass retail box!
And they call this progress...

Who Am I . . ?

Primarily producer of electronic music, but also poet/lyricist, painter, photographer, sometime graphic artist/cartoonist and percussionist.
Yeah, alright, I'm a bit of a polymath, but don't worry, I'm not cocky about it!
The name 3DM is both my moniker and a statement of intent, as I'm not interested in following formulas, but striking out and trying new things - after all, in the realm of electronic music any sound can be your instrument, so why limit yourself?
Definitely feeling the flows of Dubstep, Grime and Broken Beat right now, as well as what came before them. Believe that lyrical content shouldn't just be about trivia, but actually be meaningful, so I'm unlikely to be writing pop songs anytime soon!
Ultimately I want to do multimedia projects, using video, audio and performance as well as experiments with emerging digital media too, although the technology is never the end in itself for me, just the medium to work with to convey ideas.
I'm also a Sambista for some years running now, and have gigged and travelled (Recently Irish Republic, France, Spain) all over the place as a result. However, I'm not all serious, as there's nothing quite like the rush of standing in front of a big bassbin, or being at a carnival and following a sound system truck, or playing in a hundred strong Samba Band!
I'm also known around town for playing Egyptian beats with the Salon Darabuka collective.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/7/2006
Band Website: arcoiris.org.uk/
Band Members: Just little ol' me when I'm doing electronic music, but about 40 or more musicians when I'm drumming!

I'm an omnivore, musically speaking
...in no small part because of this guy:

And then of course...

James Brown

R.I.P. The Godfather of Funk.


The Story of Nikola Tesla...

Sounds Like: Right click on the link below to hear
the radio show I was a guest on

"Who Do You Think You Are?":

3DM Radio Show

Vito's Blogspot
(you can also find an mp3 of the 3DM show there).

Record Label: I wish!!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Poetry Blog...

Pussycat!Little Ginger Pussycat sitting on my lap,You are my new friend now but you've caught me in a trap!My Human friends have all gone, but I enjoy your warm company,So, do I offend you but set mys...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 08:00:00 PST

A Keyboard Choir Comes to town!

Well, sometimes the best nights out are the ones you didn't plan to do, and that was certainly the case tonight, as I discovered a wonderful new act along the way, called the Keyboard Choir, which con...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 04:50:00 PST


AS IF by magic, when I visited college about a week ago, I noticed these intriguing white lines had appeared on the front wall of one of the buildings.I knew immediately that this must be an art insta...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 06:49:00 PST

Party Tricks...

Well, it's funny the things I end up doing at parties.Very rarely does it just involve the things that other people might think about doing, you know, like drinking, dancing and conceiving babies in y...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 06:49:00 PST


My day started by going to meet complete strangers at a railway station I'd never stopped at before, which felt a bit 'cloak and dagger' at the time, but got better from there, when Matt, our very jol...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 07:38:00 PST


Airstrike! Airstrike! Send in the planes!Airstrike! Airstrike! So much to be gained.We'll raze those neighbourhoods right down to the ground,vaporise our "enemies", so no traces will be found,because ...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 03:15:00 PST


Hi again!It's time for part two of the Virtual Exhibition!And remember, it's all Copyright material, so no wallpapers please!This time it's all about the construction side of things, including portrai...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 06:22:00 PST


It's funny the things you see around town on a Saturday afternoon, when you're wandering about minding your own business...buskers, beggars, Big Issue sellers, even Born Again Christians trying to con...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 10:56:00 PST


Welcome to my very first virtual art exhibition on Myspace! So far this project has been a year in the making, and come rain, shine, snow or aub-arctic temperatures, I've gone along to the constructi...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 03:27:00 PST

Action Figures like you've never seen before!

Right, here we finally go - those now infamous pictures that I took in that Post Office. And they can stick it where the sun don't shine, 'cos I'm publishing them anyway! ENJOY!! ...
Posted by 3DM = Deliberately Diff'rent Dance Music on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 04:21:00 PST