ARMY OF THE ONE-THIRD profile picture


You're dying to be us.

About Me

We are your brothers. Your sisters. Your friends. We are the walking death. We will burn your cities to the ground and rebuild them with the bones of your children. We are the rotting flesh of the carcass of civilization, animated by nothing less than HATE.Once we tried to conquer Heaven... but Earth feels so much more like home. Such a nice little mudball of decadence and debauchery, with plenty of shadows to cloak the misdeeds of our favored sons. You've dug yourselves into a swampy grave of iniquity, you've welcomed us into your homes with open arms, and all because we gave you a sip from the cup of pleasure. Now feel the venom coursing through your veins as we become everything you are. You unlocked the door. We're busting it down anyway.How we love to possess and commandeer the flesh of the living... to feel the hedonistic ecstasy of sin at its lowest. But this is a war. And in a war, you need obedient troops. The living are fickle; they let us in and then run back into His arms at the first twinge of guilt. The dead make better soldiers.We're building an Army. Consider this your draft notice.
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My Interests

Wrath. Envy. Greed. Lust. Pride. Gluttony. Sloth. Whatever kills you only makes us stronger.

I'd like to meet:

Your head on a pike.

All words by Derik Hefner. All pictures by David R. Wagoner. EPHRAIM GREY, ARMY OF THE ONE-THIRD, and all related characters TM & Copyright 2006 Derik Hefner/David Wagoner.


Meshuggah, Dimmu Borgir, Cannibal Corpse.


The dramatizations of our influence at its worst. We can't kill the Creator, but we can destroy the monkeys made in His image. And we do enjoy seeing the re-enactments.


A valuable tool. Each programme merely a signpost guiding mankind further toward his dark destiny... as our lapdog.


You can guess which book we DON'T like.


The leaders of our Grand Rebellion... Lucifer, Samael, Azmodeus. The deceiving spirits masquerading as "gods," crushing entire civilizations beneath their feet. Nimrod, Zarathustra, Marcion, Constantine, Hitler, and any other monkey that has helped us further our deceptions.

My Blog

"GIRLS AND CORPSES!" hits April 10th

GIRLS AND CORPSES!!! Two of our very favorite things, yesss... but also the title of a magazine The Army of the One-Third will be appearing in.  It comes out April 10th... as if the title al...
Posted by ARMY OF THE ONE-THIRD on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 06:31:00 PST