Hooligan4terry profile picture


Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got...I'm still...I'm still Jubbie from the block.

About Me

i just recently moved to Clearwater, Florida for my jobby job & i'm not so sure how i feel about all this humidity. It's different from back home. I'm a soccer hooligan (not a mean hooligan--just a crazed soccer nut), graphic designer, & court jester. I love laughing at stupid shit and i live for funny moments. I try my damndest to experience new things on a daily basis, laugh at everything and be a good friend. The wisest thing I've ever heard was "Regret Nothing, but Learn Something." Momma raised me right, you know.

My Interests

the most beautiful photography i've ever seen: http://www.manuelarmand.com/ Soccer & hooliganism. All things art, especially photography. My next project is learning the tactics of make-up artistry. Expressing yourself in extremely bizarre ways. Music--can't live without it. Liberals. Other countries but my own. Weird food. Good food. Any food. "Boozin' and whorin'" & Muppets.....

You are Kermit the Frog. You are reliable, responsible and caring. And you
have a habit of waving your arms about
FAVORITE EXPRESSIONS: "Hi ho!" "Yaaay!" and "Sheesh!"
FAVORITE MOVIE: "How Green Was My Mother"
LAST BOOK READ: "Surfin' the Webfoot: A Frog's Guide to the Internet"
HOBBIES: Sitting in the swamp playing banjo.
QUOTE: "Hmm, my banjo is wet."
What Muppet are you?

I'd like to meet:

Other soccer hooligans. Extremely humorous people. Peter Gabriel, Johnny Cash (odds are bad on that one). crazies, liberals, drunks, etc. I should add a disclaimer here....I've learned a bit about myspace now, and I'm not into adding you as a friend or your band just so you can have an astronomical number of friends. i don't network like that.


Blues music--well, any music really except for country, but i love blues music. And Depeche Mode. "Funny combination" you may say. No no. I make it work. The rest are as follows in no particular order with varying degrees of love: Peter Gabriel and everything about that wonderful man. The Police (god they rock my world), Nina Simone, Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash (fuck yeah.), Radiohead, Coldplay, The Cure, NIN, Miles Davis, John Lee Hooker, Son House, Ella & Billie, The Esoteric (shout out to my boy Marshal!), Franz Ferdinand, Hard-Fi, The Arctic Monkeys, Prince, any spanish guitar (mariachi) or salsa music---i.e. The Gypsy Kings. Led Zeppelin, AC/DC--because i'm back in black, The Stones, THE EFFIN CLASH! and many many more.


Shaun of the Dead, The Footbal Factory, Brokeback, Walk the Line, Harry Potter movies, Tommy Boy, anything created by the Henson company---they shit solid gold as far as i'm concerned, Monty Python movies hands down, Eddie Izzard stand-up, anything involving John Cusack, crap 80s movies, extremely suspenseful horror movies, hell--bad horror movies at that....i'm racking my brain....i can't think of any more at the moment....they'll come to me.


muppet show - beaker sings "Feelings"

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This one is much easier because i don't watch alot of it. I'm addicted to Fox Soccer Channel and BBC America. I love BritComs. Black Adder, Monty Python, Little Britain, The Office (British and American), The Green Room, Coupling, Creature Comforts, Fawlty Towers, Vicar of Dibley (i know, i know...*groan*), League of Gentlemen, My Family, etc. etc. Also, when it's on, I love America's Next Top Model. mehh...we all have our own guilty pleasures, am i right?


Fahrenheit 451, The Historian, The Da Vinci Code & Angels and Demons, the Abarat series by Clive Barker, Chronicles of Narnia (and yes i was a fan before the movie), Lord of the Rings, the Harry Potter series, anything by Poppy Z. Brite (she could write on paper in poo and i'd still read it), Youth in Revolt--hilarious!, House of Leaves--just because i'm REALLY proud of myself for getting through it even tho i still don't understand some of it. i think i broke a sweat reading that one. Alice in Wonderland, The Georgia Nicholson Chronicles--side-splitting stuff!, anything by Christopher Moore--he makes me laugh so hard i cry, anything by David Sedaris--see Christopher Moore. Sharon Kay Penman, Toni Morrison....i'm really drawing a blank now.


JIM HENSON FIRST AND FOREMOST. He's really just an incredible human being. John Terry. Sol Campbell. Casey Keller. Carlos Bocanegra. Thierry Henry. Dennis Bergkamp. Clint Mathis. Arsene Wenger. B.B. King. John Lee Hooker. Son House. My sister's boobs. That cat next door, Sylvester, who i swear is half human. Nessa. Steph. Jeffy. Andrew. Barbie (cuz he puts up with my shit. and my sister's boobs). oh....and this guy.....

My Blog

The Awakening

I thought I would repost this as a reference for myself in the future when I get bogged down. If this is something that interests you, as the reader of my blog, then I'm all the more pleased. It was...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 09:03:00 PST

Kyle's blog was so beautifully put...

..........that i had to repost it for myself. hope you enjoy (particularly the Baptist part. BAHAH!)"I believe that the scientist is trying to express absolute truth and the artist absolute beauty, ...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 06:04:00 PST

projecting the downfall of humanity:

not enough dry slapping for stupidity in this world. sigh.... ...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 07:41:00 PST

Buttermilk Pancakes with Warm Homicide Syrup...

Every morning i cross over the Bayside Bridge on my way to work. Every morning i hit traffic. not droning monday through friday traffic, but agressive, angst-ridden, demon-driven traffic. it doesn't...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 12:23:00 PST

suck it, emos.

oh i hate you, Conor Oberst.in a recent Spin interview, he states:"The apocalypse is a prevalent theme in my new songs. There's a feeling in the world right now like everything is unraveling, but may...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:22:00 PST

8 November 2006  House & Senate (a.k.a. Patience is a Virtue)

For those of you who hate abrasive irrationality...close this bulletin right now and don't read any further. For those of you who feel as i do about the events of today and throw caution to the wind ...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 09:28:00 PST


i would like everyone reading this to take note of my Smoke/Drink? status.THAT IS CORRECT MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JULIE HAS CONQUERED THAT EVIL MONKEY ON HER BACK!!!!!!!! AND SHE SMELLS NICE ...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 08:17:00 PST

Fuck 'em. (Thanks CocoMo.)

A guy by the name of Doug Stanhope wrote this and Mr. Coconut Monkey blogged it.  I couldn't agree more.   If You Can't Beat Em, Fuck Em. The Red Sox have won, Bush has been re-elected...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 04:13:00 PST

The Man in Black. i.e. The Real Badass.

Reason 1.Only one man who has ever lived has been bad enough to be called The Man In Black and it wasnt Chuck NorrisReason 2.Johnny didnt have to fight to be a bad ass. He just had to pick up a beer b...
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 10:44:00 PST

i....i just...there are no words.

*tear* it's......it's beautiful.
Posted by Hooligan4terry on Mon, 08 May 2006 03:46:00 PST