Free Fanjul @ NOTE profile picture

Free Fanjul @ NOTE

Yeah, I am you, I am me, I am you.

About Me

FREE FANJUL closed at Theatre of NOTE on May 27, 2006. Check out Theatre of NOTE's current and upcoming productions at "The more I look at you, the less you look like him and the more you look like me."
"Director Kiff Scholl brings this intelligent and darkly funny piece to life with robust performances and striking film-clip projections" - Backstage West
"Free Fanjul was written by Dennis Miles for three male actors, but is alternating in rep here with a male cast and a female cast. The story is a frightening riff on those who fall in love with cruel partners, including those who become obsessed with death-row inmates. I saw the exquisite distaff cast (Julia Prud'homme, Jennifer Ann Evans and Cathy Carlton) who produce chills with the depth of their emotional and physical abuse. Director Kiff Scholl manages to happily exploit the few moments of comedy while staying true to the horror of these savage characters' painful eloquence..." -LA Weekly
"featuring a terrific trio of actors" -
"consumately acted" - Frontiers Magazine
“Truth is always stranger than fiction and memory is worse than both combined.” This quote is found inside the theater program sums up the experience from watching Free Fanjul and Brandohead. It’s an experiment on what happens when the surreal crashes into its pesky nemesis called reality. What you believe was normal is truly not and what you believed was odd is perfectly fine. This double bill surely will have people scratching their heads, laugh nervously and question repeatedly what the hell did they just witness.Free Fanjul has a few love triangles going on. It’s the characters that are questionable not the story itself. The play alternates between an all male and all female cast depending on the weekend. In the female production, Julia Prud’homme plays Ansel Biochat a glue factory worker with an obsession for convicted murderer Rohas Fanjul. Ansel goes on a rampant campaign to free her idol that she’s hopelessly in lust with. Ansel is so wrapped up in freeing Fanjul that everything else in her life quickly disappears. She goes as far as to dump one lover for one who eerily resembles her fantasy. Jennifer Ann Evans does a fantastic job playing the sociopath killer and the woman Ansel quickly uses as a substitute. Evans easily slips into the skin of the articulate murderer and Ansel’s volatile lover. She completely changes mannerisms and personality when playing opposite characters. Prud’homme is dizzying fun time to watch as the conflicted and nervous Ansel. Manipulative yet vulnerable you don’t know whether you should slap a heap of sense into her or offer her a cup of decaffeinated green tea to relax her."
Free Fanjul: A man in love with an imprisoned murderer and the lengths to which he goes to die for love.
Free Fanjul: A woman in love with an imprisoned murderer and the lengths to which she goes to die for love.
Note: Free Fanjul is double cast with male and female versions. The casts will alternate nights on opening and closing weekends; otherwise, the casts will alternate weekends.
Free Fanjul has two casts, male & female. Here are the dates they're performing: Women: April 21, 27 & 29, May 11-13 & 27Men: April 22, May 4-6, 18-20, 25 & 26 Director Kiff Scholl says Free Fanjul is the tragic and awkwardly comic story of Ansel, who simply wants to die for love.
Dennis Miles (Playwright, Free Fanjul): Under the direction of Kiff Scholl his plays Middle Savage, One David More, One David Less, For the Curious, Destronelli and The Fan Maroo have had productions in Los Angeles. Under the direction of Jon Lawrence Rivera von Lutz had an 11-week run in Los Angeles in the 2005-06 season. Frontiers Magazine named von Lutz one of the best productions of 2005. In 1999, Mr. Miles won an LA Weekly-ASK Theater Projects playwriting award for Middle Savage.
The casts:
The Women - Cathy Carlton, Jennifer Evans and Julia Prud'homme.
The Men - Donald Agnelli, Scott McKinley and Dan Wingard.
Produced for Theatre of NOTE by Alex Brown & Lake Sharp
Set Design by Erin Brewster
Lighting Design by Dan Jenkins
Puppet Design by Evan Bartoletti
Costume Design by Lisa LeFevre
Makeup Design by Ann Closs-Farley
Sound Designers: Andy Mitton, Cricket S. Meyers
Stage managers: Ron Morehouse, Bree Todish
I am Free Fanjul. A one-act play by Dennis Miles.
I am running at Theatre of NOTE in Hollywood California on a double bill with another one-act, Brandohead by Chris Danowski.
Opening April 21, 2006 and running through May 27, Thurs-Sat @ 8PM.
Theatre of NOTE 1517 Cahuenga Boulevard Hollywood CA 90029
To reserve: 323.856.8611
Theatre of NOTE is a nonprofit, democratic company dedicated to exploring the theatrical event through original and innovative works. We serve an adventurous community seeking alternative live performance. Founded in 1981 by University of California, Irvine graduates Kevin Carr, Kitty Felde, and Melanie MacQueen, NOTE is guided by a five-person Artistic and Management Board elected from within the membership. We premiere an average of four mainstage productions a year, by writers such as W. H. Auden and Bertolt Brecht, Sheila Callaghan, Christopher Kelley, Tony Kushner, Jennifer Maisel, Leon Martell, Murray Mednick, Dennis Miles, John O'Keefe, Erik Patterson, and Jacqueline Wright. NOTE also upholds a tradition of acclaimed late-night shows, first launched in 1988, in addition to the now-annual, notorious, celebrity-crowd art magnet, the Hollywood Performance Marathon. We have earned consistent commendation from the Los Angeles press and national acclaim from such publications as American Theatre. In all, NOTE has accumulated almost 100 honors and nominations, including awards from the L.A. Weekly, Backstage West, L.A. Stage Alliance (Ovations), and PEN International. Thanks to 25 years of advancing theatre in Los Angeles, NOTE has received generous government and corporate support, including grants from the California Arts Council, the Cultural Affairs Department of Los Angeles, the Flintridge Foundation, the Libby Holman Foundation, the Los Angeles County Arts Commission, Robinson's/May, Sedgwick James Inc., the Audrey Skirball-Kenis Foundation, Verizon, Time Warner, and we are under review by the NEA this year.
Best of Los Angeles, 2005 The L.A. Weekly:"A viewer will appreciate not only what is on the stage at Theatre of NOTE, but also what is absent elsewhere in Los Angeles: tough, cruelly funny stories that confront sexual experience with an honesty that might be called full-frontal."

Parking Info: Arclight Cinemas (enter on Ivar, just south of Sunset).$3.00 will get you 24 hours of parking, just bring your ticket to the NOTE box office and we will validate.WARNING: Both FREE FANJUL & BRANDOHEAD contain nudity and/or strong sexual situations. Not for children!

My Interests


O Fortuna (Chorus) O Fortune
O Fortuna O Fortune, velut luna like the moon statu variabilis, you are changeable, semper crescis ever waxing aut decrescis; and waning; vita detestabilis hateful life nunc obdurat first oppresses et tunc curat and then soothes ludo mentis aciem, as fancy takes it; egestatem, poverty potestatem and power dissolvit ut glaciem. it melts them like ice.Sors immanis Fate - monstrous et inanis, and empty, rota tu volubilis, you whirling wheel, status malus, you are malevolent, vana salus well-being is vain semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing, obumbrata shadowed et velata and veiled michi quoque niteris; you plague me too; nunc per ludum now through the game dorsum nudum I bring my bare back fero tui sceleris. to your villainy.Sors salutis Fate is against me et virtutis in health michi nunc contraria, and virtue, est affectus driven on et defectus and weighted down, semper in angaria. always enslaved. Hac in hora So at this hour sine mora without delay corde pulsum tangite; pluck the vibrating strings; quod per sortem since Fate sternit fortem, strikes down the string man, mecum omnes plangite! everyone weep with me!


Dan Wingard and Scott McKinley in FREE FANJUL.


Perry Mason. Alfred Hitchcock Presents.


Most of them are on biology.

