Dissolition of ego. Cultural history. Cultural anthropology. Hot wings. Drift wood. Dogs. Black telecasters. Non fiction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AitMWnN-NyU
Chuck D., Curtis Sliwa, Underdogs, Dark Horses and Ghosts in the Machine. Anyone who loses their temper at the mention of the words, "Personal Lord and Savior". Anyone who thought the future would include at least moving sidewalks by 2004. No one who still keeps in touch with high school friends because they have not yet had sex with them- and anyone who agrees with me that Charles Shaw should be given both the Nobel prize and a MacCarthur Genius grant. Okay, I will admit it, now that we are friends and all, I do keep in touch with people from high school because I have yet to have sex with them.
I really like Superchunk and Built to Spill right now. The Clash are huge for me, Taj Mahal, and a bunch of navel gazers you probably don't care about, except for The Flaming Lips. Atom and His Package, Elvis Costello, Lobster Jesus, Roy Hobbs, my four track I am gonna record a four track on.
A Galaxy Far Far Away...Because it's MINE. I like Midnight Cowboy a lot, which is weird, I know. I have never seen that southern epic movie with Vivien Leigh... what's it called? I just remembered, Gone With The Wind... I know a guy who has never seen a Kevin Bacon movie. For real, not even the cameo he did in Planes Trains and Automobiles. Think about it, it's pretty hard to go through life without seeing a Kevin Bacon movie. Even people raised by wolves have seen Kevin Bacon movies. Drawing Restraint, Land Without Bread, The General, banned cartoons.
Fitness Made Simple. TempCop, Cherokee Brides, Trauma Town (it's a hospital so big it has a zip code!), Upstairs at Annie's (the best of '07's Anne Frank based shows),
right now? The Moral Animal, Stiff,Gore Vidal's United States Essays
Hilary Clinton, Chomsky, Burroughs, Emma Goldman, Gummo Marx, Buster Keaton, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Snake Plissken, Chrissie Hynde, Jimmy Carter, My Dad, Fred Rogers, and we can be heroes... just for one day.