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mr huw

albym allan rwan! / album out now!

About Me

mae mr huw wedi bod yn chwarae ar ben ei hun ers dechrau 2006 efo'i ganeuon bachog dros ben. efo cwmni ei gerddoriaeth cefndir, gitar, allweddellau a'i simbal mae ganddo ddigon o gwmni a pethau i'w gwneud ar y llwyfan. yn ei ganeuon bydd mr huw yn canu am llad ei hun, gwynebau dod, tyllu beddi bas i'w deulu, a tyllau gogoniant. yn tyfu mewn poblogrwydd ar ol rhyddhau albym am ddim efo ffansin ffwdanu, gwnaeth mr huw ryddhau sengl 7" or enw 'gwyneb dod' / 'morgi mawr gwyn' yn rhagfyr 2006 trwy label am, y label a daeth a radio luxembourg 'os chi'n lladd cindy' i chi, a nesa sengl the threatmantics. cafodd ei sengl lawrlwytho ar recordiau kimberley sef 'anifeiliaid y ffarm' ei chwarae ar radio 1 a mae o wedi cael y pleser o chwarae ar lwyfanau dros gymru yn cefnogi euros chil;sd a zabrinski i enwi dau. cafodd ei albym cyntaf 'llond lle o hwrs a lladron' ei recordio yng nghanol mynwent rhwng mai 2006 a mawrth 2007 ar beiriant 8 trac a cafodd pob un offeryn ei chwarae gan mr huw. bydd yr albym yn cael ei ryddhau yn gymru trwy label copa ar y 16 o orffennaf a trwy'r deyrnas unedig ar awat 19. fynny at rwan mae mr huw wedi bod yn perfformio ar ben ei hun, ond erbyn hyn mae band ganddo a mi fydd yn chwarae efo nhw pob cyfle posib. wedi ei wisgo o'i ben i'w glustiau mewn siwt wen a sbectol haul fawr, mi gewch gyfle i glywed geiriau mwya tywyll wedi eu canu yn y ffordd hapusaf drost gerddoriaeth llon.------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------mr huw has been playing on his own now since early 2006, with catchy as fuck tunes, backing tracks, guitar, keyboard and cymbal prividing him with plenty to keep him busy on stage. apart from this he's also a menmer of welsh 3 piece kentucky afc. in his tunes, he sings about killing himself, cum faces, digging shallow graves for his family and glory holes. growing hugely in popularity after releasing an album free with a welsh language fanzine, mr huw released a 7" single called 'gwyneb dod' / 'morgi mawr gwyn' (translates to 'cum face' / 'great white shark') on label AM in december 2006, the label that brought you radio luxembourg with 'os chi'n lladd cindy' and next the threatmantics. his downloadably single 'anifeiliaid y ffarm' was played on radio one and he's had the privelage of playing venues all over wales supporting the likes of euros childs and zabrinski. his debut album proper 'llond lle o hwrs a lladron' (a place full of whores and theives) was recorded in the middle of a graveyard between may 2006 and march 2007. all instruments were played by mr huw and all recorded on his 8-track. the album is released in wales on the 16-7-07 on label copa and troughout the uk on the 13-8-07. up untill now he's been taking the stage on his own, but now he has a band, and when possible plays live with them. dressed to kill all in white and fuck off shades, you'll hear the darkest lyrics to the happiest music and melodies.
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Member Since: 4/4/2006
Band Website: be ffwc ydi hwn ta?
Band Members: mr huw - canu / vocals* mr huw - llais cefndir / backing vocals* mr huw - gitar acwstic / acoustic guitar* mr huw - gitar trydan / electric guitar* mr huw - bas / bass* mr huw - yamaha pss140* mr huw - yamaha pss170* mr huw - casio psr27* mr huw - yamahapss680* mr huw - yamaha sa67* mr huw - tambourine* mr huw - maracas* mr huw - cloch buwch / cow bell* mr huw - hi-hat* mr huw - drwm snare / snare drum* mr huw - drwm bas / bass drum* mr huw - tom toms* mr huw - bloc pren / wood block* mr huw - ffon glaw / rain stick* mr huw - clychau / bells* mr huw - pririant drymio / drum machine* mr huw - cynhyrchu / producing* mr huw - peiriannu / engeneering*------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------yn fyw weithiau bydd alan dwlalan ar y dryms, dyl wini ar y gitar, iwan ar y bas a tony ar yr allweddellau. / sometimes live alan dwlalan on the druns, dyl wini on the guitar, iwan on bass and tony on the keys.
Influences: evarything & nothing, someone & no one******* pob dim a dim byd, rhywun a neb
Sounds Like: mr duw, mr puw, rwbath efo uw ar ei ddiwedd o rili / anything with a uw on the end really.
Record Label: ma label copa yn rhyddhau fy albym cyntaf 16-7-07.
Type of Label: None

My Blog - rhestr 50 uchaf 2007/08 - top 50 list 2007/08

Posted by mr huw on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 05:53:00 PST

adolygiad albym gan album review

..> ..> Mr Huw Llond Lie O Hwrs A Lladron (Load of Whores & Pirates) ..> ..> ..> ..> ..> The first impression you get is that it's almost hopelessly light, jaunty, and mos...
Posted by mr huw on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 03:21:00 PST

adolygiad album review

Mr Huw - Llond Lle O Hwrs A Lladron Mr Huw is unsurprisingly a resident of Wales. His album title is in Welsh, his song titles are in Welsh, and indeed he sings in Welsh. Ten years back of course the ...
Posted by mr huw on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 05:21:00 PST

adolygiad albym album review

Mr Huw - Llond Lle O Hwrs A Lladron By Charlotte Otter The power of the internet has translated the title of this album to be 'Full Place I Go He Robbers'. Non welsh speakers make of that what you wil...
Posted by mr huw on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 05:15:00 PST

adolygiad runout groove album review

Mr Huw - Llond Lle O Hwrs A Lladron Mr Huw is unsurprisingly a resident of Wales. His album title is in Welsh, his song titles are in Welsh, and indeed he sings in Welsh. Ten years back of course...
Posted by mr huw on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 05:39:00 PST

adolygiad heckley spray review

Bloody hell, Mr Huw doesn't want to make things easy for himself, does he? On Monday, wonked-out Welsh genius Mr Huw releases his shonky glam-pop album Llond Lle Hwrs A Lladron to an unsuspecting worl...
Posted by mr huw on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 04:52:00 PST

adolygiad albym gigwise / gigwise album review

Mr Huw - 'Llond Lle Hwrs A Lladron' (Copa) Released 17/09/07 "so darkly humorous that it deserves to be known and understood by anyone with a love of music..."   Huw is a very common name in Wale...
Posted by mr huw on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:38:00 PST

adolygiadau albym / album reviews

cliciwch i weld adolygiadau o 'llond lle o hwrs a lladron' click on these bad boys to read reviews of 'llond lle o hwrs a lladron' http://www.thisisfaked...
Posted by mr huw on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 02:57:00 PST

adolygiadau albym / album reviews

cliciwch i weld adolygiadau o 'llond lle o hwrs a lladron' click on these bad boys to read reviews of 'llond lle o hwrs a lladron' http://www.thisisfaked...
Posted by mr huw on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 02:56:00 PST

gwyl garddd goll 29-7-07

gwyl gardd goll - glyn llifon 29-7-07 wedi bod yn edrych ymlaen i hwn ers ioncs, hollol ffasineitud efo gweld sut mae o gyd mynd i weithio a sut le fydd y lleoliad. yr unig beth dwi di glywed ydi bod...
Posted by mr huw on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 02:28:00 PST