I'm a lady with big hair and little feet and a bumpy inbetween.
I like to talk about all sorts of things. One might say that I'm a massive girly uber-geek in the sense that I'm pretty much into everything anybody reasonably cool would not touch for fear of looking like a nutter. I, however, could not give a shih-tzu's shite because the embarrassment and humiliation lobe in my brain has finally melted from being stimulated for too many years. I am hugely passionate about linguistics and languages, music, vintage American paraphenalia (got any tiki crap lying around you'd like to donate?), everything Japanese, home cooking, caring about people (and the making them feel better), and various other things...like my hair, which changes colour on average once every 3 months. I have a mild obsession with anything that has an anchor on it. Perhaps that comes from living on the coast for too long. Or the smell of sailors. Also, I will eat ANYTHING providing it is cherry-flavoured. Cherry flavour is the ultimate flavour. I do hope that you agree.
Dw i YN siarad Cymraeg ond mae rhaid i chi virtually squeezio fo allan o ngheg i, achos dw i byth yn teimlon digon hyderus i jyst deud rhywbeth. Rubbish de.
Hefyd dw i'n byw yn y de ond, pan nesh i penderfynu i ddysgu'r iaith (pan on i'n byw yn De Loegr), nesh i dewis i ddysgu iaith o'r gogledd am ryw reswm. Jyst i fod yn anodd. Dwi di dysgu ers pump mlynedd ar ben fy hun rwan.
After 20 years of living on the South Coast of England I finally escaped to The Land Certianly Not Of My Fathers (as I am half Polish, half Irish) in July 2005. I currently live in Cardiff where I am in charge of selling things and being diplomatic about complaints for a living. Sometimes people ask me whether I am Australian. Sometimes I develop a Janet Street-Porter lilt that makes everybody want to copy it. Other times I just provide the ultimate example in Estuary English.
And that's about it really. I'm still in shock that I remember enough HTML to create line breaks.