Now, what seems like twenty billion light years later, I am playing, writing and recording etc. from my lovely happy home in North Wales. My band, CORKY'S CATS is my main musical interest and my latest sideline project, RAGACATZZ, with Jayen Varma (World Record holder for fastest percussive bass), guitarist Sumesh Parameswar and fretless bassist 'Catbass' from North Wales will be hitting you very very soon!
CORKY'S CATS still have some dates available for the Spring - please message me to book us!!
During the years leading up to the Sugarcubes tour and the years that have followed I have been fortunate enough to have always made my living from music and theatre in some shape or form, including a couple of tours, session work, solo seasons, television work, composing for theatre, musical direction, teaching, tutoring and accompanying. My life has taken me across a very broad spectrum and I will spare you my wonderous stories and encounters here, for one day I may write a book about them! For now though, please enjoy..
Compiled by Leaping
Cat Records for Inkanish Records to benefit Jimmy Carl Black
Larsen & JCB - Don Preston & Bunk Gardner - Ed Mann - Jerry Ford & Derek Dean - The
Wrong Object - Captain Sensible - RagacatZZ - Southern Comfort - Corky's Cats - The
Moving Tones - Zappatika - Tony Roberts