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About Me

Linda Alexander : Amazing vocalist/diva (Opera - Death Metal) and poet.
Born : 12/25/nyfb (none of your fucking business)
Located : New Jersey, USA
Favorites : Too many to list
Currently listening to : Porcupine Tree, Opeth, Kamelot, Angra, Devil Doll, Blackmore's Night, Demons & wizards, Mostly Autumn, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Blah Blah Blah - the list goes on.
Essential Recordings : Porcupine Tree - anything with Steven Wilson.
Quote : Build a bridge and get over it. Do you have a flag? I'd be wrong if I beat the shit out of you. right! I'm the attitude adjuster.
Lifestyle : Straight Laced.
Bio : Born, Live, Die
Bands : Vocals for Lament, Legend and various other projects.

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My Interests

Music, Animal Rescue, physics, math, human remains and relics (I'm studying for my PHD in forensic anthropology). I am currently involved with a non-profit organization called C.A.R.E.(Companion Animal Rescue and Education). If anyone is interested in adopting a cat or dog into a loving home or just willing to foster or volunteer their time or donate please contact us at Thank You.

I'd like to meet:

Any one just like me.a


Metal, rock and Progressive!Death of Innocence- Written by Linda Alexander:Little children forget their sins Relieved of such burdens. Nieve mind and spirit carefree What has become of me. In time we wither and grow old, There comes upon us corruption of soul. Try to recapture forgotten youth, Too far gone, face the truth.Whatever happened to the child And where did she go. Killed by the emptiness We've come to know. Lost with age in a life ill spent. Death of Innocence.Distant and strange Such an unsightly place, A desperate search for a fimilar face. Sour is the loss of will A stench so strong it lingers still. Faith is non-existant in Hell. Dreams like ancient ruins Have crumbled and fell. Taken away and replaced by fear. Where are the children They,re no longer here.What ever happened to the child And where did she go. Killed by the emptiness We've come to know. Lost with age in a life ill spent. Death of Innocence


Horror what else!


Who watches TV any way!


I like reading Brian Greene and Stephen Hawking or anything on quantum mechanics, physics, and string theorys. My major interest is forensic anthropology and archaeology. I study and learn as much as I can on the subjects. For fun I think Stephen King and Dean koontz fucking rock.


Doug Owsleyimg src=" m.jpg"

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Posted by Linda on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 05:20:00 PST