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About Me

"Discover the Magic of Trading The Forex Market With The Ultimate Edge -- The Single Most-Important Factor in Successful Trading Is Your Forex Education - And Yours Starts Right Here!!"

Wish you could've owned Google the minute it first went public?

Well, don't miss this opportunity -- the Foreign Exchange (Forex) market is about to explode. Now is YOUR time to learn this valuable skill!

At Forex Journey we teach powerful currency trading strategies and patterns, carefully explained so you can begin to use them immediately -- explosive money management techniques to build wealth -- and our Self-Mastery program will provide the confidence and discipline for success and is second to none! All this from the comfort of your computer -- instruction is taught live in the Foreign Exchange market, online and everyday...

See our charts, hear our voice, learn to trade step-by-step with us ... You're going to love this!

Learning This Lifetime Skill Is Just a Click Away!

View Our Membership Offer Here

I'm not exraordinary. I learned by obtaining my PhD from the School of Hard Knocks and through it all have found a better way. A way that develops the trader to master the process and let the trade take care of itself. Now I am ready to share what I've learned with you. There is a success path to trading the Forex and I'll show you the way.

Forex Strategy | Money Management | Self-Mastery

I've discovered that there's no magic wand. All the magic you need to profit in the Forex Market resides within you! You are the magician and that is why I teach trading from the inside out! Forex Education is YOUR key to success.

Subscribe to my FREE Weekly Forex Trading Newsletter , and every week I'll send you a brand-new training video that will help you start building your forex trading skills immediately!

It's an annual subscription valued at $197 -- but it's yours FREE if you subscribe today. Simply enter your name & email address below, and you'll start receiving videos right away!

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My Other Sites:
Forex Journey - Premiere Online Forex Education and Training My Squidoo Lens - Find out a little more about me and what I do Forex Journey Blog - My Forex and trading blog
Please read this Risk Disclaimer -- It will clearly state why you need your Forex Education before investing.

I am on a journey, a Forex Journey . Are you now ready to join me on that journey?

My Interests

Claim your FREE Weekly Video Seminar.

Packed with "must have" Forex tips and tricks.

Begin Building Your Forex Trading Skills Immediately!

Click here to start receiving your FREE Forex Video Newlsetter.

My Interest:

    Forex Trading
    Teaching People to Trade Currencies
    Trading Psychology
    Teaching People Abundance
    Tapping the Unlimitied Potential of the Human Mind
    Golf (my handicap is one of life's disappointments - but I am working on it!!
    Skiing (this is my hidden secret, I am an excellent skier! Still can't ride worth anything though)
    Traveling (34 countries and counting)
    Playing Sudoku

I'd like to meet:

If you have a strong entreprenuerial desire, want to increase your financial and investment intelligence, looking to work from home and want to learn to trade the Forex market -- I just may be the coach you are looking for. Also, you want to learn how to deploy the power of intention and personal self-mastery into your trading -- I want to meet you.

Fellow traders and people that want to trade the financial markets and people from all areas who believe that we all hold the answers to success within us and are ready to act to make their dreams -- reality -- I've been waiting to meet you my entire life!


R&B, Hip Hop, Jazz, Jazz, and More Jazz!


My best from the decades! 70's - Animal House (my first R-rated movie, I was 13!) 80's - Top Gun (I was in San Diego when the movie was released and saw the pilots!) 90's - The Sixth Sense (I didn't figure it out to the end!), Pulp Fiction is a close second (turned into a family classic) 00's - Jury is still out, but Peaceful Warrior is near the top.


Deadliest Catch, Man vs. Wild, NFL Sunday Ticket


Clear and Present Danger, Jurassic Park and The Tale of Genji. Plus, every self-improvement book out there!


Martin Luther King Jr - He had the right answer. There is not a question in the world that love is not the answer to.

My Blog

Sample Forex Video Newsletter

Hey Everyone! I just posted a sample of my video newsletter.  Just click my videos.  Check it out!
Posted by Todd on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 01:10:00 PST


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Todd Judkins Tel:  866-307-9490 ext. 1012 Email:  [email protected] FOREX JOURNEY  YOUR DESTINATION FOR FOREX TRADING EDUCATION Finally, an on...
Posted by Todd on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 03:41:00 PST

Pass It On!!

I got excited the other day when I met an employee from the Ford Motor Company.  I didn't get excited because I could get a great deal on a car. I got excited because her sole responsibility at F...
Posted by Todd on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 05:55:00 PST

Squidoo Lens

Check me out on Squidoo too! 
Posted by Todd on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 09:46:00 PST

Forex Journey Currency Training Website Live

We hit the switch and Forex Journey Currency Training Webiste is Live!!WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? There is good Forex training and there's not so good currency training. I have seen it all. I am no diff...
Posted by Todd on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 06:08:00 PST

What Time Is It?

Here and Now!   Trading is for real and like I have said on numerous occasions trading is a business.  Why then do so many traders treat their activities like a hobby?  True, we all hav...
Posted by Todd on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 01:06:00 PST

Forex Journey

Forex Journey "The Website" Is Almost Here!! »»THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!!« We are pleased to announce that coming soon is the launching of the Forex Journey Website which features: »Live Market Training »O...
Posted by Todd on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 12:31:00 PST

What A day!

Thanks Suge!  You are starting my space off right!  Early morning tomorrow, got to trade!  Later ...
Posted by Todd on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:45:00 PST