No longer together.....I know. It sounds so final. But after our musical interests seemed to drift apart, getting our heads together to write new music seemed to become impossible. Some of us have already found other places to empty our vast stores of talent. I know all five of us enjoyed our time together and the music we made. We also enjoyed it when people had a good time at our shows, this we might miss the most.At least we'll always have Paris!
See us live!
Hiya folks, PC Vulturo here,
the last couple of days I've had surprisingly few complaints about our not-so-serious biography, so I decided I might as well put the real thing up here. So that's what you are about to read; the sordid tale of how this band got to be; straight from the hoarse mouth.
It all started with these two guys on their way home from an especially invigorating concert (not theirs, it was Taking Back Sunday who did the honors, but that's a secret) and thinking how great the world of sex would be if only they were in a band that atracted as much girlies as the show they just attended. Well, who's to stop them but mother nature? The first guy had been honing his skill on the drums for a few years, so he decided he might as well be the drummer of said band. The second of the pair however, had no mad skillz as of yet, on any instrument you would like to name. So he decided they would be inspired by Anal Cunt, and do all the fiddley bits on the guitar and throw singing in for free. That guy happens to be me, and it soon turned out I wouldn't be challenging the devil with my shredding or axe-wielding any time soon.
With that said, the project was pretty much on ice until some dreadlocked b-baller asked me if I knew anyone in need of a guitarist. This doesn't happen everyday, in fact it was the first time anybody asked me something like that. Divine providence and such like. Well, pretty soon we were banging out the worst covers Pantera and Metallica had ever heard and gradually shifting from Grindcore to something closer to metal, with some of the weird bits kept in. Okay, says I.....
We had bunches of fun the three of us, but musically we were progressing slowly. Luckily, our newest addition brought along a friend whose band was on hiatus. He had heard good things about us (all lies!) and would like to play along for a while. We were happy with the experience of playing alongside him and listening to his awesome rock-'n-roll stories. But he actually decided he liked what we did, and stay on as guitarist slash synth-dude. Hereby the world's first Happy Metal band was born.
Finding a suitable bassplayer proved more difficult. We've had quite a few bass players. Some good, some awesome, some just damn amazing! None able or willing to stick with us, sadly. (pfff, we just didn't like most of them). It even took so long we decided to perform without a bassplayer and wait for one to fall in our laps. Which is exactly what happened. Stefan saw us play and decided he wanted to play along. Who were we to refuse?
The future looks bright, I think we all immensely enjoy what we do, and I know I love these here songs more every time I sing'em. I hope you like 'em too and come to our shows and buy our merch.
The name "Grow Up and Die" was derived from a kewl band called "Curl Up and Die" who we sound nothing like. They are no longer active, so we should all say our individual prayers for them to get back together and give me more, more I say, of their juicy tunes.
Maybe it would be helpful if I said something about the band's views on sodomy, incest and peadophilia. Those are bad, mmmkay? I know it's stupid to come out and say you are not being serious singing about three year olds and how tasty they are. How you are just being an idiot who likes to sing about stuff that still induce outrage in well-thinking people, but some are still unsure of my motives, so to waylay any misunderstandings: sleep with people of consenting age. That would mean rape is still ok, but it really
isn't, so stick with rap if you have to. Sodomy, on the other hand, is fine. If that's what you get off on. Also note: dwarfs don't really fashion god-like beings from metal and eating others to satisfy your capitalist urges is not
a great way to solve world-hunger, not even for descendants of cotton-pickers. I'm gonna stop here, you should too.
and oh yeah: "Keep on Growing!"