Another Life Lost profile picture

Another Life Lost

Writing our asses off! (Sorry if response is slow)

About Me

Another Life Lost was formed in the summer of 2005
in Bussum, Noord-Holland, when Jasper (Vocals, Guitar, age:18) and Maurits (Lead Guitar, age:19) complied to the urge to form a band.
One week later Marco (Bassguitar, age:18) joined the band,
and a couple of months later the band became complete as Titus (Drums, age:20) joined.
In March 2008 Marco decided to leave the band for reasons unknown. But not long after he had abandoned us, we found Jeroen (age:20) as the new bass player. He seems to be fitting stunningly well to the group like a perfect fitting glove.
Another Life Lost started off playing covers of bands
like Rage Against The Machine and the Chili Peppers and joining Jam sessions in de Tagrijn. After the band got better live- and mutual experience they started writing their own songs.
This resulted in their first own songs: Alone and Mind trap.
They gave various performances and received positive feedback from the crowd.
But the band wasn't happy with the sound of their own songs and they decided to discard their songs.
Trying to find a new sound, they created and subsequently recorded the song Don't Believe which you can find on this profile.
Meanwhile the band kept improving and became more certain of their mutual performance and -qualities.
Their sound could be described as a clash of music styles, this makes their music accessible for a bigger audience.
The band was influenced by bands like Seether, Element Eighty and Trivium.
Now we're writing new songs, continually changing their sound and becoming more and more influenced by their own musical talents but also some more alternative bands. The songs Amnesia and Cookie are the newest product of this development. they most recently won the Aevumbussum contest and recieved some gratitude
More Songs will follow, you can be sure of that!

My Interests


Member Since: 4/14/2006
Band Members: Jasper Roelofsen : Lead Vocals / Guitar
Maurits van den Nieuwboer : Lead Guitar
Jeroen Gude : Bass guitar / backing vocals
Titus Oosting : Drums.

Influences: -Element eighty
-Bullet for my valentine
-Linkin Park
-Arch enemy
-American Head Charge
-System of a Down
-Drowning Pool
Sounds Like: Another life lost
Record Label: Shopping
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Found a new bassplayer!

Hey we're glad to announce we've found a new bassplayer his name is Jeroen Gude and he's currently being trained :P!  He's a realy cool dude and everything is working out fine !! So stay tuned an...
Posted by Another Life Lost on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:42:00 PST

Woon je in nederland en wil je een band huren

top! als je graag beetje chille muziek wil luisteren zijn wij geschiktwe spelen van alles van Metal t/m Pop van Slipknot tot OasisHeb je intresse bel dan effe0638682392of mail naar: jasperroelofsen99@...
Posted by Another Life Lost on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 08:43:00 PST